I spent last week in Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge where I underwent a transplant assessment. Despite a UKELD score of 50 i was turned down for assessment either now or ever in the future. This being due apparently to past medical history. Is there any form of appeal or second opinion that can be done.
Turned down for a Liver Transplant - British Liver Trust
Turned down for a Liver Transplant

I'm very sorry to hear this. I can't really offer any advise about how to go about an appeal or second opinion but perhaps by going back to your local GP or consultant and asking to try another assessment hospital. Really push them, astonishingly I was first told it was too late to go for assessment, I had to go away and think about what this meant. I went back the next day with my family and pretty much demanded to go to Kings.
It is my understanding that you can seek the second opinion from another transplant unit. Past medical history will however impact if it is likely to lead to problems during or after the transplant operation & some conditions are contraindicatory and pose too much of a risk factor for transplant.
My hubby has just been delisted after a 10 month period of being listed for transplant but it is because he was initially only borderline for transplant and his blood results have subsequently improved taking him below the necessary UKELD score. He is to be continually monitored with a view to relisting if and when the need arises. 49 is the base cut off as you obviously know and scoring 50 you should have scraped in but it depends on what your previous medical history was as they might deem it too risky to transplant.
However, I wouldn't take it lying down, ask for a referral to another transplant centre for a 2nd opinion.
Wishing you all the very best.
Can I ask what the pass history is that has let you down?
Hi sorry you didn't get on the list, I have been for an assessment twice only to be told I am not Ill enough to have a transplant. I am under Dr Devlin at Kings.