17 months of total stress just about had enough of this rubbish if I had known how hard it is/been an not totally sure I would of gone on the list
Rant over
17 months of total stress just about had enough of this rubbish if I had known how hard it is/been an not totally sure I would of gone on the list
Rant over
Whats gone wrong?
Have you had a few calls with no success?
I think you are doing really well, I know it must be so hard for you.try to stay positive, , I know that's easy for me to say cos I've got all that to come when I'm put on the list. I don't know how I will cope
Thinking of you. Lynne
Thankyou Lynne you will cope when your on the list but sometimes you simply have a bad day x
Have some patience.. and be thankful you are actually on the list for transplant. Some of us are not that fortunate.. your time will come as and when. Yes i hear your frustration but that won't help.. sit tight. .👍
Huw don’t be all sad! Your my waiting buddy!! I’m just a little 4 weeks ahead of you. Just think you might be lucky enough to have everything done and dusted and be back at home recovering in 4 weeks & I shall still be waiting....🙄 and the. You can be the one to cheer me up!
I hope they call you soon; I really do. Stay focused and just keep taking one day at a time x
Thanks chelle,I’m sorry just been a proper bad day and to be honest am not even sure why,am hoping the call will come as yours will and I will be super happy for you time to stop feeling sorry for my self and carry on
It’s totally acceptable to have a rubbish day. I do and often and I get angry and sad and frustrated an cry....you know the drill. It’ll happen, we just have to wait. I’m a bit of a control freak with everything planned so this is a nightmare for me! Lol.
I am just making lots of plans just to have something to look forward to! X
Huw your call will come again. You must be not far off because you’ve already had one call. When I was last at Addenbrooks I got talking to someone who waited 19 months before getting theirs. Hang in there. Hope you don’t have to wait too much longer
I think you are very lucky to be on the list my husband was not able to go on it - so sit tight take day by day at least you can see light at the of the tunnel.
You all are lucky to be in the UK. It's really hard to even get on the transplant list in the US
Here it is like a lottery. I won't be doing it anyway. I'm too old with too many other trouble.
Hey, as I sense you know, it is just a bad day.....and no harm in shouting it loud and far, it may help vent pent up emotions......I wish you luck and patience, try to be philosophical about it all, others may be more fortunate, but there are plenty less so. wishing you good thoughts.
I waited on and off over 2 years, but then the call came and now 6 weeks later i am a new man, it will come it just happens all of a sudden, keep the faith
Glad you are feeling well gives everyone else some faith that there is light at the end of the tunnel best wishes x
No harm in ranting, we all get frustrated before, during and after and I personally think it's better to get it off your chest than holding on to it ...
As you have had one call it truly shouldn't be long until the next one and then you will be frustrated with something else it's usually going to the toilet within first week after the op and believe me that's a killer hahaha (hope it made you smile) ...
Hopefully your feeling a little better today and I keep everything crossed your call comes soon 😘
Thanks jo I do feel better today I think the rant helped even if it came across to a few that am ungrateful because I can assure everyone am certinally not and yes you did make me laugh.like so many others we are lucky to be listed but at times it plays havoc with your head
Love to all of you
Hi Huw, glad you are feeling better today, by no means did i mean to make you feel ungrateful in any way, i too have my bad days but i share that with my close family. Sorry if i upset you at all.. linda
Hi Linda,no you didn’t upset me normally I just enjoy life it really was just a totally bad day I to share these with my lovely family it’s just yesterday I wanted to scream & shout and I didn’t want to do it to them.others have waited longer than me and am in a mini race with another on here as to who gets there first lol. Take care huw
Huw you do not come across as ungrateful at all. After what happened with the first call it’s not surprising your nerves are shredded. As you said it was just a bad day, you have a rant it makes you feel better then you can carry on coping well for weeks and that’s how it goes
My hubby only waited 3 days on the list but if you had seen how ill he looked you would understand. Keep the faithxxxx
When I was on list called to hospital 3 time's at one time was prepped for theater, turned out all 3 livers where not suitable or in a worse state than mine this was in a 7 month period.for some good reason I went from decomp to compensated, have to say if it comes to it again I will not go on a waiting list again it was more than my wife could take.best of luck.