Woke around 5 feeling very spaced out, tinnitus raging, blurred vision and so scared. These mornings seem to follow a good day. I have left off Lactulose for 3 days and taken a dose this morning, it has had desired effect. I smell of very strong ammonia and really don’t know where to turn. Gastro adamant my liver is fine so seems to take little heed to my symptoms. I just hope colonoscopy is soon. Please no references to anxiety, I know the difference. Any advice will be welcome.
All in the head……..: Woke around... - British Liver Trust
All in the head……..
It’s so hard ; I’m scared to post many times for the fear of the anxiety responses and I sympathize so much to all those who actually have a diagnosis my heart goes out to all but it really is difficult for those who have genuine symptoms and feel unwell , none of us wanting to be diagnosed with liver issues we just want answers ,,, to me I feel it’s important to be aware, as people say some times it can all happen too late so I will listen to my body and keep perusing if things aren’t right.
I’ve never been ill to be honest before this, I am very nervous by nature I admit, hence the wine drinking. I gave it up 8 months ago and have lived a healthy lifestyle. It wasn’t too bad before really. The tests I’ve had, all have had false negatives reported by people on here so it doesn’t give you assurance that you’re ok. Hope you are feeling better and yes the ones with a diagnosis seem so brave and if or I really believe when I get mine, hope I can be like them.
GP is useless, you can’t get an appointment and then it’s a telephone consultation. I haven’t got letter yet so don’t know when colonoscopy is. This has been going on 8 months. It’s so strange because I don’t feel weak or have lack of appetite, sleep not too bad. I can just taste toxins and smell them, I wanted to pay for an MRI but they said I would be wasting my money. Eyesight good according to Opticians. Thanks Binkie, hope you’re getting better. X I’ve gone veggie as I read meat causes ammonia build up.
Sounds like sinus issues could be a possibility.
Thanks for replying but that wouldn’t cause urinary and bowel symptoms. My hair is falling out too.

Just checking - are you on any medications at present? (I am just wondering because both nortriptyline and amitriptyline which are used to treat tinnitus have adverse effects listed including:- blurred vision, dry mouth and constipation).
No Katie only the Lactulose and my usual BP tablet.

Just thinking that symptoms might not all be related, could be different causes for some. If your liver is fine maybe you need to consider other causes.
Yes l have also suggested that... bowel issues? maybe diverticulitis which can cause constipation and brainfog which can cause blurred vision. I think the colonoscopy will prove yay or ney .

That's the thing, lots of diseases have overlapping symptoms. Diverticulitis can cause ear issues too, my husband was at the doctor a couple of times for dizziness, turned out it was caused by diverticulitis. Sinus infections can cause any ENT symptom, including tinnitus, bad taste in mouth, bad smell etc.
The doctor really is in the best position to sort it all out, and figure out what's what.
Thanks for caring.
Wow l didn't know that. Definately pointing to bowel issues then and definately not liver related as all of us who have had dealings with or those who are living with liver diseases have said all along. Lets hope her colonoscopy isn't too far in the future so it will hopefully finally put her mind at rest !
We’ll start calling you Dr Laura if you want.
Ooo no l wouldn't want that kind of responsibiliy but once you start putting little pieces of the puzzle together and discard those from another box, you start to see the proper picture emerging. In other words your symptoms haven't come from the liver box but more likely the bowel box.
All I know is I feel ill and I don’t need sarcasm.
I wasn't being sarcastic at all just trying to reassure you again
I’ve said it before, it isn’t up to you to diagnose me. We have a clash of personalities and promised the trust this wouldn’t happen again. I’m depressed, frightened and ill and need kindness not silly school girl stuff.
Stuff you then half this damn forum have been trying to help and reassure you and you thow it all back their faces. Bye !!!!!
I don’t really want to go into detail here TMI, but bowel habits are very worrying. Sweat smells very bad. Thanks for your concern.

I'm glad you're under the care of a gastro, and hope they can help as your symptoms sound very unpleasant, and are obviously worrying you.
I'm sure you're aware, but sometimes nothing being seen on a scan or test is as important a part of diagnosis as something being seen. It all helps paint the picture.
Best wishes xx
No but sinus issues can contribute to your tinnitus
Really pleased you are getting a colonoscopy.
Will shut me up for a bit!
Who has arranged it for you ?
I don’t disrespect the medical profession and try not to disrespect anyone but I’m sick of this lot.
I can understand that issue too. It really is the pits right now.
It really is. Never been near a doctor for 10 years either or much at all really.
Yes, it’s been horrible for you too. X
On my insistence, my GP referred me to Gastro he suggested colonoscopy.
That was good of your GP then👍
It wasn’t “good” of GP at all , it was her duty.

This was once a place where people with a liver problem would come for support and advice. Personally for myself, the useless doctors and their ‘duty’ saved my life and without them, I wouldn’t be able to write a reply. I continue to see them on a regular basis and enjoy an excellent relationship with them, for obvious reasons.
So I find your comments, attitude and general outlook a tad obtuse.
You have convinced yourself that you have liver disease and anyone trying hard to offer you understanding and advice, gets dismissed, along with the medical profession.
Beautifully put xx
Dear Worrysome, I shall close this post due to the nature of some of the replies. As you are aware, it is impossible for us to diagnose you, but i would suggest taking reassurance in the fact that your scans and bloods have showed no signs of liver disease and if the gastroenterologist believes that you have no signs of liver disease I would gently offer that perhaps you focus on those positives and focus on the diagnosis of skilled clinicians.
Can I also remind all forum members to pause before replying - Members will not always agree with every post or content, but this does not make that post any less valid, particularly if they are seeking support. An individuals opinion is simply that - an opinion - and at times it is not helpful or necessary to share that opinion.
Best wishes