Hi all I'm a little confused and just wondered if anyones been through something similar. I've found out recently that my liver enzymes have been high since 2013 and my gastronolgist kept an eye on it again over the last year but decided to do further investigation I ended up having ct scan and mri which both came back clear to then have a liver biopsy done nearly 2 weeks ago I still haven't had the results from this yet I was just curious as to what a biopsy will show that an mri couldn't? Wouldn't fatty liver or something along those lines shown without the liver biopsy? I've recently been diagnosed with functional neurological disorder but wondering if they got that wrong as gastronolgist reckons the only reason liver enzymes would of been high for that amount of time is due to an autoimmune disease. Thanks in advance for any responses sorry for the long post.
High liver enzymes : Hi all I'm a little... - British Liver Trust
High liver enzymes

Your biopsy will have looked at the liver on a cellular level to see which cells of the liver are involved in the ongoing inflammation. If it is one of the auto immune conditions of the liver then different cells are involved so it should hopefully identify what's going on.MRI and CT scan will only have looked at the overall structure of the liver and the blood vessels etc. They can't identify what is causing the inflammation.
Hopefully you'll get an answer soon from your doctors and begin any necessary treatments. I am surprised that they've allowed you to go for so many years without investigating thoroughly the caused of elevated liver enzymes but hopefully with having scans showing no damage to liver they can prevent any from happening from now on.
Have you also had the various auto immune blood tests?
Best wishes, Katie
Thank you for that information Katie Google wasn't very helpful with this query! Well I started being told of high liver enzymes back in 2016 after I'd had my first child so they put it down to that then it got monitored but because I'd had a few months where the enzymes returned to normalish levels they stopped the monitoring then it was only picked up back again after the birth of my second child and under going investigation for ms due to symptoms. It was only when I saw my gastronolgists registra did they explain its been high since 2013 so that just confused me even more as I was under the impression it was due to c sections and medication at that time.To be honest the doctors and neurologist I've seen about my symptoms or autoimmune diseases haven't been very informative I know I've had numerous blood tests and mris etc for the neurological side of it but they've never fully explained if they've done the bloods for certain autoimmune diseases and just diagnosed me with functional neurological disorder and discharged me it was only my gastronolgist that seemed concerned and more informative. I just wasn't given any information as to what the biopsy would show that the mri etc would not so was a bit concerned as to what might be the result of this, thank you for taking the time to read and respond its appreciated, Hayley.
Biopsy is considered the "gold standard" for diagnosing liver issues. Imaging tests, while quite accurate, can miss a lot, including quite regularly advanced liver disease (10-25% of cases, depending on the test).
The fact you had a biopsy doesn't mean you have any serious liver disease, only that your doctor wants a better look, including at possible causes as AyreshireK mentioned. Hope you get answers and good news soon.
Thank you for that information I was just curious as I wasn't sure what different things would show on biopsy but not on mri as I thought if there was damage or something like fatty liver it would show up on mri whereas nothing has. Thank you for taking the time to reply and read through my query though it is appreciated ! Yes fingers crossed some answers soon 🤞🏻 Hayley.
I might add, you may want to start keeping your own copies of your blood and test results. It's always good to have access to your health info, in case you have questions, there is follow up, etc. Best.
Thank you, I wish they provided them but they don't even show me the numbers let alone give a copy which is frustrating. I best ask them in case I can get a copy of all the notes. Thanks again.
I just ask for mine. They always give to me no big deal. I actually called them a couple weeks ago to see if they could mail my ultrasound results from last year (they just called to say it was “normal”. Had them in the mail In just a few days.
Did they test you for viral hepatitis yet? Hepatitis A, B, C? It's a blood test.
You also don't mention ultrasound nor fibroscan - did you have these made?
These are all noninvasive tests which should be tried before biopsy.
All I know is I've had numerous blood tests but they've never said what they are checking for or the outcomes aside from the liver enzymes being high. The only things I got offered before hand were one where I think they used sound waves to check the response of the liver ? Then I had a ct scan and an mri along with blood tests every so often to monitor it this was going on for roughly about a year before I had the biopsies taken. Sorry if I sound a bit clueless but when I'm there things get a bit confused as I'm undergoing other appointments too for functional neurological disorder and for a colloid cyst so they all get a bit muddled. Thanks for taking the time to respond and read my query its much appreciated, Hayley.
I agree I don't get why they don't provide us access automatically to our records.
Thank you for that i will definitely bring that up with my doctors to see if i can do it that way then, I appreciate that information.
Thank you very much for that.
Hi all thanks again for all the support you provided I had the biopsy done where they took 2 samples all came back clear but doesn't explain why my liver enzymes have been high all these years. Still waiting to hear back off my gastronolgist to see what the next steps are if there are any I'm just as clueless now as when I stated tbh! Thanks again all Hayley.
Hi Haylz2109 I have been having similar symptoms since having a baby in 2013 they went back down to normal a little after then went back up in 2015, 2016, 2017, normal 2018, 2019 and 2020 normal I have had a decent amount of tests endoscopy, CT scan, ultrasounds they are all coming back clear. I havent been offered a Biopsy yet but I may ask for one I just had my 3rd child and during the whole pregnancy with her they were normal and my liver scan showed nothing again.
Thank you for your reply sorry to hear you are going through a similar situation, yes I found the same after having the baby then I had 3 months where my levels went back to around normal which is why they discharged me and didn't look further it only then got picked up again when I had my second child and now being thoroughly investigated. Thankfully my biopsy did come back clear so now my normal gp is testing me for underlying autoimmune diseases such as lupus to rule things out luckily I've found a good one since writing the above update and he seems to care and want to help so fingers crossed I can get back to some sort of normality! 🤞🏻 congratulations on the birth of your 3rd child and i do hope things go well for you with your investigations xx
Thank you! I pray it’s normal! And I am very happy to hear you got good news for your biopsy. My liver enzymes were
aLt 18
Ast 17
During pregnancy
I am on meds for anxiety my dr thinks they might cause the slight raise
Right now I’m
aLt 43
Ast 39
Alp is normal
Bilirubin normal as well
I've got my fingers crossed for you! Oh really ? I never get told any of my numbers see, hopefully for you it is just the medication and can be rectified for you xx
Just an update for you all still none the wiser with the liver enzymes biopsy came back clear however the liver enzymes are still high. I am now being referred to a rheumatologist as a lot more things are pointing towards lupus so still a waiting game, keeping my fingers crossed for some answers soon as now coming upto 2 years of investigations 🤞🏻💗