Has anyone applied for this I understand you can apply 3 months before ssp runs out is it hard to fill in like pip is I havnt even gone down that route but stes ssp runs out in 3 months and that is his only income we have coming in for him 417 a month so when this ends apparently we have to apply for ESA so any info is much appreciated thanks sue😊
ESA: Has anyone applied for this I... - British Liver Trust

Hi there!! I too am on pip but do receive esa also I’m not going to lie it’s a pain in the bum trying to get it is like the pip process but they will back pay from the date of application so get it in there quick, you can have both plus dwp top up sometimes so sign up for that too also with pip you’ll get a blue badge for your car possible road tax exemption, and a reduction in your council tax hope this all helps give me a shout if you need to ask me anything at all!!! Good luck both and take care I hope your husband is doing good it’s a hard slog for you both I know !!
Thankyou for your info I'm dreading doing all this and ste not capable to do it 🙄
Will decompensated liver disease qualify ?
It's not the diagnosis but HOW the illness affects the claimant day to day.
My hubby was put on ESA (Support Group) early on in his diagnosis - he hadn't been working at the point of his illness taking hold so hadn't had SSP. Sick note off doctor and again a form to fill in about for the Work Capability Assessment - it's more likely that you'll now have to apply for ESA part of Universal Credit though not sure how it works.
Universal Credit covers the ESA, housing benefit and other stuff now, don't think there is a standalone ESA payment any more. Hubby is currently only on a virtual award - NI only as he received an inheritance that put us above the savings threshold.
When on ESA we also got housing benefit and council tax benefit.
Hubby is also on PIP (Enhanced Daily Living / Basic Rate mobility). We had to battle for PIP, all the way to appeal tribunal after scoring zero at first face to face. Now hubby has an extended award of PIP (till 2027) and I am able to claim Carer's Allowance too.
I use the Benefits and Work website to help with all the form filling because neither PIP or ESA look at what your diagnosis is but how the illness actually affects you day to day or with work related matters (ESA).benefitsandwork.co.uk/ (For a small annual fee they have member only guides that really help with all the form filling and how to prove your points)
Citizen's Advice Bureau will help you with claims and if your council has a welfare/benefits rights service they can be really helpful.
Hi. It would be new style ESA that he could claim for. I believe that the initial claim is straightforward, but there would probably be a capability for work assessment form sent out. (This would also be the case if UC was claimed instead of ESA). Depending on your household circumstances you may also be able to jointly claim UC - to top up household income/help with rent. There are online benefit checkers, but you would be best to get a proper benefit check from CAB or similar. They should also be able to help you with the capability for work form.
The PIP form is massively daunting but the sooner you make the claim the better as they are taking 6 months plus at the minute. CAB or a local independent advice agency should be able to help you complete the form. If you decide to complete yourself make sure you Google ‘PIP descriptors’ and you will see what info they are scoring on.
The benefit system is a minefield when you haven’t had to use it before, so definitely use whatever help and advice services that are available to you.
Thankyou yes I've been told about pip and CAB will probably be the way to go for help filling forms just need to get through on the phone now tried 4 times and after over an hour each time have give up but on Monday I'm going to sit it out till I get through .
Thankyou everyone e for your advice xx
Hi, these days you would go on new style ESA whis is contribution based, need to have paid NI for last two years, and you can put in a claim before SSP ends. PIP is not a means tested benefit and it honestly is best to get someone to fill it in for you. I personally would say to keep a dairy for a week and also attach a health summary from your GP. In all aspects of the questions it's also worthwhile keeping in mind how your health condition affects one constantly everyday, day and night mentally, causing sleeples nights, fatigue and more isolation than appropriate because one is so irritable because how one feels and pain etc. Don't worry just do them because the financial helps to take some of the worry away so you can concentrate on getting well.
The isolation part is true because his sleepless nights are frequent he doesnt or cant go out he just not up to it I'm like a zombie sometimes and just glad I only work 9 till 1.30 as I dont sleep more that 3 to 4 hours constantly worrying my latest worry is his ascites his weight is creeping up again and he said his stomach feels like a washing machine 🙄
I am going through this eternal issue at the moment with UC, ESA, PIP and council tax support. I ended work at the end of May last year so started applying for UC and Council Tax support then. It took till around September to get both of them. Council tax back paid but UC only gave me £3 per week on my initial paymentd. I challenged this heavily as how could someone live off this? I also applied for PIP and ESA is September.
I had my transplant on 21st October. Post op in hospital I was still on the phone to UC, obviously after an hour holding to talk to someone every time.... I was at my wits end and was in tears through frustration. It turns out I had been advised incorrectly and needed to apply for the limited capability to work element of UC. I was also told that even when completed it would be months until it would be assessed and I would receive anything. I eventually wrote to my MP and things got resolved quite quickly and was awarded both standard and Ltd capability pay though for the second part you have to wait 3 months to receive.
So I was now on SSP, UC standard and Council tax support. My SSP of £96 per week ended in December and ESA of £75 per week for started. In January I thought I would be getting my standard UC plus Ltd capability. I was then told that my payment was reduced as I was now receiving ESA. This is a unacceptable ruling that with UC there is a threshold to have earnings of up to £500 before it affects your reward but the same threshold is not applied when you get ESA. So after all the stress caused applying for ESA through advise from Cab I was no better off. On top of that I have now also had my council tax support removed which I am still challenging.
I eventually had my PIP assessment on 29th December after applying in September. At this point I was 2 months post transplant and much better so got awarded nothing.... I needed it when I was sick but the length of the process makes this a nonsense.
The system is simply horrific..... If I can advise anyone please message me. I have been asking the British Liver Trust to write some literature or offer support on this as it is a massive stress on top of what you already have to go through with the illness. If anyone wants to join forces to lobby any of this I would be more than happy to set up something.
Simply the benef system is not fit for purpose with long term sickness when SSP expires.
I am still battling this now..... Please drop me a line if you want to support
I have applied for UC and have asked them what happens when ssp ends I have only just messaged them this morning so I will wait to see if they apply as I keep getting confused do we just stay on UC or do we have to apply for ESA 🙄 like you said they sure make it hard 😒
Hi I claimed for esa when my ssp was running out its nothing like the pip I did most of it on line on the government Web site x