Advice on Diet to reduce liver Fat? - British Liver Trust

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Advice on Diet to reduce liver Fat?

Kylewillmott profile image
30 Replies

Hi all,

Looking for some advice from the great people here on diet to help reduce fat in the liver. My typical day is as follows:

Breakfast - Just green tea or fresh squeezed lemon into sparkling water.

Lunch - Brown toast, whole avocado, tomatoes with side of roasted almonds, lentil chips (100 grams max)

Dinner - Cooked frozen tuna with soya sauce and sesame oil, as many green veg (broccoli, sprouts) that can fit on the plate.

Grazing throughout the day is roasted almonds, blueberries, bananas.

Drinks through the day are water, tumeric tea and black coffee.

Vitamins I take are tumeric, vitamin e and milk thistle daily.

I fast for 16 hours a day also.

Exercise is at least 30 to 45 mins cardio 5 times a week.

As a 33 year old man, 6ft 1 12 stone 8ish my calorie intake is about 1200 max.

Am I doing the right things to reduce liver fat? Or do people have any suggestions? I’ve been eating like this proper for about a month.

Thanks in advance

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Kylewillmott profile image
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30 Replies
jbrking profile image

Hi. Avacado and nuts are both high in fat. Good fats but still fats. Have you tried cutting them out and see what happens? As your having oily fish that should be enough.

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to jbrking

I haven’t tried yet no. I only had my fibroscan a week ago privately and have another one with the NHS on Jan 11th. I suppose I could cut back and see if there is a difference in the CAP number.

YummyBear profile image
YummyBear in reply to Kylewillmott

Hi, your details have encouraged me so much. My KPA was 14.8 five years ago (Cirrhosis/NAFLD). Due to Covid the NHS have a backlog of patients with overdue follow-up appointments. Could I ask if when you went privately for the Fibroscan, did the Consultant send a copy letter to your NHS Consultant? I would like a Fibroscan but wouldn't want my NHS Consultant to be aggrieved by having it done privately. I just need to be assured.

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to YummyBear


Have you managed to get yours down?

Nothing was sent to my GP. I have kept everything from the private scan.

My father has PBC and AIH, Covid has meant he has had no scans or checkups (other then blood work) for the last 2 plus years. So I’m not sure my GP would of even cared if the scans did go to them.

YummyBear profile image
YummyBear in reply to Kylewillmott

Kyle, Thank you very much for your prompt reply. In reply, I have no idea if KPA is down, as I mentioned in previous message that the one Fibroscan I had was 5 years ago, nothing since. I was surprised your Consultant did not send a copy report to your GP or Gastro Consultant, as is usual practice between NHS and Private sector. I may try seeing a Consultant for a Fibroscan. Thank you again for your help.

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to YummyBear

I see.

I requested them not to. This is probably why.

YummyBear profile image
YummyBear in reply to Kylewillmott

Thank you Kyle, I will do the same. As I said, I do not wish for my Gastro Consultant to be annoyed with me. Well done on your excellent diet regime and for having such a good result for the Fibroscan, keep up the good work.

Yellowsydney profile image

There is information on diet on the British liver trust website to download

Mkvi profile image
Mkvi in reply to Yellowsydney

I eat about 110 grams of fat per day, and I have NAFlD. ( one whole avocado, 1 tablespoon olive oil, handful of nuts, and salmon three times a week). I greatly improved my condition. I’m also pretty active and weight training. Healthy fats are excellent for your liver, but not every person will benefit from the results, so it’s best to see your team of doctors/ nutritionist.

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to Mkvi

I currently have no nutritionist and my GP is not that great (called my number and asked to speak to herself….Forgets numerous facts about my medical history). Would I need to request to be put onto a nutritionist via my GP or at the follow up to my fibroscan?

kensimmons profile image

I am not a doctor or nutritionist! You should consult one.

I have read online that 1200 is the absolute lowest you should go regarding calories per day. To me it seems you are taking it too far, unless this is supposed to be something you do for a brief time weeks. Plus a super low calorie diet drives down your metabolism which kind of defeats the purpose.

Again, I could be misunderstanding all of this, but this has always been something that keeps me scratching my head. I understand we all need to cut back on unhealthy "junk" food, but how many calories a day should we eat normally and how many on a diet?

