Well it was my 51st Birthday yesterday. I actually had a good day family made a little effort. My Son & Daughter-in-law who you all know by now have been very hard on me by not understanding how Ill I have become actually sent me a video of my little Brightstar singing Happy Birthday to me before school and my new baby granddaughter gurgling. Has you can imagine I had so many tears of joy better than any present. My Daughter in law is picking me up today to do something to be honest I am dreading it. I hope she is not going to make climb Mount Everest lol. My other sons sent the most beautiful cards with lovely messages, even if my hubby reminded them the thought was there. I had a awful time last week. I had another urine infection yet again with blood. Still waiting to see urologist been 2 years saying yes I have a stone then no. But every ultrasound I have shows something below kidney. Went to see hepatolgist last week. Back to 6 monthly check ups now even though QEHB said to be seen more. Maybe I got it wrong but I know my liver is decompensated. And I have actually lost 2 stone by coming of my mitrazapine my antidepressant. But my moods are up and down thank goodness for my husband who constantly annoys me and makes me laugh. How are all my lovely friends on here? Hope your doing and being the best you can be. If it was not speaking and reading stories in here I would of cracked up. The support has been tremendous and learnt more on here the last year about my liver than I have with the NHS here so thank you all so so much hugs Anna xx
Birthday yesterday : Well it was my 51st... - British Liver Trust
Birthday yesterday

Morning Brightstar
Firstly 'Happy Belated Birthday ' wishes for yesterday !'🎂💐🎉🎊🎁🎈
I must say I loved reading your message as it proves you have a wonderful family around you who all love you dearly especially your hubby which is lovely.
I'm sorry to read you have another water infection which I know can make you feel quiet unwell at times , so today please try and take care whilst your out being treated to another birthday surprise which will be full of fun and laughter I hope. ENJOY .
Me ! I'm resting today as I did a stupid thing yesterday with my GD who I was baby sitting from 3.15pm until 5.30!
As you can guess some 6 year olds have loads of energy after school and last night just happened to be one of those days.
I found myself lying on the floor, legs elevated with my GD perched as a flying trapeze artist on the base of my feet🥰😅. This stupid act and other performance's went on for around 2 hours just as her mum arrived home to find me giving my GD piggy back rides around the lounge! So you can now guess this lunatic 67 year old knee's are suffering a little this morning ! Will I ever blummin learn to act my age ...🤣 I guess not .....
Anyway I wish you a wonderful day and hpefully you have blue skies like I have right now .
Take care
Love Trish who's now got to rest her knees and back ready for her dive in 11 days time .

Never act your age. It’s the short cut to actually being old and thinking you can’t do anything anymore whereas your good for many years to come.
Never stop living - Peter xx
Thank you Peter ! A man after my own heart!
How's it going at your end?
Love Trish
PS Back's much better after half an hour of Yoga ….. knee's don't feel to bad but will have to rest a little except for one clients doggie walk at 12pm then some business stuff to type up which is not that bad as I have a beautiful view from my office window of squirrels playing across a beautiful lawn with a 1726 grade 1 listed old hospital on the far side!
Take care Peter and write whenever you like... feel free to PM too ! x

Thank you Trish GD can wear you out but we do anything to make them happy. They don’t understand that grandma’s suffer with pain later. Hope your knees are better now. Until the next time. Lol
Sun has shined her all day here as well gives me a little more energy not much but does brighten my day. Stroll on the lighter and warmer days. Anna xx
Thank you Anna for your kind message! My knees are much better too!
Nighty nite
Love Trish xxx
Wishing you a happy birthday Anna....from us all at the Trust

Thank you Trust1
Anna HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!! It sounds as though a very tough time with your family has changed. I can understand your concerns about going out with your d-in-law but give her a chance!! I can only imagine your joy with the vid of your grandbabies.
Have a lovely day and welcome to the 50 something club!! 🤗💐🍰
Happy fifty first spring chicken Roll on sixty eh 😜

Thank You hopefully my aim is to reach this grand age.
Happy Birthday Anna 🎂💐🎉🎁🎈, for yesterday.
If you want to replace your 2 lost stones, I can send you some.....my gardens full of 'em🤣🤣🤣, been out there digging today😥
Have a great time young-un.
Happy birthday for yesterday and I hope you had a lovely time today. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Thank you Lynne xxx
You are welcome. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes. I had a lovely time down our local farm shop, and had breakfast and had lovely presents of my granddaughters. All went well with Daughter-in-law my son also came which made it easier. Enjoyed feeding my new baby granddaughter. The last two Days have absolutely worn me out, so had a couple of hours of sleep this afternoon. That’s what happens these days but I bet you all get those days. But once again thank you from the bottom of my heart. Anna xx
I'm so pleased you had a good birthday and also feeding your granddaughter, that must have been wonderful for you. I know you've been tired today but I bet it was worth it. All my love Lynne xxxx
Wishing you lots of birthday good vibes Anna, from someone who is only a day older than you!
Sounds like you have done good things generally, so enjoy those and there is time to catch up on napping. We all do it.
Happy birthday for yesterday Brightstar, I agree it's the little things that mean such a lot...I don't see my grandson as much as I would like ...this illness and its ups and downs certainly are the biggest life changers...
We get on with it despite the seesaw lol. Take care xx
Happy belated birthday Brightstar! I hope you had a great adventure, not an exhausting outing. Best wishes for a wonderful year!