Dad still in Hospital, advice needed - British Liver Trust

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Dad still in Hospital, advice needed

Emmyn91 profile image
28 Replies

Hi I posted a few days ago about my dad who was admitted into hospital due to a fall which turned out to be dizziness from oesophageal bleed. He had 3 varcies banded (which stopped the bleed) while under general anaesthetic due to being very confused and agitated. Since this procedure he has been on the ICU sedated and asleep. So we are now on day 10. He has since had another camera down the throat to double check the bleed has stopped. And a CT scan of his liver to look for a blockage or a blood clot, which came back just showing Cirrhosis (which we already knew) so it seems to me now the main problem is dads blood pressure has been 108/47 with medication trying to keep it up. And when they try to wake him his heart rate and blood pressure go through the roof! Obviously everything slowed down over Christmas but I just feel like I don’t know what I can do now, everyday the nurses tell me no change he is stable, we tried to wake him up but he became agitated so we put him back to sleep again. He is on a ventilator with 30% oxygen. They don’t seem to know why is blood pressure is low, they say oh it could be an infection it could be the sedation. Dad was diagnosed with decompensated Cirrhosis at the end of March this year and has been alcohol free since February this year, so 10 months which the icu nurse told me will make no difference! But it has since March he really had improved. I do know he is in the best place but I’m just living in limbo at the mo, any advice or anyone’s own experiences would greatly help. Sorry for rambling, just very worried.


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Emmyn91 profile image
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28 Replies
redpoint72 profile image

oh my love...i know its not easy,but don't give up. I had decompasted liver not so good at advising folk... I'm sure lovely Laura will help u more... but my best wishes.. chris

Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to redpoint72

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I’m glad you seem to have managed to get your illness under control. We definitely won’t give up :) going to visit him and speak to the doctors today so hopefully they can give me a better insight 🤞🏻

Thank you,


DavyGravy profile image

Hi Emma

Often when someone is put into a medically induced coma it is to give their body a chance to heal. I'm sure the team looking after him want to get him awake as soon as it is possible, but only when it is safe to do so.

If his blood pressure goes too high when he is awake that puts him at risk and perhaps the team feels it better to manage his lower blood pressure and look for any possible problem while he sleeps rather than put him at risk by waking him up too soon.

The waiting is always the hardest part, it is when you will feel the most helpless. I'm sure 10 days has already felt like an eternity. Knowing he is in the very best hands in the best place will not make the time pass any quicker but I hope you take some comfort knowing that, and the fact his bleeds are all stopped. They just need to get his BP under control.

You are a caring daughter so you will worry anyway but take care of yourself while you wait. It may be a few weeks or hopefully just a few hours.


Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to DavyGravy

Thank you so much for your reply Dave. It really means the world to me, and getting it all off my chest takes it out of my mind! Yes I am just so glad that he is in the best possible place and we are soo lucky to have the level of care he is having. I visited him yesterday and he looks very comfortable. It may take some time but hopefully they can wake him up slowly and safely. I am just a daddy’s girl 😂 and yes 10 days seem like 10 months. I will try to stay positive and patient.Thank you,

Emma x

DavyGravy profile image

I'm glad you posted Emma.

We really appreciate it that you have taken the time to update us and my heart goes out to you because I can feel your anguish as I read your words. Posting here makes us feel better because, we are sharing and feel as though we are doing something. So I'm glad it has helped you get it off your chest, because it helps lower anxiety, stress and your blood pressure.

I hope he is awake soon.

Dave x

Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to DavyGravy

I’m due to give birth in 39 days 😂 so do really need to be keeping as calm as possible! Thank you so much.Emma x

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Emmyn91

Whilst Dad is in hospital and getting the best care possible it is absolutely IMPERATIVE that you look after yourself and your little one. Unfortunately, whilst Dad is in hospital there is little you can do so let the professionals handle that side of things and you take care of yourself and your bump - exciting times ahead with a new arrival soon.

You take care.

