Hi there a few weeks ago I posted about my husband who had an ERCP . Since having it he didnt feel any better. This went on for 2 weeks . He then got admitted as an emergency to Carlisle hospital where he has been for 8 days , all bloods being checked with no improvement and MRI and CT with contrast. Nothing showing obvious. Yet hes no better they discharged him yesterday and said to go back in Tuesday for Clever bloods, whatever that means and then possibly a liver biopsy . Has anyone any ideas or experiences of this situation. Hes not a heavy drinker, never smoked, and never taken drugs hardly ever a paracetamol. Only one thing , he had his covid vac AstraZeneca 3 days after ERCP dont know if its relevant. Thanks in advance . Lesley
ERCP for blocked Bile Duct ,raised liv... - British Liver Trust
ERCP for blocked Bile Duct ,raised liver enzymes, biliruben , jaundice and fatigue. No better

Hello, sorry to hear your husband is still unwell. Good that he has further bloods on Tuesday - will there be a clinical review as well? It is important for you to be able to clarify what might be going on - is there another stone, is it an after effect of the ERCP etc.
We do have a free helpline if you would like to talk to one of our liver specialist nurses although it is not open again until Tuesday due to the bank holiday:
0800 652 7330 Mon-Fri (apart from bank holidays) 10:00 - 15:00

Thanks for reply. Yeah he is having a clinical review after bloods . Same day I think . Thank you for help lone number. We will definitely use this if we are needing any advice . Guven that its Tuesday he will see consultant we will wait for that first . Kind regardsLesley
Exactly like your husband. ERCP cleared the stone but the jaundice didn't improve for more than two months. Liver biopsy and all the other tests ruled out everything, so final diagnosis was liver injury due to a drug or virus, but I didn't take any drugs that might cause it, so it was deemed due to Covid-19 which I had when the stone got stuck. Urso resolved the symptoms within a month, but lots of other conditions had to be ruled out before they could give me it, so I had the jaundice for weeks before I got the medication. I'm recovered now I'd say, apart from struggling for energy, but that might be as a result of the Covid-19. I had my first vaccine recently and it didn't bring the jaundice back.
I hope your husband gets better soon.
Oh thank you for your reply. My husband says a massive thank you also as its given him a bit of hope that this could resolve . When you mentioned Urso ? Could you please advise what this is . I'm really pleased you are doing better . It's really rubbish being so low . I am watching my husband steadily go down . This has lifted him x I hope you regain your energy and get back to normal soon. We are pretty certain he hasnt had covid as we have been tested quite regularly through a covid study . So all we can think is the Astrazenuca vaccine which was given 3 days later after ERCP. Once again thank you and heres to a return to good health . Cheers Lesley
Hi Poppyrocks your husband’s symptoms sound a little like mine though I’m not a heavy drinker (teetotal now) and no blockage, but basically I ended up with damaged bile ducts in my liver due to an adverse drug reaction (antibiotic) and my symptoms were jaundice, fatigue, nausea and persistent itching. I lost 8kg in as many weeks. All my LFTs were sky high. I had a biopsy which showed 12/13 harvested bile ducts were destroyed (called vanishing bile duct syndrome) and I was kept under close supervision to go on emergency transplant list. Thankfully after about 6 months (!) I started to get better and no longer being considered for one.
I guess what I am trying to say is that the liver can recover, it is amazing, but it can be a very slow process. 15 months on my bilirubin is totally normal though all over LFTs still raised. But most importantly I feel great!
Hi Dililiver , you have been through the mill , and we are so glad you are feeling better x We thank you for the positivity in your post as often we can get sucked into the doom and gloom of things . Obviously a worrying time but this site and you as members on this site are amazing and so helpful to people like is who are stressing out and probably googling way too much. Stay healthy and thank you again. Regards Lesley
It’s so hard not to google I did it myself and was NEVER the better for it! I forgot to say I’m also on urso so it’s something you could ask your husbands doctor. Thanks so much for your kind words and I wish your husband the best of luck, my hepatologist was convinced I was heading for a transplant so I’m living proof it can all turn around x
Yes definitely something to ask the dr . Also just shows drs can be wrong x so happy itself turned out well for you . X