not a question but just need to chat I'm sure my family and friends run out of things to say 🙄 so hubby had his second lot of varices banded 2 weeks ago also got put on the list 2 weeks ago 🥰 but he's been poorly since ...Dr said it could be a new medication he taking for cramp so not to give it him and only take 1 water tablet and take him to clinic in the morning for bloods ..just feel fed up tonight 😒
a little fed up: not a question but... - British Liver Trust
a little fed up

Hi Lippy, hey good news that he got listed. Last time you posted he was needing to put on weight to get fit enough so at least he's now on the list. Bloods from clinic will update his list position so it's good he's having those. Hang on in there, fingers crossed he and you don't have too long to wait for his call. Are you in touch with the QEB pre and post transplant group? They'll be a good outlet for 'waiting' strategies etc.
Best wishes,
thanks katie . Things just get to much sometimes but we are grateful he's now on the list I just worry when I see him not doing well .we back at QE in 6 weeks but our dr is good also
Remember that if see any deterioration between t/p clinic appointments you can contact co-ordinators who nay be able to bring forward appointments. No doubt you were provided contact info.
All the best, Katie
Aww Lippy so sorry to hear he's not well. You have been through so much and you are such an amazing support. Hoping that today has brought some relief and things are a bit better. Whatsapp me if you want to chat xx
Morning! I think of you often as our husbands were diagnosed nearly the same time with decompensated liver disease. Im so sorry Ste hasnt had his transplant yet, but now your back on the list I hope things start moving quickly, and Ste gets stronger and stronger. I feel for you, but I just wanted to say I think you are amazing, a tower of strength Im sure especially as I know you will be going through so much in your own mind. Take care and wishing you lots of luck xxx
morning, well since joining this group what a journey it's been .I didn't realise what our life would truely be like .Ste is on the list now but it's all the inbetweens we have to deal with .when the dr very first told us take the good days so you can deal with the bad he was right .where are you on your journey I hope you and hubby coping and he is listed . I have had to take some time of work as I been struggling trying to adjust. It's hard to not look back and miss what was so I'm trying to focus on a new future .Take care of yourself it's easy to say I now know what "it's OK to not be OK really means