Benign liver tumours. Hoping someone c... - British Liver Trust

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Benign liver tumours. Hoping someone can help

Bethwhite727 profile image
17 Replies


Hoping I can get some help off someone with similar experiences back in December 2020 I had a ultrasound where they found six growths on the liver I then had urgent referral for MRI they suspect these are FNH I am due my follow up MRI in two weeks I suffer with terrible anxiety and I am convinced something bad is going to show on MRI and that they missed something. Liver enzymes a few weeks back was slightly above normal range doctor wasn’t concerned. Would it show in bloods if it was serious? Also I get a lot of right side back pain which also worries me. Does anyone else get pain with these growths. I don’t know much about the growths other than the largest is 4cm living in fear of the nextt to mri and results

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Bethwhite727 profile image
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17 Replies

I have hemangioma which are also benign liver lesion and had my 6 month follow up scan a couple of weeks ago. The main thing they look for is if anything has grown. Mine hadn’t grown so no further follow up. As simple as that. Just keep bearing in mind that they have used the words benign... I’m the world worst worrier and I live with high levels of anxiety so I know how you feel... but benign is always a good thing xx

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to

I’m so worrying I’m going to go in two weeks and they’ve got it wrong! Do you get any pain with yours? X

in reply to Bethwhite727

Hi, no I don’t get pains, although I had pain over my liver for over 10 years but I used to drink heavy. Since I stopped drinking the pain stopped completely.

Looks like even if they say it’s benign you would still be worried as to what mama41 has been through so personally I’d be asking for either a removal or biopsy if they say benign...just for complete peace Of mind else if you are anything like me you will never settle after reading someone else’s experience.

Having read about FNH it’s a completely benign condition just like hemangiomas so the chances of anything sinister would be very tiny I’d imagine. Best to talk about your concerns when you go to the hospital and put them across firmly that you need 100% reassurance

Hemangiomas share similar characteristics with other malignant tumours that can appear on the liver like some hyper vascular tumours but for me after two scans I’m happy to listen to their diagnoses that it’s benign... X

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to

Yes the below comment did slightly send me in panick always does reading other people’s experience I suffer with severe anxiety also. The pain is not constant it can come and go sometimes. Did you ever had a biopsy to be certain. I think if everything is the same on next scan I will be reassured so scared to have the mri in two weeks I. Case anything changes x

in reply to Bethwhite727

No I haven’t had a biopsy, I trust the QE hospital as they deal a lot with liver and see a lot of liver patients. I know what you mean about the scan, I was scared too because I wasn’t sure how I would have coped if they told me anything had grown. MRI is the best scan available though I only had ultrasound to check that specific issue.

I did have a CT with contrast to check for cancer a couple of months back as I lost 6 stone so they checked my entire torso just incase, but all clear.. it was weight loss due to gallbladder and even the inflammation and infection of the gallbladder showed up on the’s amazing!

Sometimes it’s not great being a human and it’s hard with worries like this but you have support here and when faced with these fears it’s amazing how you do actually cope. X

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to

Thank you so much.I’m the exact same I wouldn’t know how I would deal with if it was cancer or anything like that I worry everyday constant.

I suppose I need to trust the professional my doctors told me they also had a X-ray meeting so it’s not just one person that as decided this it’s a number of different people I suppose it’s the pain that worries me and me having six growths but because of my anxiety I notice every pain I get when I google the symptoms I seem to get them too. First off when I had the mri they said they’re likely fnh and some liver adeomas that was the radiologist and then a week later they had a X-ray meeting and decided likely fnh. I asked my doctor why they’ve only said likely he said they can’t put 100% in a letter without a biopsy so they use the world likely x

in reply to Bethwhite727

That’s sounds very positive! Also sounds like they may do a biopsy? They must believe it’s benign else surely they would have done that and not waited for another scan! X

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to

I’m not too sure nothing as being mentioned of a biopsy. My last scan was December so I presume if anything looked bad they would have had me straight back in for a biopsy. It’ll be 4 month since my last scan by the time I have my next. I suppose I just have to try not worry and leave it to the professionals as hard as it is x

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to

Also I mentioned to my specialist a few weeks back if it’s cancer. He said no no not cancer. Something about the central scar and how the contrast ran through them didn’t really understand much what he was saying x

Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply to Bethwhite727

The cancer I was diagnosed with also has a central scar which is why it was misdiagnosed as FNH.

I had CT and MRI both with contrast.

The cancer I have is very rare and the only way to know for sure is removal of the tumours or biopsy.

I had right side shoulder pain but that’s common in liver lesions especially large ones as the pain is referred to the shoulder.

FNH is much more common than primary liver cancer but it can’t be ruled out.

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to Mama41

Oh that’s scary maybe I should ask for a biopsy was it one tumour or a number of different ones that was cancer? X

in reply to Bethwhite727

Sounds good enough to me! Keep us updated on next scan and as my American friends says... keep calm and carry on x

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to

I need to stick by that and take each day as it comes and try not to worry I’ve being the same since December. Just worries me the pain I get in liver but suppose they could be pushing on a nerve I don’t know a great deal about the six growths other than the largest is 4cm I get no abdominal pain though x

in reply to Bethwhite727

I’ll inbox you something to read x

Mama41 profile image

I was diagnosed with FNH after a CT scan and an MRI. My bloods were all fine but due to the size of the tumour it was advised to get it removed.

When it was removed the tumour was cancerous.

I would maybe get a second opinion after your next MRI just to be on the safe side.

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to Mama41

Thank you I will do did you have ct with contrast x

Bethwhite727 profile image
Bethwhite727 in reply to Mama41

And are you ok now has the cancer all gone c

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