Thankyou to my new Friend that has jus... - British Liver Trust

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Thankyou to my new Friend that has just walked into my life and said to me. I'm here for you,and proved it.Her name is Lynne. ❤ Mine is Glo.

Gjkas profile image
45 Replies

A Big Thankyou to everyone that have helped me through some really hard times..Especially Lynne ( Oldham ).I was so desperate and depressed 2 days ago. Then the Postman delivered a little parcel to me.Inside the parcel was a lovely little Wall Plaque. And written on it was.

Friendship isn't about who you've known the Longest. Its about who walked into your Life, and said.. Im here for you and PROVED It . It. was from my lovely Friend Lynne .Then my Hubby said to me,

Glo look out of the window. It was a Robin. Then I knew that my Mum and Dad were watching over me as well. So Thankyou Lynne for your kind thoughts and for being there for me ❤ when I needed it the most.

And Thankyou to everyone on here for all your kindness, help and Advice that you've been giving me in the short time that I've been on here with you all.

You're all such a Fantastic bunch of people. 🌻❤((((Love & Hugs Glo.xxxx ))))❤🌻.

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Gjkas profile image
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45 Replies

Made for each other. What a pair you two make. 😜😇👍

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Awwww, thanks so much. I mean YOU

as well, when I said Fantastic.

X. Big kiss and a (((Hug ))). From Glo.🤜🤛

in reply toGjkas

I'm all a Glo now shucks. Best wishes 👍

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Oh Shucks.👄 you make me laugh.

Goodnight Godbless xx Glo.👍

in reply toGjkas

You are so .very welcome. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Liberty82 profile image

That's so lovely. What a thoughtful thing to do. Lynne there is many times you've read my huge long posts and commented with kind words, it's clear you are a lovely person. I'm glad you've felt so supported glo ❤️ x

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply toLiberty82

Hi .I really have felt supported,by such a lot of people on here, especially Lynne .

She really is such a kind and thoughtful Lady. Thankyou Liberty for your kind words. 🌹🌻🌷

in reply toLiberty82

Thank you so much for your kind words. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Splodge60 profile image
Splodge60 in reply to

Lynne has been good to me as well - she deserves an award it seems xxx

in reply toSplodge60

Aww, thank you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Ellewoods1 profile image

Lynne, you are always so positive and kind. Your words mean a lot and you are such a beautiful person. Thank you for blessing me!

in reply toEllewoods1

Thank you so much for your kind words. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Hi Glo

Firstly I must agree with your comment about Lynne, she really is one of the most caring loving and concerning people I've ever come across and I'm glad to call her my friend!'

Secondly I'm glad you've joined our merry band of caring friends who will always like me be here by your side through those not so good bad and good days.

Oh well it's almost 6am and time to get ready for my sky diving adventure which I'm to report for by 8am !

Take care Glo and I'll be in touch again with every one later.

Love and hugs from your lunatic friend Trish x💗

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Thinking of you Trish. Hope you have a good jump ( Ya Looney ).and a safe landing🤞. Got any extra padding on your Butt end .Hahaha.

Yeah,Lynne is a lovely Friend. Im so pleased that you class me as your Friend as well. It's so good to know that people are here for each other..

Ohhh. You take Care Trish. I'll be thinking of you . Sending you Lots of Love and

Lunatic ((((((((HUGS )))))))). GLO.XX



These goodies are for your celebration

after your jump. Love & Hugs Glo.xxxx.

Thats if your Tummy can handle them. xx

in reply toGjkas

Hi Glo

Sad news dive cancelled again after 5 hour wait.....👎

Good news I've booked for nexted Friday the 13th .....😁😁😁

Also thank you for all the wonderful munchies for next weeks celebration when everyones invited to join in !

Loads of love Trishy 🥰

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Awwww, Bum. Cancelled again after waiting 5 hours. Listen. Dont worry about your next jump being Friday 13th. Year's ago I used to play Bingo,

I only ever won once. Guess What??.

I shouted on No 13. Hahaha. True. 👍

I'll make you some more munchies

for next week. Then everyone can join in, Yeah.

