Has anyone had any experiences with fighting for a second opinion for referral for Liver Transplant Assessment, plus got well enough to pass the assessment and got on the list & since received a transplant?
Any advice on what I can do to help improve husbands chances, hes had an awful journey at hands of hospital and through their sheer lack of care, and, being messed about terrible, and, not signposted to the correct Consultant, ended up being turned down to even go for assessment for transplant and they just wrote him off!
The one place he turned to for help, almost destroyed him and were left picking up the pieces and putting him back together both physically and emotionally! Needless to say, hes fighting, improving & proving them wrong!
It beggars belief what they did to him, I am heartbroken, fuming, desperate for help and advice, he has been so unfairly treated at the one place you turn to for help! Who can we trust now egh!
Many thanks