Yesterday I had an appointment with a hepatology consultant and to put it bluntly I have liver cancer, in total shock today, has anyone got any suggestions please?
Devastating news yesterday : Yesterday I... - British Liver Trust
Devastating news yesterday

I’m new here myself and with another chronic condition in the rheumatic field and now waiting tests etc re liver/ pancreatic cancer. So I can’t offer you any advice but can offer empathy and understanding.
What have they discussed as regards possible treatment options? There are often some options - things like targetted chemotherapy (TACE), liver resection - taking out the affected area of liver or even possible liver transplant dependent on number and size of lesions. It sounds like you need a lot more information from your liver specialist and/or oncology department going forward.
The British Liver Trust has a page about Liver Cancer and indeed have recently launched a separate site covering liver cancer.
There are lots of supports in place for people with cancer too from agencies like McMillan etc.
Best wishes to you,
Thanks so much for your reply. Apparently I don’t meet the criteria for a transplant. The next step is that my case will go to a muti discipline team to discuss my case and decide the best form of treatment for me. I am so grateful for coming to this site. Thank you
Sorry to hear about the ineligibility for transplant - I guess that comes down to the size of tumours involved, their actual location and indeed the numbers of tumours. Hopefully they can still come up with a treatment plan that will give you the best possible outcome.
Wishing you all the very best,
Forget to mention that I’m a diabetic Type 2 and that was the reason why I can’t have a transplant
Have you been seen at a transplant unit for that decision? Many patients with cirrhosis who develop diabetes due to cirrhosis or who have type 2 diabetes DO undergo transplant.
Diabetes on it's own isn't usually contraindicatory to transplant. I'd certainly question that. No doubt the transplant question is still to be discussed and may well come up during the MDT. I am in no way saying you'd definitely be a candidate for t/p but just saying that diabetes on it's own wouldn't be a out and out no.
Hi, I’m sorry to read your post. I think the first thing to do is let the news sink in - you must be in shock. It normal for cases to go to a multi disciplinary team meeting - waiting for that to happen can seem like ages. They can do amazing things now, so hopefully they will come up with a plan that works for you. As Katie has suggested, query the view that you’re not eligible for transplant and ask for a referral to the transplant team if necessary.
Also, make notes of your concerns, questions etc., over the days before your appointment, things you are not sure of and anything else that will pop into your head (there will be lots). The multi discipline team will have heard most of them before but should take time to listen and answer your fears. Good luck.
So sorry to hear that, but like Katie has said you need support and further answers. Try and stay positive xx
I to had liver cancer they did the performed something called rfa at the qe I Birmingham radio frequency ablation this worked gorgeous 4 years unfortunately it came back the next step was something called take trans arterial chemo embolization but then decided to transplant me .that was 6 years ago I'm fine now .regarding uour diabetes I had to inject insulin after the transplant as I was diabetic as a result of the transplant but that went back ti normal after a couple of weeks. I ding know for sure but I would of thought that uoyr diabetes shouldn't stop you from being transplanted .it is big shock for uou but there is a lot they an do for you BTW thr tumor in my old liver had gone when removed so tace had worked .if you want any help or advice this is a great resource just contact me I will help in anyway I can chin up and positive thoughts yo uou
I have liver cancer had radiotherapy treatment five doses now have MRI scans every 6 months all stable now lived with it for 3 years now don’t worry about it anymore as I feel fine. All the best. Don’t worry.
I’m a type 2 diabetic, after the cancer diagnosis the first choice was surgery but that was ruled out after a scan. Then I had TACE for 2 and a half years but unfortunately it was becoming less effective with every treatment. Radiotherapy was next but I was offered transplant just before it was due to start. Hope everything works out ok.
Sorry to read that. Hope they put forward a plan that works for you. There are lots of options that are possible depending on what your team decide based on how bad it is and what your outlook is like. I am currently on immunotherapy which is helping to keep my cancer stable.

Dear thedogman2676
We are sorry to read about your recent diagnosis.
We facilitate a virtual support group for people living with liver cancer (and their families and carers). If you [are in the UK and] would find it helpful to speak to others with shared experience, you can register to join a group here:
Also, if you [are in the UK and] would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
I'm very sorry to hear that. Best of luck and loads of virtual hugs from me.