My father had drained 8 ltr ascites on 8th. He felt good and his liver plus kidney function reports were within mid normal range and improved in comparison to previous reports.
However due to drain his albumin came little less than required level. After couple of days he had constipation and couldn’t clear his bowl even though he felt urge. We have him dulcolex suppository as he wasn’t willing to go to doc. However he developed fissure and couldn’t clear bowl. He carried on for another week like that with pain and discomfort without bowl. He was stubborn and just didn’t want to go to doc but finally he couldn’t bear it and visited doc. They removed fecal impaction and re did his reports and his creatinine 3.79 from 1.5, potassium came 6.1 from 4.
They started treatment but just when he started feeling better, slowly he slipped in to precoma condition. Doctors started medicine and he is conscious now but not in his senses. He is screaming, not recognizing, sometimes calling my name, crying. It’s hard to see. His ammonia had gone high 200 because he didn’t clear his bowl as it should have been according to doctor.
I am just sad that he lost all good progress just because he refused to visit doc for constipation which was solved by doc in few minutes, and now he is lost in HE.
Doctors are doing what they can but as he is having multiple organ issues and ascites also returned. I just hope he comes back to his normal self 😔 this is a terrible condition to see him in.