I am having problems of pain and discomfort due I think to my gall bladder.
Anyone had gallbladder problems? - British Liver Trust
Anyone had gallbladder problems?

Im having right upper quadrant pain. My gi suspects a peptic ulcer maybe h pylori.
Truth be told there is a very long list of things that can cause ruq pain and sometimes they never find out what it is 😕
Here is our information on gallsones that may be useful to read:
If you are concerned and having pain and discomfort, we would suggest you see your doctor for assessment
Best wishes
Had problems took gall bladder out containing lots of stones in November 2015. Pain like nothing else experienced. My common bile duct is enlarged and I continue to have stomach issues that are not BAM.
Liver enzymes still up and down not sure why at the minute. Under Gastro and Endocrinologist, next will be Rheumatology
Gallbladder started playing up in September, I thought it was trapped wind until I started vomiting and falling over dizzy, in and out of hospital scan showed gallstones, until new year then was I was admitted with Marge Simpson yellow eyes and skin and gallbladder, pancreas and liver inflamed. Blood results all through the roof and blood pressure through the floor. Urgent gallbladder removal scheduled for this month, (Coronavirus permitting, because unlike some, I realise other people’s ailments do take presidents over mine) .... Pain was like nothing I have ever experienced when I passed a stone and it’s like really bad indigestion all the time. My gallbladder is ceramic or glazed or some other terminology that means stiff. Hoping that when it’s out some of the other stuff can get back to normal or as normal as can be
Hi rosedel , you should go and see your G.P before the pain gets too bad.
I was having pains every now and again.
But then it got really bad. The pains were on the right side of my abdomen, just under my ribs. I'm going in hospital within the next couple of weeks to have my Gallbladder removed. I only have 1 Gallstone,but the Consultant thinks that a small piece of it has broken off and blocked the Bile Duct.
I had an Ultrasound scan 1st, then an MRI. But then I had to have an MRCP SCAN . They found that I had an Enlarged Liver, Cyst on the Pancreas , Cysts inside the Liver and Cysts on the Kidney, 1 gallstone and a sludgy Gallbladder
also the Blocked Bile Duct..
The Pain i am in now is agony.
So if i were you,i would go and get it checked out now.
Take Care. 😊 Gjkas