Katie x

Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you, yes I have completely faith in the NHS and I can see he is getting amazing care. My dad wouldn’t want me to worry and stress (easier said than done) it is out of both of our hands now and all we can hope is dads body is up for the fight 🤞🏻 Xx

DavyGravy profile image
DavyGravy in reply to Emmyn91

Oh that is wonderful but at the same time one more thing for you to deal with. At almost 8 months (as Katie said) it is absolutely IMPERATIVE that you look after yourself and your little one. The last thing you need now is stress and high blood pressure, so make sure you find some quiet time, time to focus inwards on you two, elevate those ankles and think calm serene thoughts.



Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to DavyGravy

Yes I visit dad, let the family know the latest updates and then try and relax. I know dad would want me to bless him x

Allystar profile image
Allystar in reply to Emmyn91

Congratulations ❤ Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and your new baby. I really hope and pray you Daddy recovers very soon 🙏🏼 💙

redpoint72 profile image

my duck upset writhing this...but feel free to talk,rant,moan..we r all in the same boat...nothing fases me. and yet I feel so best wishes Chris

DavyGravy profile image
DavyGravy in reply to redpoint72

Chris you will never be alone here mate, we're all with you just as you are here with us. :)

I often find when I'm awake at silly o'clock in the morning, someone else is always here... this place is like a sanctuary, I come here and people are always chatting, within a few minutes it's like being in the same room.

It's nice everyone seems to be on the same wavelength. Everyone can bring something from their own experience as an example to ease someone elses worries. Just posting replies or asking questions make us all bond a little more each time.


Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to redpoint72

Aw bless you Chris, I can imagine you feel that way, I know my dad has felt the same. Please send me a message if you need a chat anytime xx

Tia2021 profile image
Tia2021 in reply to Emmyn91

We are all here for you sending strength and hugs to you, take care of yourself too, we are all here for you , XXX🧚‍♀️

Positive001 profile image
Positive001 in reply to redpoint72

Sending you a hug xx

Tia2021 profile image
Tia2021 in reply to redpoint72

Chris you are never alone we are all here for you, having a good moan or rant is healthier than bottling it all up, big hugs to you , you need start a fairy garden like me or Elf 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚🧚‍♀️🧚🧚‍♀️ rather than talking to myself I have a thoughtful moment to reflect on how very lucky I am to still be here and have such amazing support on this site , Hugs to you xxx

redpoint72 profile image

oh just so glad,u have new a new one coming in to the world.. I so wish I had some 1 to turn to.but not to b..i look after my dad,advanced Parkinson's disease... he fell again today. doesn't seem quite fair. but not the place,I suppose.....if only my liver would leave alone...take care my duck...chris

Tia2021 profile image
Tia2021 in reply to redpoint72

Maybe it's time to get some help for your Dad bless him, you can't do everything when you are not well yourself , love to you, big hugs XXX🧚🧚

Lils2019 profile image

Hi Emma,I went through similar 18 months ago but with my husband, he had a bleed and ended up in ICU, he was in there for 11 days, he had high blood pressure, he was agitated however his high BP was down to them detoxing him from the alcohol, and he had aspiration pneumonia.

They struggled waking him up and every time they lowered the ventilator they had to raise it again, he was sedated just enough.

He can’t remember any of it, but the staff were brilliant and just kept trying, taking it day by day.

He also had post op delirium, we would be having a relatively normal conversation and then out of nowhere would come the most ridiculous sentence you could dream of, such as did you hear that gunfire, it’s next door, and I’ve rung around 20 taxi’s, when I asked where they were going to, he gave an address we lived at 25 years ago.

He now has decompensated cirrhosis, the aim is to try and get him back compensated, he was refused a transplant as he is to poorly.

Please as others have said look after yourself, you need some “me” time too.

Exciting times ahead with the little one due soon.

Hope all goes well for you, bump, and your Dad.

And remember this forum is great place for support and advice.

