High ggt and alp, scans clear, is it w... - British Liver Trust

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High ggt and alp, scans clear, is it worth further investigation

Lola109 profile image
6 Replies

Hi, my ggt been high (120 now was around 300) and alp just over the limit for the past couple of years. It’s not getting worse and has improved, but not come within the safe levels by giving up alcohol. I have now had ultrasound and Fibroscan done, both completely clear. Consultant has said nothing wrong with my liver at all that he can find. All this is great however I still have upper right quadrant pain and levels still not right. Consultant said it may be microscopic gallbladder stones and sludge that can be missed on an ultrasound. Next stage is endoscopic ultrasound but as my levels quite low and mostly asymptotic he has left the decision to investigate further to me as the levels alone are nothing to jump up and down about and he said it’s an option if my symptoms get too bad. I also suffer massively with anxiety and I’m wondering if the abdominal pain could be due to this and whether I should just continue on my healthy lifestyle and accept that my levels will always be a bit high? Is it possible they are just slightly high anyway. Really don’t know what to do. Anyone had anything similar? If it is gallbladder sludge (sounds delightful!) is this anything to really worry about?

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Lola109 profile image
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6 Replies
hells456 profile image

Have you had a blood test to check for AMA? If not I would ask to be checked for it to rule out autoimmune diseases as they can cause an increase in levels and contribute to gallbladder issues.

Lola109 profile image
Lola109 in reply to hells456

Hi, thank you for your reply. Yes they tested for all autoimmune diseases and it was all fine

YogaOne profile image
YogaOne in reply to hells456

Sorry for hijacking the post with my own issues Lola. :-) BUT this is news to me. I have been pushing for the last 18 months for doctors to figure out why my GGT was high (115-155 and I don't drink) and they finally gave me a hematology referral so I had ALL the blood work done last week. AMA resulted 2 days ago and is positive but I don't see the Dr. until the 17th. None of my Google-ing has connect a possible autoimmune disease to the GGT so thank you for this info! Any particular one known to do it more than others?

hells456 profile image
hells456 in reply to YogaOne

Is your ALP high too?

Lola109 profile image
Lola109 in reply to YogaOne

Hi, I have raised GGT and ALP, all other liver bloods normal, from this he thought it could be the autoimmune disease primary biliary cholangitus. Good luck

Hi Lola,

Your queries really need to be directed to your consultant. Could you perhaps ask for another appointment to fully discuss?

Best wishes.

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