ERCP to remove a blockage from Common ... - British Liver Trust

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ERCP to remove a blockage from Common Bile Duct help blood results still same

Sixties123 profile image
11 Replies

Hi my husband had nausea, vomitting, pain and lost a bit of weight . He then turned yellow. We saw Dr straight away, who did bloods and sent him up to hospital, had an USS . Showed gallstones in his gall bladder (apparantly loads) and there was a blockage in bile duct. He had to wait a week to get an MRI scan . Which reassured us it was just a stone blocking it. He had ERCP at hospital the following Tuesday where they said they removed a stone and sludge ? We expected him to feel much better after a couple of days but he is so tired and lethargic . He is still very yellow and he had his bloods repeated a week after the op and they were much the same as before the op. Timescale of all this is : uss scan Friday following Friday he had MRI then following Tuesday he had ERCP . it has now been 1 week and 3 days since he had this . Can i ask on his behalf , is it normal to still have jaundice and for him to still feel so weak . Also when will he see an improvement in his bloods? Should we be worried ? ps he is having repeat bloods on Monday next week.

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read to the end and perhaps offer some advice.



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11 Replies
busy946 profile image

It's not normal to be jaundiced for a long time after, but I don't know what the normal timescale is I'm afraid. My jaundice didn't resolve after ERCP but I think it was about 20 days before I was tested again. Like your husband my bloods remained the same as when I had the stone. I think it was about 4 weeks after that I was hospitalised for more tests. My jaundice was related to a liver injury caused by Covid-19, but I know there are very many reasons for continued jaundice, hence so many tests. I was jaundiced with a bilirubin level of over 100 for about 9 weeks in all, but am recovered completely now.

I wish your husband the best, obviously keep an eye on the bloods and I'm sure his consultant will be doing the same.

Sixties123 profile image
Sixties123 in reply to busy946

Hi busy 946 , thanks very much for replying. Firstly I'm so glad you are fully recovered now . It sounds like you've had a very bad time. We have been lucky and avoided Covid . I just want him better . He isnt getting any sleep because he is itching so much. Yes he is having more bloods done on Monday and we hope there has been an improvement . All sorts goes through your head as to why bloods and his colour are still not back to normal. We don't know what his Biliruben level is as my husband wont ask . I think its fear . When he had his scans they said his liver and pancreas were fine so fingers and everything crossed for returning to good health . Once again your reply is much appreciated . Thanks Lesley

busy946 profile image
busy946 in reply to Sixties123

The itching was awful, the hospital gave me some Dermacool cream which helped a little. You could ask the GP for it as I don't think it is even on prescription.

I suffered a liver injury, apparently this could be drug or virus related. I hadn't had any relevant medication, so a virus was more likely as I had Covid at the same time as the stone. Hopefully your husband's blood results will have fallen by Monday, wishing you both the best.

Sixties123 profile image
Sixties123 in reply to busy946

Hi I have Dermacool as I have Psoriasis and got it from Dermatologist so he has been trying it . I think it helps him a bit . Thanks for the advice xx

I had gallstones stuck in my bile duct and seriously felt close to death. I was constantly shaking and vomiting and my blood pressure went down to 67/47!! My blood test was horrendous with everything deranged. Took me weeks to feel any kind of normal again but they STILL didn't operate. Finally getting sorted next week. I truly feel for your husband and hope he feels better soon x

Sixties123 profile image
Sixties123 in reply to

Hi there , that's awful . Did they not remove the stones ? You must be still feeling rotten. When you say operate are you having your gall bladder out . Sorry for so many questions. He has been lucky because up until 3 weeks ago he hasnt ailed a thing which at 62 is pretty good . He is taking it badly not being able to do anything at all . And for me I'm so worried that its something other than gall stones. I really appreciate your response and help . All the very best for your operation next week. Hope you recover well.

Thank you


in reply to Sixties123

No they left me In agony. They kept saying is was gastritis and upping my lanzoprazole, something I was on for months when I didn’t even need to be. The only reason I knew I’d passed stones was because I had a really bad result on bloods so they asked me to do a stool sample and there they were!. My stool was pure white and my urine bright orange and I was being sick all the time. After I passed those stones it settled but still had daily pain every day since.

Yes I’m having my gallbladder removed next week....Tuesday..

If he is anything like me he will have been in absolute utter agony like your insides are rotting... And feeling very ill. I have read that it can caused jaundice... I managed to get away with that but it isn’t uncommon with blockage.

Wish him well for me and don’t worry about it being anything else, it’s classic symptoms and I would trust an MRI... it would show anything sinister x

alexpbower profile image

Hi Poppyrocks. I suffer from a disease called primary sclerosing cholangitis which is the narrowing and scarring of the bile ducts. In turn this then causes scarring and general reduction in function for the liver. Sooner rather than later I will need a transplant. I'm saying this as I have regular blood tests and the ERCP as a monitoring and therefore can give a fairly 'experienced' view on this. Firstly I would wait for the blood tests before creating any undue worry. The MRI should show any scarring or damage of the ducts and liver however its the bloods that should be the defining set of criteria. If he doesn't your doctor should tell you about any abnormal results but keep an ear out for billirubin levels as these indicate jaundice. With all problems with liver, whether its nothing or serious, fatigue and lethargy is very common. Iron filled foods and slow burning carbs will help the tiredness and weight. Your common GP usually refers any issues to your local hospital and the residing hepatologist who is a liver expert. Either way your partner is in good hands. If you need any further advice please let me know and I hope this has helped.

Sixties123 profile image
Sixties123 in reply to alexpbower

Thank you so much for sharing your situation and the advice . We will wait for his results which hopefully wont take long to come back . It sounds like you have a lot to deal with and we wish you well and hope you get to return to good health soon x

alexpbower profile image
alexpbower in reply to Sixties123

Its scary stuff when all these tests are ordered etc and the hospital is hardly a place that is welcoming but one a diagnosis is reached at least you can then move forward. No worries on the sharing. I've had ten years to come to terms. Just have to get on with things and stay positive

Sixties123 profile image
Sixties123 in reply to alexpbower

You have a very positive outlook and I think that's the way to go to 👍 take care x

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