Hi all,
So i had an abdominal ultrasound done yesterday and my doctor just rang me this morning with the results - he said there is nothing to suggest any damage whatsoever, not even early stage fatty liver - and that everything looked A-OK including kidneys, gall bladder etc.
I feel very, very, very lucky. My chronic drinking and development of liver pain & fatigue over the past number of months has had me worried sick. (original post from a couple of weeks ago below)
I can't quite believe that I have done no damage though - why would i have ongoing RUQ pain for months after drinking if there wasn't something going on? Bloods have returned good, Ultrasound returned good - i'm tempted to maybe get a fibroscan done privately just to be sure, or is this over the top?
Anyway, this scare has been a wake up call to show my body some respect. It's given me the jolt i needed to break my habitual drinking. I've tried to reduce my weekly intake many times over the years but never done it and if anything have slowly just drank more and more. I'm now 6 weeks without a drop, fatigue has subsided, sleeping well. Still a lingering discomfort in the liver area which i don't understand but hopefully it goes with time.
This is a great community & i've found it super helpful for understanding the risks around alcohol - it's been a real eye opener.
Thanks and good luck!