I've been thinking of you nearly all morning and I've been singing to myself. 🎼🎶🎶

It's the Final Countdown.

I Love that song. But I was thinking of you while I was singing it. 🎶🎶🎶

It'll be okay for next week. 🌖☀️

I can feel it in my Water.

Aww .Load of Love & Hugs Trishy.

From Glo xx 😚

in reply to

If a Jumpsuits Friday the 13th it shall be. 🤞🎈😜

in reply to

Trish, that is so kind of you to say such nice things about me, getting embarrassed now ha ha. Thank you also for all the care kindness, compassion, support and unconditional love you have given me. I'm glad to call you my friend took I thank everyone else also, Jane who I'm sorry to say I missed off my list on one of messages , I will put that right!! Glo I'm so pleased we are friends. When I joined this forum I never thought I would get to know so many wonderful people. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hi Lynne, how are you doing today.

Did you manage to get any sleep last night. I've been in a heck of a lot of pain. All night I was kicking the Duvet off, then pulling it back on because I was cold. I couldn't stop the pain,no matter what I did. It's been like it all day today. I think the stress of everything lately have caught up with me and making everything worse.

When I saw the Pain Psychologist on Wednesday,we had a good chat.

But I broke down and started crying.

Anyway she wants to see me again in a couple of weeks.

She's referring me back to the Mental Health Doctor. She said it's obvious that I'm not handling the pain very well. I need extra help with everything.

She told me that it's obvious that I've also got PTSD. I thought only Soldiers or anyone in the Armed Forces had that. But she said No. She explained things to me and I agreed with her.

I will go and see the Mental Health Doctor. Because i do need help.

Thanks for listening to me Lynne.

You're a GEM. I'm so glad that I joined this group. Because I don't think that I'd still be here today..😚

Love & Hugs always. Glo.xxxx

in reply toGjkas


Thank you

I'm sorry you are in so much pain. I think the psychologist is a good idea, you can let all your emotions out.

I've been in alot of pain today, in fact it's been a few days. It happened a few weeks ago but this is worse. Whether I'm hungry or eating I'm in agony just under my breast bone and in my stomach.

You are a lovely lady who has had to cope with so much. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

You are such a caring Lady. Im so sorry you're in so much pain.

There's a lot of scumbags out there that doesn't seem to get anything.

But we get the brunt of it.

I keep asking myself Why.

But I just don't know Lynne.

I've Lots of stuff to say,but i can't do it just yet. You Take Care.❤

Love & Hugs Glo.xxxx

in reply toGjkas


Yes, I know what you mean. We just need the pain to go away or at least give us a break so that we can have at least 1 night's sleep,?! Bliss. Loads and loads of love and hugs Lynne xxxx

I'm sending you a pm

davianne profile image

Hi Gjkas,

I couldn't agree with you more......Lynne is a National Treasure......or at least on here😊. She is always there for everyone, whether in need or not. Many of us here have benefited from her friendship, so long may it continue.

I know what you mean about Robins, they are very special to me too. I have a very tame pair here, and they can always bring a smile to my face.....even with my constant pain.

Take Care,


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply todavianne

I Love Robin's. When I'm in so much pain and I see a Robin in the garden. I know that one of my Lost Loved Ones have come to call. I say to myself.

C,mon Glo you gotta move .

Mum's watching you...

Yes, Lynne is a special Friend to me. She's always there to listen. Not just to me but to anyone that needs a little bit of comfort and support..

Take Care 😊.Glo

davianne profile image
davianne in reply toGjkas

Hi Glo, did you see my post awhile back titled "Robins Winter Song"......says it all for me , and many others here it seems😊😊😊.

I always go outside on my Ma's and Da's birthday to wish them happy birthday, and the Robin is frequently there. I like to think he's taking my greetings to them.


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply todavianne

Don't worry. The Robin is taking your Birthday Greetings to your Mum and Dad. 😊😊😊

Even if you don't see him, he knows!.

He'll never let you down.

Oh, i didn't see your Post.

''The Robin's Winter Song🎶🎶🎶''

I bet it was beautiful🎶. Glo.xx

davianne profile image
davianne in reply toGjkas

Hi Glo, you can read it my clicking on my forum name to my profile, and my previous posts are there.


