Bad/Terrible Pain in liver area. - British Liver Trust

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Bad/Terrible Pain in liver area.

Kuntzie13 profile image
23 Replies

So I have had every scan and blood test have come back ok…normal. I’ve have the deep dive blood test, normal. I’ve had a couple regular blood tests done which came back normal as well. I have had CT with contrast, MRI, an abdomen ultrasound and a deep dive ultrasound into the liver/organs of the area, multiple X-Rays. I’m 36 about to turn 37, this pain started as like a slight little “muscle pull” feeling well over a year and a half ago, and now it’s to the point that I’m having a hard time doing certain things. If I twist and such to the side or push on my lower right rib cage it hurts quite a bit more. I’m going to have a upper and lower GI scope done soon, and as k brace for bad news, I just hope for any news at this point. I have a dilated bile duct that’s all they can see in the imagining. Does anyone have this type of pain? Nothing takes the edge off or helps the pain, ice maybe a really little bit but that’s about it. I would say I don’t have much of any other symptom except some gut issues. Any help on the pain would be great as I’ve been unable to get a diagnosis to this point. Thanks

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Kuntzie13 profile image
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23 Replies
user2021a profile image

I have cirrhosis of the liver and at one point was in acute liver failure. I've never experienced pain in my liver - aching and a feeling of it being very swollen (it was) but not sharp pains as you describe.

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to user2021a

Yes and I’ve read so many say this and describe this the same. My anxiety is through the roof but the minute I get out of bed I’m in bad pain until I’m back to sleep again. I’ve stopped drinking which was always my crutch to help keep me calm, so now my anxiety and panic attacks are just ruining me. 😞

Tee2229 profile image
Tee2229 in reply to Kuntzie13

I'm feeling the same symptoms but finding it hard to put the drink down as I'm riddled with stress and anxiety

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Tee2229

Sadly, by it's nature alcohol is a downer drug and no amount of alcohol is going to cure anxiety and stress it is only going to make those conditions worse. I just replied to your own post with some helpful pages on treating fatty liver, if you can get a grip of this now you'll stand a really good chance of reversing any liver damage and go on to live a good long life. It's in your own hands to cure yourself of this condition before it gets worse.

Drinking and epilepsy/epilepsy meds is also not a great combination.


Mybrownie profile image
Mybrownie in reply to AyrshireK

Hi can you share the link for how to reverse fatty liver

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Mybrownie

mozlaw profile image
mozlaw in reply to user2021a

drink is no answer but stress management is look for groups or help near you

Purplerallim profile image

I too have pain like this . Mine started when doing zumba dance exercises, not on stretch but compression. It has never gone away, but I now wonder if I had a swollen pancreas at the time and pinched it. Now the ache returns when I've overdone it or am tired.

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to Purplerallim

Does your pain ever go away? Does anything help? Mine started as a slight but noticeable pain, to now it’s almost unbearable.

Purplerallim profile image
Purplerallim in reply to Kuntzie13

It used to be constant but now as I said it comes on when I'm tired or overdone things. This has taken a few years though

Gibi profile image

Sounds to me it could very well be nerve pain !Keep in mind that back and abdominal share same nerve endings and your gut not being right could very well be the anxiety that this has given you .

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to Gibi

Yes, I get told this sooo often. There is absolutely nothing that helps this pain, NOTHING! It is ruining my life and those around me. I have been going to the docs for 1.5 years and had so many scans and stuff to find out nothing. I’m so scared my liver is just going out and they can’t see it… I guess it is what it is but not knowing sucks.

mozlaw profile image

i had pain after sabr treatment for liver cancer .i took amiltryptilene for nerve damage .i decided after a few months that the pain had subsided and stopped taking them all is fine now my gastro enterologist recommended them.

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to mozlaw

This pain is fairly severe. I can push on it and it’ll take my breath away. Most of what I read says the liver wouldn’t necessarily be the cause of pain like that, at least not a liver that’s not enlarged. My scans apparently show now thing abnormal.

BritishLiverTrust3 profile image
BritishLiverTrust3AdministratorBritish Liver Trust

Dear Kuntzie13,

If you [are in the UK and] would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)

Best wishes

British Liver Trust

Moon_maiden profile image


I may have missed it, sorry to ask are you male or female? I don’t mean any offence just more about anatomy

As female I’ve had a lot of Gynae stuff which affected all over abdomen but adhesions don’t show on scans so op was only option. I’ve now got gallstones op coming up. They didn’t show until op in Feb for colon adhesions. This will be fourth op in under three years.

If it’s possibly muscular that can cause intense pain and giving massage I find that area is connected to the sacrum. If you look up the Lattisamus Dorsi (think spelling, it’s late) you can see it goes up the back to the rib area under the arm. It might be worth going for specialist massage or an osteopath.

There is still a difference between internal pain and muscular.

I did a SIBO test recently and it came back as IMO, different bug in large and small colon. That can cause pain, antibiotics are the main treatment currently in the medical world and different possible

Don’t give up, there will be a reason. If you can remember when it first came on and what you were doing it may help in working out what it could be.

YummyBear profile image

Have you ever had acid reflux? Maybe ask Gastro Consultant to try you on Omeprazole meds, to see if they help.I have NAFLD and recently after an acute bout of Shingles, I had acute pain in the liver area but. GP said it was nerve ending pain from Shingles. Two weeks later and no let up of pain, my GP asked what I thought it was. I said inflammation or infection and said I wanted a blood test for the ESR marker and CRP. Results: both tests were out of normal range. I was told to have repeats after 2 weeks! In total that was 4 weeks in pain! I had spare 2 week course of antibiotics at home, so I took these: after 2 days the pain vanished and has not returned! My GP asked the Gastro Cons to bring forward an ultrasound but NHS were too busy. So I tool matters into my own hands. If necessary, I will opt to go privately, if in such pain. I wish you well.

Ash322 profile image

I had that pain for years and they finally discovered it was my Gallbladder. It sits just under the liver. I had gallstones. They took it out, but I still have pain. Apparently very common after removal. :(

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to Ash322

Yea I don’t have a gall bladder! I hope it’s all mental 😩

Ash322 profile image
Ash322 in reply to Kuntzie13

Try using an ice pack where it hurts. I use one almost every night, so I can get to sleep.

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to Ash322

I ordered a nice one that I can tightly wrap around my torso and put it right where I want it! It definitely helps. I hate the pain, I have a horrible laundry list of back issues as well, I haven’t even hardly thought about my back lately but they team up quite well.

mtk0925 profile image

I’ve had pain like this since I was 23. I was a heavy drinker in my early 20s saw my uncle pass of cirrhosis and felt I could be next. So I really slowed down the drinking but would have a party or binge night here and there not daily maybe weekly sometimes, any ways…I don’t drank more than a few and not weekly. since I turned 27 I’m 37 now. Liver enzymes have gone up and down since my teen age years ct endoscopy and ultrasounds and even a barium swallow done in the past 10 years and now just an ultrasound once a year to monitor and it’s been told my liver is just “sensitive” to meds which I was on a lot and still am for my mental health

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to mtk0925

Yep I’ve cut out the drinking. I don’t have the best diet but alcohol had always been my problem. Now my anxiety is the worst.

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