I used to have mild heaviness in the brain after eating high protein food.I have liver fibrosis stage2 .Does fibrosis can cause mild encephalopathy?I also asked my Hepa regarding that but he does not have any answer for it ....
Is it hepatic encephalopathy? - British Liver Trust
Is it hepatic encephalopathy?

Hepatic Encephalopathy usually affects people with cirrhosis ... advanced liver disease. Please see britishlivertrust.org.uk

Does mild hepatic fibrosis causes HE symptomes?
I dont think so. I dont think theres even such a thing as mild HE. You either have it or you dont and when you do, you know you have it or rather people around you notice it. Slurred speech, making little sense, hallucinations, problems writing, confusion.There are many people on this site who have had it themselves with cirrhosis and is treated with lactulose. I can only go by how my husband behaved with it..... it is quite frightening to witness. As I said you will get a lot of info about HE on the livertrust website. Good luck.
Dead right laura. I often thought myself to be fine (in between the episodes where I was completely “out of my head”) and it was only after my TP that my family told me I was actually doolally for about 3 years. But I didn’t know it......
Its an awful condition isn't it? So you dont have any episodes anymore ?
No thank goodness. TP has sorted that “little” issuette out! I even have it in writing from the liver Consultant lol 😁👍. Sad me !! found that gem last night when I was looking for something in my medical records 😑
After our earlier chat and what I've just read above, I must read up on HE as hubby's speech is slurred now and then plus memory occasionally foggy too! 😔

You might want to have a look at the BLT page on the subject. britishlivertrust.org.uk/li...
I've browsed the full link which was interesting! Hubby seeing cardiologist on the 11th of July due to numerous angina attacks which could have been brought on by too many drinks mixed with his medication now and then ! Naughty I know which I'm trying my best to control 😔😔😔!
I totally agree with the previous comments I used to get it badly.
One trigger was high protein food, one night with beef and a good full English in the morning and I was gone!
HE is not associated with F2. Its a sign of decompensation in cirrhosis. So short answer is no.
Hi kuda,
Consuming a large, heavy meal can raise your blood sugar (insulin) and other hormone and ammino acid levels in the digestive system, inducing a feeling of stupor. The medical term for it is postprandial somnolence. Seek out a dietician's advice for your specific needs, adopting healthy eating habits can't hurt and may help. It is possible that you have fat deposits in the liver that can be eliminated with a healthier diet.
You sound like you speak from experience Boot

Mostly at Thanksgiving 😂 but once a year isn't too bad, is it?
I once tried to phone an American friend living in London on Thanksgiving Day (American holiday celebrating first Pilgrim harvest, supposedly shared with Native Americans, involves eating large amounts of roast turkey, pumpkin squash, corn and beans) and the operator informed me it was four a.m. and they don't celebrate it ☹️! 😂