Stable but critical,he was taken in with very low blood pressure he has got a bleed somewhere but he is to ill for them to do any investigaions so are giving him blood and a whole host of other things they want him to g to kings but even if they had a bed for him the only way they could tranfer him is to put him out but the risk is too high for them to do that so all we can do is hope that he improves enough for them to find out what is going on.
Hubby now in ICU: Stable but critical,he... - British Liver Trust
Hubby now in ICU

Dear Treamber,
I will pray with all my heart for your hubby and you. Please stay strong... This is a time when you must make sure you are drinking and resting as you must be so tired and exhausted...
I hope that they can transfer him asap to Kings...
Lots and lots of love,
Thinking of you both at this time.
I really hope he manages to get to Kings.......its a terrible disease......good luck.
Remain strong all that will be well inchaalah
I wish I could do more for you but the best I can do is to pray for healing for him and for strength for you to carry on supporting him.
The very best of wishes to you both,
😓😓😓 sending lots of love and healing thoughts 😘😘😘😘😘😘 We are all here for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thinking of you both , really hope they sort it 😊
I will also pray for you both ,sending lots of good wishes ,xx
Prayers n thoughts are with you both xxx
My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless and give him strength to recover
Sending positive thoughts to you both.
Stay strong he will need you now more than ever thinking and praying for both of you xxxxxxx
I hope your husband gets better soon. He definitely needs to be with the specialists. Hopefully his health improves enough for him to get there.
Best wishes
Hope he improves soon 🙏
Thank you all for your kind words,steve is still in local hospital there is no change but he is going to kings as soon as a bed is free the next 24 hors are critical they did a scan today and found that the tumour has eroded through the liver and this has caused his liver to bleed and his stomach is full of blood so at the moment his best chance is an op to try and repair the damage apparently kings have a surgeon who is capable of doing this if they cando an op xx
Dear Treamber,
I am praying that your husband is given the strength to fight this and he is transferred to Kings asap.
Again, please keep yourself hydrated and try and rest as well.
Lots and lots of love,
Hope your husband gets moved ASAP and my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
I'm deeply sad for you, and am with you in the hope that the best is been done for him,you must keep yourself in good health and surround yourself with uplifting spirits
As you will need your strength for when he recovers,
You are in my thoughts and Prayers
Deep meditation is where I go for comfort and healing,
Warm love and thoughts are with you
May God bless and keep you both and give you the strength to cope with what ever life has ordained for you both.
God bless you both. X
Dear Treamber,
My thoughts and prayers are with you & Steve. I hope you are now at King's & he is getting the care & surgery he needs.
Remember to take care of you, as it can easily be forgotten, eat, fluids and rest when you can. Worry is exhausting. Give it some calories to burn!
Xx Cibble