My pain is really getting to the point I cannot understand how I do not have a diagnosis. I would almost rather them tell me I have a fatty liver or give me something that I can put in my sights and approve upon. I have had an mri, CT with contrast and an ultrasound all back clean except for a dilated bile duct. My blood work all normal. I have seen a couple doctors including a gastro. The gastro initially said my liver was swelled, but none of the scans have picked it up, she just made that assessment upon physical inspection. The pain in my right side is specifically at my liver, and is extreme pain as I can push in on my side lower rib cage and it hurts like hell. It hurts over my liver, behind in front everywhere. It doesn’t really get worse when I eat and I quit drinking for two months and it didn’t do anything. Does anyone have any clue?
Liver pain with clean tests and scans. - British Liver Trust
Liver pain with clean tests and scans.

I am in a very similar situation. All my results come back negative. The pain is all encompassing and the ill feeling is dreadful. My ALT goes to dangerous levels and then back again with no reason. I haven't drunk in over 10 years.
I really hope you get some answers soon.
I’m in the same boat. All scans including liver biopsy and fibroscan are fine and clear of fat, fibrosis, and inflammation. I’m in this pain all the time and all they found was Gilbert’s syndrome which is apparently benign.
I’m sorry. My pain keeps getting worse and worse. Some days I’m sure my eyes will be yellow but they aren’t. It’s the most depressing pain I’ve ever been in and I have been in a lot.
I wonder if reticulin stain has been applied to your histological samples?
I’m 36 years old, athlete and great shape. I work outdoors and eat healthy. My doctors will not give in to the idea that my be sick drinking and medicine addictions over the years could lead to liver issues. They pretty much dismiss it completely. I have dropped Tylenol thank god. Never again.
What is that?
What is Tylenol?
Reticulin stain
I think it's what they apply to a liver sample to identify nodular regenerative hyperplasia.
These are special histological staining of histological samples for reticulin fibers to search for collagen type 3 and diagnose incomplete septal cirrhosis and nodular regenerative hyperplasia. Unfortunately, not all pathologic laboratories use it.
Yea I definitely check my eyes everyday for jaundice but if I go to the hospital they will tell me it’s a symptom of Gilbert’s syndrome
I haven’t received any diagnosis. I’m not sure what all I’ve written here, but I was told my extrahepatic bile duct is dilated 1 cm. My pain has gradually gotten worse over a year or more time
Curious if you’ve had your gall bladder checked, maybe a HIDA scan? Does anything make the pain better or worse?
Hello Kuntzie, is the right side where your liver is the only place that it hurts? How long have you been dealing with this? Were the tests your doctor ordered specifically to check your abdomen region and with your liver in mind? An MRI would almost certainly show liver scarring and/or damage. The ultrasound would have shown a fatty liver which would have been confirmed with an MRI and/or a fibroscan. No other symptoms other than the side? Based on what you stated above the only thing I could think of would be a bruised or fractured rib. Has your doctor ordered a blood fibro test to check your liver function? Or is your doctor refusing to look into it further?
The problem has been going on progressively for over a year. The tests were ordered specifically to check my liver per my request. I have bad back issues which causes my doctor to think it’s my back but I just know it’s not. I haven’t really seen any other symptoms, maybe some bowel issues but I’ve also experience the same symptoms since I had my gall bladder removed.