Thought I’d give a little update on my ARLD journey. After 1 year of initial Fibroscan results which were CAP score 316 and 28.9 kpa elastography score, which shattered my world as it wasn’t expected.
My latest results after abstaining from alcohol, which I may say has been oh-so difficult after drinking was the norm for 40 years. Anyway the latest results were CAP 239 and 18.9 kpa, which thankfully is a step in the right direction, I think?
Bloods are normal, however, they have been normal for a year. They did find 3 grade 1 esophageal varices though.
I must reiterate what’s been said by many, you have to push hard to ensure you get treatment/ tests on time, as everything appears to be reactive. However, once you get treatment/tests it’s really good and the staff are always great.
So not sure what future holds, 6 monthly ultrasounds and blood tests I believe, oh and another check for varices in a year.
The abstinence from drink is so hard and I would love to have a social drink as said by many on this forum, but I know it’s a drug albeit sociably acceptable, hence there lies the problem, a pat on the back when you give up smoking, keep going you’re doing brilliant.
With drink however, you’re antisocial! there must be something wrong with you! What’s the point in going out! I wouldn’t bother! That’s the drinking culture unfortunately and hence that’s why it’s so difficult for all the people struggling .
Everyday is a challenge but I keep going and hope it will get easier and not feel like my life is on hold. I read the difficult posts and I feel so connected and sorrowful, that it drives me on. Thank you for sharing your journeys and experiences.
I have learnt a lot this year but have a lot of questions in my head which don’t go away.