A posted a while going saying been diagnosed with fatty liver may ALT was 195 got my results back is 28 and my Gamma GT was 114 now 96 am feeling less anxious seeing then coming now
Feeling positive : A posted a while... - British Liver Trust
Feeling positive

That’s great I had results today snd mine have gone up and been on diet excercise and no alcohol since early February.
Just do not know what to do. Waiting and editing for hospital appointment. Even though I had an emergency CT scan last week and they said they could not see enlarged fatty liver that was on Ultra sound scan.
I don’t know what to do and who to believe
Aw am so sorry to hear your having a worrying time mine turn out to be medication i take for my autoimmune disease soon as stoped taking them mine has improved. Was really confused on how a got fatty liver as a never smoked i dont drink at all not over weight i work out 4 days aweek and eat healthy.. they now tell me it is a mix of my diabetes and my medication.. i hope you get some answers soon.
Hello Seoe. Apparently it takes more than a year to get rid of fatty liver. If you are on diet. I have similar story but in addition, I had gallblader surgery... the ltfs went up after... do you have gallstones?
No havnt got gallstones i have graves disease and was on PTU with is really bad for liver I was also on daily pain killers witch a also stoped.
I heard stopping painkillers will improve your situation. It just that liver always needs time after it is screwed up.... I personally try to lower my GGT - 3 months already...
How did you do that
They took me off my medication for my autoimmune disease only ment to be on it a year but by endocrinologist left me on it for 3 year soon as i come off it its improved x
Hi I take levothyroxine for under active thyroid, which is an auto immune disease (I think) I said could it be that but don’t get any answers. Had a lovely panic attack today too just to finish my week off. 😳
I have an overactive thyroid witch is caused from my autoimmune disease (graves disease) it was Propylthiouracil i was taking ... am not to sure if having under active thyroid is an autoimmune disease my mam has under active thyroid but that was due to her having it taking out due to having a goitre she on high dose of levo her liver alwas been ok she been on it 8 years now .. have you been tested for graves disease? One of main symptoms is thyroid issue anxiety and panick attacks hair loss weight gain or weight loss and it effacts your liver function .