Maintain with this - obviously less calories willl drop your weight - but here is the start point according to the famous Mayo Clinic -

Good luck to you, it is a confusing issue - talk to a doctor or nutritionist and certainly don't listen only to some fool on the internet like me!

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to kensimmons

Thanks buddy. Guess it’s seeing what foods etc react best to ur liver. Party line seems to be whole foods good, good fats good.m, everything else evil!

Kylewillmott profile image

Everything I read on the associated liver health site states good fats stimulate healthy activity within your liver. So I do try and stick with the almonds and avocado.

The low calorie diets again seem to be what the liver trust etc say is good to go with.

Since I had Covid about a month ago I find it hard to eat more then 1200 to 1500 per day. I have very little appetite.

Ubwa profile image

Eat a balanced diet and don’t eat more than you need.

Not a fan of this diet of the week and that. Nutrition can be broken down into simple chemical processes. The simplest being is to lose weight, burn more energy than you expend , to keep weight they should equal each other and to gain weight eat more than you expend. Overall it’s as simple as that. Only once you have that basic bit going then you can specialise in what works best for your body type and adjust accordingly. Throw in exercise (which I’m sure is 90% of most people’s weight problems) and you are onto a winner.

Humans need to eat carbs, fat and protein. There is no getting around that. Key is balance for your body and not eating junk all the time ( the occasional McDonald’s won’t kill you!)

Kylewillmott profile image

Would agree with that.

I’m 6ft 1 male, 33 with a bmi of 23, pescatarian for 4 years. But somehow have 60% fatty liver (fam history of it). So I’m looking for specific foods to help strip away the fat.

There’s some conflicting info online, but I’m going with your approach or balanced diet and upping my exercise. Have lost 9lbs in 7 months on a variation of my diet in the OP.

Positive001 profile image

You're wasting your money on milk thistle and is likely to cause damage to your liver rather than cure it as suppliments such as this causes the liver to have to work harder to process it. All your fatty liver needs to repair is low fat eating plan of lean meat and fish, plenty of fresh fruit and veg and time to heal. Drink plenty of water and regular daily exercise.All the best. Laura

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to Positive001

I’ve ready so many things about milk thistle being good for the liver as well as tumeric? It’s hard to know what to follow.

I’ve also heard some say no sugar at all including natural sugar in fruit and some say fruit (especially berries) is great. 🤷‍♂️

Positive001 profile image

I know a lot of confliction. Natural sugar in fruit is far better than taking milk thistle which has no proven benefits for the liver. It's always best to avoid any suppliments which haven't been prescribed by your GP. I too would recommend speaking to a liver specialist dietician. Best wishes.

I have added a few links from our website which you may find useful.


Cat551 profile image

Hi Kyle

I would suggest avocado and nuts in moderation. Meaning a couple of slices of avocado and a small palm size handful of nuts once or twice a day. Have you tried tempeh? You can cook it with vegs, and spices and add a small bit of olive oil before serving. I eat Bob Red Mill Bran cereal in the morning. Yes, it has carbs but is high fiber which aids weight loss. Healthy oils do help the liver, but when the liver is struggling with too much fat, you need to lose some weight. 1200 calories is most likely not enough to eat in a day. Fast weight loss can cause inflammation to the liver as well. Look up on the web the amount of calories you should be eating for someone your size to lose a reasonable amount of weight a week. Stay the course, it takes some time, but you will get there. Add in 30 mins of any exercise each day. Good luck and you can do it. Keep the goal of a healthier liver in mind.

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to Cat551


I actually find it hard to know what to eat, to eat more then 1200 to 1500 per day?

I snack on smoked almonds, lentil chips and blueberries in the day.

Are there any other recommendations for liver friendly foods to boost the caloric intake? (I don’t eat meat)

Cat551 profile image

I suggest checking to see the calorie recommendation for someone of your height and current weight to lose moderately each week. And as stated, exercise will help you lose weight and is good for your liver. I would ask your GI or liver specialist about milk thistle. Mine told me not to take it. Be careful about what you read online about supplements. You don’t want your liver to work harder.