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply todavianne

Oh David. The Robin's Winter Song.

was so moving..It brought tears to my eyes. They really are such a special little bird.

Every morning my Hubby takes about half an hour getting all the Bird Food ready.

We get all kind of Birds down at the bottom of our garden.

Sometimes we even have Seagulls come to feed, but i don't like them coming so near the house. They are way too big and they frighten the little ones away.

You should see the mess they make.

My Hubby don't mind though,even though he has to clean all the mess up. Oh Bless Him.

Thanks David.

davianne profile image
davianne in reply toGjkas

Hi Glo, Glad you enjoyed it, We have wood pigeons, and they're messy too. I'm always pressure washing the patio.


in reply todavianne

Better the patio than your head. Supposedly it's a lucky thing to be $hat upon. Can't say I agree. The twice it happened I can't say I felt lucky. But, a lovely big robin visited me this a.m. Spring must be around the corner! That and Dad knows I am thinking about him. All the time. Speaking of death, I've read and heard that hearing is the last thing to go. It is very important to me that no one tells me I am dead for at least 20 minutes. I'd be too panicked. Being hard of hearing would come in handy then. Must remind family again...not that they'll listen. I don't think I will invite them. No downers allowed.

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Your sooooo right, better on the patio. A wee story......back in the late 60's, my friend and I took our girlfriends to Bridport for the weekend in a guest house run by a winking Landlady😉😉😉. After checking in, we went to the beach and all laid down on our towels, with me in the middle. A bloody seagull dive bombed ME, missing everyone else.....I didn't feel very lucky one would come near me.....I stunk of rancid fish. I washed off in the sea... fully dressed.


in reply todavianne

lol. But, that girlfriend likely didn't become your wife! It Was lucky, Stinky!

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

You are right.....she was already spoken for.....I was the interloper.😊😊😊

That'll teach me🤣🤣🤣

in reply todavianne

They always used to dive bomb my Dad too 😂🤣

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply todavianne


Who will love a little robin?

Who's traveled far and cries for rest?

"Not I, " said the oak tree

"I won't share my branches

With no robin’s nest

And my blanket of leaves

Won't warm her cold breast"


Apologies to Mr. Simon....

davianne profile image
davianne in reply toThreeSmiles

Miles, just posted ( then deleted), to ask the song title, then realised that it was a sparrow....still beautiful though😊

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply todavianne

Yes I did cheat 😀 hence my apologies to Paul.... hehe as if I call him by his first name ....

in reply toThreeSmiles

A little Art istic License or big Garfunkel🤥

in reply todavianne

Aww, thank you David

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Nothing less than you deserve Lynne 😊😊😊

in reply todavianne

Thank you, David

sunnysmile profile image

Hello Gjkas, what a lovely message and thought from Lynne - yes this is a very special forum - non of which I have experienced before. They have enlightened me so much and, in turn, I have enlightened my Doctor who always looks at me in a blank way when I question certain things and may say words like 'possibly' or 'could be' or 'not really sure'. Lovely members with a wealth of information, glad you joined.

Best to you


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply tosunnysmile

Oh thanks Gwen. Yes this is a great Forum. I know what you mean about the Blank look on the Doctors faces. A couple of Doctors have told me that I shouldn't be looking on the internet.

But when I've told them about a certain tablet and they've disagreed with me. I'll say ( Well check it out on the screen in front of you ).Then they go ,Oh .ahem .

Yes that's right. I see.

We know more than half of what these Doctors do. Because we are the ones who are ill not them. .😰😨😭😢

All the people on this Forum are so very special. Everyone tries to buck each other up🎶. I've been down in the Pits sometimes.,but there's always someone that will lift you up .

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇺🇸🇬🇸🇧🇮🇦🇽 People from all over the World will join in and help.

Thanks for your welcome Gwen..


sunnysmile profile image
sunnysmile in reply toGjkas

Great u have joined.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply tosunnysmile

Awww, Thankyou so much.

That is so nice of you. 😊🌹 Glo.

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