Slightly confused: doctor at hospital today (not gastro as no one available til end of week) said hubby's CP score was C and scale goes up to E or F, he wasn't sure as not his speciality. Is this right? Has he mixed it up? A quick look at Google suggests it is A - C. Any advice appreciated x
Child Pugh scores: Slightly confused... - British Liver Trust
Child Pugh scores

Hi -it is so confusing when you’re given different information . Child Pugh grades are A B. and C
C means it is decompensated cirrhosis. This is the same as my son . The score is made up of points from 5 test results including any ascities , levels of albumin , bilirubin, signs of Encephalopathy ( brain confusion - change of personality ) and INR ( blood clotting test )
Since my son was diagnosed I’ve learnt so much about our liver and kidney function - and I ask lots of questions when we see doctors or a liver nurse.
I hope you’re managing to rest at home and you’re trying to look after yourself . I watch a lot of rubbish TV to try and take my mind off the worry . Hope you sleep well love Carol xx
Child Pugh is definitely A-C with C sadly being at the more serious end of the spectrum.
Hope you are taking care of yourself.
Big hugs, Katie
Thanks Katie, I knew you would keep me right.I was a bit annoyed that I couldn't see the gastro consultant or registrar today, it appears the department is in some disarray and they are sharing staff with other nearby hospitals.
He's had another drain today, 12 days after last one, so we'll see how he recovers from that.
Good night xx
Hi, it’s frustrating when you can’t get answers from the right people. Is there a liver nurse at the hospital that you can speak to? They are sometimes more accessible and very knowledgable.
Hang in there - big hug x
When he was first diagnosed were you given contact details for a specialist liver nurse? If not you could ask the ward nurses if there is a specialist liver nurse in the hospital. They might have a staff directory that they can look on. I just call mine whenever I have questions.
Hi Readlots
Sorry for delay, there was an issue with Android phones and the forum.
No we have no contact details. He was diagnosed July 22 and had outpatient appt with gastro consultant, cirrhosis confirmed, told he would have 6 monthly appts with him, monthly appointments with nurse. We saw nurse Aug and Sept. No contact details at all for consultant, nurses or secretary. If I rang hospital I got a voicemail box which was unable to take messages.
Hubby was admitted to hospital Sept then Nov, then Dec. Never seen the same consultant nor the same nurse. I think they keep inpatient and outpatient very separate!!
However, on each admission to hospital he has seen different doctors and having been told yesterday that the department is in disarray and they are borrowing staff from other hospitals I can understand why I can never see anyone! He's not even on a gastro ward.
Maybe tomorrow.......
Rant over!!
Thanks for all your help xx
That’s so frustrating, my kids had he same issue with their diabetes nurses phone not allowing messages. Today wouldn’t be a good day to try with the nurses strike. I wish I could get some answers for you.
On the positive side, it as a borrowed doctor that sat and talked to me and Mum about her prognosis and put things in place.
I hope you have a better day today. Take care driving - those roads are slippy
Thanks so much. I'm trying hard to take everything day by day. No strike here in Scotland today. I've absolutely no complaints about any of the team looking after hubby, just unfortunate that none of them deal with liver or gastro conditions regularly. If he does improve enough to come home, I just want a plan. What medication, tablet or IV? As he's barely eating they've mentioned feeding tube- I know nothing about that. On the plus side, I'm learning lots! Thanks for caring xx
You’re welcome. I like a plan too. Failing that I’ll settle for a list…
No! Me too! 🤣😂🤣