Take care x

LemonMeringue15 profile image

I just wanted to say, you may or may not have seen my post about my ex. Earlier this year he was put into a medically induced coma which je was in for over 2 weeks. He'd had pneumonia, liver and kidney failure, blood pressure problems and ascites and jaundice. He was very, very poorly. He came through that and as allele else said, he was very confused when he woke and that lasted another 2 weeks. He also needed help to walk and talk again.I hope you are looking after yourself, your baby needs you to! I know that is very hard to do.

Thinking of you

Positive001 profile image

Oh sweetheart. It is so hard to see your Dad like this l know. Like you say he is in the best place and it may look as though little is being done apart from monitoring your Dad to see how is body is reacting and behaving as his condition could go either way. Even up to 3 days before my husband died of alcoholic liver disease, the amazing doctors in ICU never gave up hope even when l had. So don't give up on him, have faith in the care he is receiving, and what is to be will be. Our bodies are so complex and even the most qualified specialists can't always pinpoint an exact reason behind a symptom especially when organs are so badly damaged and the body is in an almost vegetative state. Spend time with your Dad if you can, look after yourself well and that new little life you are soon to welcome into the world. Stay safe, stay calm and smile as much as you can.

All the very best to you.

Laura xx

Simonamur profile image

Hi Emmy I know what you are going through is awful! My dad has been diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis in May 2021 and hasn’t had a drink since then. His MELD score was 21 and dropped to 18 due to good blood test results. However on 23rd of Dec he had very low blood pressure, he was not able to breathe properly and was very weak, no appetite. We called the ambulance, they took him to the hospital where doctors drained around 7 litres of liquid from his lungs, during the procedure he fainted, nearly died but doctors managed to stabilised him. Luckily he was in hospital 🏥!

If your Dad is in hospital that is the best place to be, it is concerning but your dad is recovering slowly and doctors are looking after him and giving him the right medication.

Wishing him speedy recovery!

Emmyn91 profile image

Thank you for everyone’s lovely responses, thought I would just give a quick update on dad and hope maybe some of you can share your experiences.Dad is still in ICU his sedation is right right down just enough to keep him relaxed but let him try to wake up they say. He moves his arms, legs and head spontaneously (he doesn’t follow commands) his eyes are open but he is looking up and not focusing but he can blink and close them.

His blood pressure is back to normal range without medication. His ventilator is on the setting where he can take breaths but the ventilator can kick in as and when it is needed.

I am just very very worried about dad not coming round properly the nurse this morning said it was abnormal. Yesterday his ammonia level was 68 the highest a few days ago of 103. We have had positive news with the blood pressure and ventilator. Now I am just very very worried about his brain 😕

Thanks for reading,


Emmyn91 profile image

Hi quick update on dad,Dad has had his ventilator taken out now he is just on nasal oxygen. He is nodding and shaking his head when I talk to him. And following commands from the doctors and nurses. Hopefully he can slowly and steadily start recovering now. He obviously seems very very tired ect but has been through so much bless him. Still keeping everything crossed but trying to stay positive that everyday he can get a little stronger. And 28 days till the new baby is due 😂😁 thank you all for reading and hone replies it really means a lot.


Aotea2012 profile image
Aotea2012 in reply to Emmyn91

That’s very good news. Your dad is certainly improving and hopefully will be home from hospital in time to meet his new grandchild. It’s really important that you look after yourself too at the moment. Your dad is in safe hands. Try to relax as much as you can. Take care.

Emmyn91 profile image
Emmyn91 in reply to Aotea2012

Thank you, he is definitely in the best place the nurses and doctors are amazing. Yes I am trying 😂 I’m thinking why am I so exhausted, oh I’m due to give birth in less than a month! Good thing is I’m now on maternity leave so more time to relax.Emma.

Emmyn91 profile image

Quick update on dad, Physio had him sitting in a chair this morning 😁 it has been deemed he is well enough to move out of ICU and on to a rehabilitation ward 😁 fingers crossed things keep going in the right direction but I know he is in the right place. Thank you all for your comments they really did help me alot.


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