Gallstones and Fatty Liver, GP doesn't... - British Liver Trust

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Gallstones and Fatty Liver, GP doesn't seem to care.

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3 Replies

I have recently been diagnosed with large gallstones and a fatty liver (via ultrasound) however I am finding ti difficult to get any reasonable assurances or even answers from my GP. The consultant who took the ultrasound stated that my GP would order blood tests etc, I've had nothing and it's not for want of trying. I have no idea how severe the fatty liver is or what I should do about the gallstones. I have what I can now only describe as gallstone attacks every day - any advice would be really appreciated - I feel very let down and concerned. Thank you

EDIT: I've been reading a lot about hypothyroidism and gallbladder issues, does anyone have any information and/or advice - I do have an underactive thyroid, take levothyroxine however have noticed that my 'levels' are all over the place, could this be due to the gall bladder? Thank you again!

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Have you been told you have Non-Alcohol Related Fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? If so, then you may be interested in our publication:

NAFLD can have different stages so you are quite right to want to find out more.

NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) have devised guidelines with the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) that state people diagnosed with NAFLD should have further testing to assess for their risk of fibrosis- stiffening or scarring in the liver.

The specific blood tests are Fib-4 score blood test or an Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) blood test. A specific scan called a FibroScan also estimates fibrosis.

You may want to discuss this with your own GP who will be able to look up the NICE guidance.

If you do have some weight to lose, then you could also ask your GP for a referral to a hospital registered dietitian for more support and guidance.

Here is also our publication on gallstones for info:

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hoooray in reply to

Thank you, sorry that it took me a few days to reply! I eventually sent a somewhat terse email to my surgery which seemed to do the trick. I find it a bit tiresome that I have had to do my own investigative work with regards my own test results over the last couple of years - everything was pointing in the direction of a liver problem - why do GP's order blood tests then ignore the results?! Why also book a scan then just leave me hanging?!

So, blood tests are now ordered - and I now also have a dedicated GP, not just a random locum GP who has no idea who I am and only has a few seconds to read through notes.

Ah the weight thing - according to the BMI I'm obese - strange as I'm 5ft 5in and a size 12!!! I've only ever been weighed once (at hospital and I think they got it slightly wrong - they had me at over 13 stone!). I have noticed that since then there have been two other weights put down on my notes, however I WAS NOT weighed - I think that the clinicians simply wrote down a similar number, thus as far as my notes are concerned I'm obese!!!

So, as I see this as a wake up call, I've decided to cut down on fats in my diet, I've cut out a lot of alcohol and I've become more active (my partner is not too enthralled about the sudden increase in vegetables!) - until my bloods come back I really don't know what else I can do to try to reverse, or at least not make matters worse. Any other advice from anyone would really be appreciated.

Thank you (oh and I love reading all the posts by the way).

in reply to hoooray

Well done for your proactive approach. If you would like to chat through anything, our nurse led helpline is open Mon to Fri 10am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330

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