I have NAFL, but it’s the lean type. I don’t need to lose weight, but I did lose 10 lbs and now my liver fat is near normal. My doctor says keep the weight off, and continue to follow a healthy diet (no sugar), to keep my liver healthy. I more or less follow a Mediterranean diet, minus meat, alcohol, and are careful with carbs (whole grain). I also rarely eat processed snacks. Maybe be Wassa crackers occasionally.

I eat oatmeal (rolled oats), or Bob Red Mill high fiber bran cereal with berries or egg whites and vegs, with whole wheat toast with avocado (1/2 at most).

Lunch or dinner, tempeh or tofu with vegs, chickpea pasta (Banza high fiber) one serving with vegs and a tbs. EVOO., homemade bean burgers, lentils and a little brown rice and eat 1-3 fruits a day (berries, pears, apples). Use almond butter on fruit. A little EVOO on vegs after they are steamed.

A healthy diet and exercise will take the weight off. I don’t know what your Fibroscan kPa is, but if it’s high, you might want to see a GI or liver specialist.

I use the free version of MyFitnessPal, to keep track of everything.

I hope that helps some. Good luck!

Kylewillmott profile image

Great reply.

My KPA is 4.8. BMI is perfect but will aim to lose another 4lb in the next few months.

My diet is close to yours, I eat fish a lot and dark chocolate 90% cocoa. Also 0 sugar oat milk and soya milk.

I need to get a dietician and specialist following my NHS fibroscan.

Am sticking with vitamin E and tumeric tabs but easing up on the milk thistle.

Cat551 profile image

No scarring on your liver. That’s great. My kPa is normal as well. Stick the course and lose the weigh gradually. It sounds like you are planning just that. Everything including chocolate in moderation. My cardiologist advised any more than 400 mg of vitamin E can effect your heart, so be careful and read about possible side effects.

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to Cat551

Thanks for response.

It’s a small dose of vitamin E every day. I take tumeric tabs and drink tumeric tea also.

The chocolate thing has me confused on the dark choc. I’ve seen studied about it working well. Lindt dark excellence brand with 90% cocoa. But the saturated fats and sugar for the whole bar are super super high? I don’t understand how this is good….

Cat551 profile image

I believe dark cacao chocolate can be good for you when eaten in small bites, like a square or two a couple of times a week, not the whole bar in a day 🤨.

Ubwa profile image

You say you don’t eat meat, but do fish? Is it for ethical reasons or similar? Best way to get the proteins and amino acids easily is by eating meat, of which fish is too.

With regards to things like milk thistle etc, I am from a scientific and medical family so I always go on “what do they call call herbal supplements that work? Medicine”, but each to their own. I also think 1200 calories a say is way to few for someone of your height. You generally need to each a bit more than a healthy person if you have liver damage as it’s not as efficient at burning the fuel so to speak. If your body doesn’t think you are getting enough food it can begin to store it..which can explain fat stores increasing.

Fir comparison I am 5’10”, 35 and aim for around 2300 calories a day and I maintain. Body composition is a bit podgy at the moment but I’ll easily get leaner once it’s warmer and I start excersising more ( I hate the cold!)

Kylewillmott profile image
Kylewillmott in reply to Ubwa

I think there is some controversy as to whether fish is considered meat. I would fit into the criteria of Pescatarian. I don’t eat ‘meat’ (land dwelling) due to the ethical reasoning I don’t have the stomach to kill it, therefore I won’t eat it. I have fished since I was a boy therefore I eat fish.

I have attempted to up my calories to 1500 to 1800 (I genuinely struggle to find foods to eat with enough calories in). Post Covid I lost 6lbs and have very little appetite (still). Being 6ft 1, 12 stone 8 with a perfect BMI im not trying to lose weight. Just eat all the right stuff, work out daily and hope to find out why my CAP score was 314 last time 🤷‍♂️. Could be as you point out due to lack of nutriment. I did the water diet for 7 weeks 3 years ago, lost 2 stone when I was up to around 15. Not sure what lasting effects it had on my body tho.

deanw41 profile image

I follow Micheal Mosley The Blood Sugar Diet. Works a treat.

RosaClaudia profile image


Try supplements with Milk Thistle. It helped my mum, she had fatty liver too but also jaundice in the past.

More info here:

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