Someone help me. My brother has stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver just came out of a coma , nobody here in Pa drs here not giving him answers hes skinny looks like a skeleton and is in constant pain that he cant move cramping up I hate seeing him this way he dont even kno what's going on or what he can or cant do these DRS here are NOT helping him. Not at all. This is hard watching him deteriorate in front of me N see him in this pain non stop ... what can I do to help him ?
I need help , stage 4 cirrhosis opinio... - British Liver Trust
I need help , stage 4 cirrhosis opinions needed NOW

Hi Starlee. Believe it or not the doctors do know what they are doing and will be doing everything in their power to save your brother's life. If he's just coming out of a coma, looking like a skeleton and in pain it's because of the cirrhosis. Make a list of all the questions you want answered then ask to speak to a doctor and put all your questions to him/her. They welcome questions, it shows you care and are interested in what they are doing to help your brother and will spare the time to do so. The doctors may not always look as though they are doing anything hands on for your brother, but even behind the scenes they will be monitoring his progress and treating his symptoms as necessary.
Best wishes
Well written Laura ...x
Hello Starlee
I totally agree with Laura's reply to you!'
Can I ask do you have any family members or a close friend supporting you and your brother as you must be feeling lonely otherwise.
I'm surely your brothers medical team are doing everything they can, so I suggest you take care of yourself too in the meantime ! Eat and drink as you need to keep up your strength . In the meantime I will 🙏 for your brothers recovery
Take care and please do keep in touch.
Love Trish x
Hello Starlee, just give your brother lots of love!! If he is in the hospital, he is in the best place, I totally agree with Laura, medical professionals know exactly what they're doing. They are angels on earth. Take care of yourself and him of course, which I'm sure you are, you're a good sister ❤
For the pain they usually give opiods or morphine x
And the pain relief is probably administered intravenously which means you won't even notice it. Honestly he is in good hands and receiving the best of care
Great advice and comments from our members. If you are in the UK why don't you call our nurse led helpline for a chat? 0900 652 7330
Best wishes
Focus on what you can control, and let go of what you can’t.
You’re stronger than your think, loving and courageous .
These things I wish for you...
Someone to love 💕
A bit of sun 🌞
A bit of cheer 💐
And a guardian angel always near 👼
Thinking of you as we all are, in your troubled times. Chrissie 👌x
I know it must be so hard for you to see your brother like this, they will be doing everything they can, it's just you might not see them doing it, please write down all your questions and as Trish said, have you got someone supporting you? We are all here for you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx