Hello again all
I just wanted to update you all on my ‘progress’ (or lack of it ) in dealing with my now 6 week old problem with all over itching.
I am now in my sixth week of suffering with this, and my mental health has taken a battering due to my lifelong healt anxiety.
After first seeing my GP just a few days before Christmas, I returned again today to see a different doctor, and to tell him that my problems still remains. I hadn’t seen him before as he was either a locum or just someone new to the practice, and so I had to explain my situation in full all over again with him.
I told him that my health anxiety was telling me that I had either cirrhosis or liver cancer, but he - just like the first doctor - said that he thought this very unlikely given given that this was my only presenting symptom.
I’ve previously tried to treat the itching with a general moisturising cream, but the doctor supplied me with some different cream to use on the itch at night. I thought at first that he would have been happy to simply leave it at that, but he then went in to say he would request a set of blood tests to try to start to further figure out what was going on. He said that assuming the results were OK, then he thought I’d shouldn’t have anything else to worry about.
From looking at other posts, I think this is the point that other people on this forum would dispute, and would say that a fuller investigation should be carried out rather than to merely say that there was nothing more to worry about if my blood results were fine, and to then leave it at that.
I told the doctor that I was doing all that I could in submitting myself for examination, but had been having the terrible fears about the itching, but he replied again that it would be very unlikely for it to be cirrhosis or liver cancer if only just the one symptom was presenting. He further added that mere itching was ‘not a red flag for to suggest the likelihood of cancer’.
I have absolutely no desire to try to ‘second guess’ the opinion of two GP’s , but I hope you can understand my concerns about their apparently relaxed attitudes to my worry. I realise that they may have just been trying to calm my mind by not showing any ‘alarm’ at my situation, but until some of the ‘scary stuff’ in the form of a few tests have been completed, then I know I won’t be able to rest.
I apologise to you all for going over all this again, but I write this as an update on what has now become quite a protracted problem, and also to invite any further comments. Thank you if you’ve read this all way through…