Late 50s female, and TBH, I've always enjoyed wine. The whole dining experience thing and decompressing from a stressful job, wine has, in the past, helped. However, In the autumn of last year, I developed a pain in my right side. I went to the DR. Bloods revealed a GGT of 148. The GP told me to cut back on my drinking. I said, 'no, I'm quitting from this day on' which is exactly what I did. So, I'm now three months abstinent and I intend to keep it that way. I'm enjoying sobriety. An ultrasound on my liver was done which revealed that everything looked fine and dandy, wih liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas all ok, apart from the discovery of a polyp in my gallbladder size 8 mm. I had bloods done last week and to my shock and horror the GGT was 250 and all other markers raised too. Due to my sobriety of 3 months, I expected to see a next to nothing figure for GGT, not an elevated figure. The docs are sending me for more bloods and I have a phone consult with the GP booked for this week. The side pain is diminished, but I have developed painful feet in the last month. I'm putting this down to osteo arthritis which I have, but I'm wondering if the feet issue has anything to do with the raised blood levels. I have NO symptoms of elevated liver enzymes: stomach pain/dark pee/fatigue/itching/jaundice/light coloured poo/loss of appetite/nausea, and vomiting. Weight has stayed the same, bar the loss of 4-5 pounds since no alcohol. I've also noticed liking sugary things a bit more since stopping drinking. I've always been a thirsty person and always have peed a lot more than average due to gynae issues that required surgery (mesh). I take 2 co-codamol at night for osteo aches and pains and to help me sleep. Anyone been through anything similar?
Clear liver on ultrasound but GGT and ... - British Liver Trust
Clear liver on ultrasound but GGT and other markers rising.

Have you been tested for diabetes? Just asking as excess thirst, peeing lots and the desire for sugary stuff could potentially point that way. High GGT can often occur in fatty liver which won't necessarily show up on ultrasound - fatty liver and diabetes can sometimes go hand in hand too.
More tests and investigations obviously required.
Best wishes,
Dear Katie. I have thought of that. I shall ask thank you. I'm regular sized. My painful feet start at nighttimes too. Ball of foot region particularly painful. Thank you for your reply.
Hi and sorry you are going through this right now with these issues, I’m almost 12 months sober in March and I craved sugar like mad after I quit, my doctor said it’s because my body is craving something/lack of sugar having giving up the booze.
I was checked for diabetes and come back OK, so I would get that checked too. But it could be because of the sugar in the wine that your body is so used to that it’s now craving a substitute.
I wouldn’t mind I’ve never been a sweet tooth person or have lots of sugar in my coffee and teas, I've actually actively cut down my sugar intake since my own liver issues as I know sugar is toxic to the liver, like alcohol and other things are.
Well done on being 3 months sober by the way, that’s amazing as I know how hard that can be. I’m pretty much over it now, but every now and then those urges creep up…
Regarding GGt, mine was over 1800 at one point and after a few months of sobriety it went down to just under 200 and then it went back up for some reason, but is now normal I believe, it fluctuates and it can do so based on all kinds of things like medicine, exercise or lack of, diet etc. While it’s a big marker in terms of alcohol abuse, my doctor said it like other enzymes and bloods can fluctuate daily.
Regarding the sore feet, I get pins and needles, my feet go red, I get like stabbing pains and they tingle and go hot and cold, especially at night, if I walk for a length of time or have been on my feet for a length of time they hurt and youd’ think I’d been walking on pebbles and stones in my bare feet all day.
My doctor diagnosed it as likely alcohol neuropathy, nerve damage, I’d get that looked into if I was you. I know you said you have osteoarthritis, my mum has that and it doesn’t affect her feet in the way you describe or the way it does mine. But then I’m sure these things affect everyone differently just like liver disease does. I’d get it checked out, however.
Good luck!
HI, you sounds really similar to me - pain etc, well done for stopping drinking. Can I ask how long after stopping drinking did it take for the pain to subside? I've lost 2 1/2 stone since last sept and now 51 days AF and pains are still here - im concerned.
Golly thats a lot of weight loss. The right side pain subsided within one month, although if I really concentrate on it, there is a very minor dull ache still there, but it is nothing like it was. Well done too for stopping drinking. I meant to mention in my post that in the last month I've also had a course of antiobiotics one week following a surgery, plus have used Nurofen for that surgery as well as the occasional Diazepam. I think they may have played a part also in elevated blood, but we'll see, and I'll keep you posted.
Oh what a lot you gave going on, best of luck. I've never really found any pain killers work to lesson the pain, the only good one has been a hot water bottle. good luck and well done on AF.
As we learned with my wife, some of those markers can be other things. So example my wife had EDS, and she had an autoimmune thyroid issue. And After catching covid developed adrenal Hyperplasia. She had caught Hep A, which did inflame her liver, the biopsy's showed her liver normal.
But the rise in GGT could be issues with Kidneys or other things. The panel they are about to draw may be to dig deeper to see what is going on.