Well getting ready to travel to QE Bir... - British Liver Trust

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Well getting ready to travel to QE Birmingham

Brightstar15 profile image
17 Replies

Tomorrow we travel up to Birmingham! Can’t believe how quick it’s come around.

And the last two days I have had so much backache and lower stomach pain.

Seeing the consultant Wednesday. The last few days I have had so much heartache within my family, my Daughter in law has stopped my husband for seeing our grandchildren because she has not bothered to bring the grandchildren too see me. My son has totally gone against us. But he told us Christmas that he only stays with her because he can’t see anyone else bring his children up. So much stress that’s all I have done is cry and cry. I even completed not going to Birmingham and let someone more deserving than me to have the appointment. Because at this present time I just feel so low. Sorry for the rant. Do not think my son’s realise how poorly I am. I have sent them information from liver trust website and totally laugh at me. Then they say to me you be ok you be on your feet soon and it’s easy to fix liver cirrhosis. My Daughter in law is a nurse and she can’t emphasis with me. Hope your all ok I think about you all ever single day and the struggles you go through. Much love and regards Anna xx

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Brightstar15 profile image
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17 Replies


I'm so sorry your son's and daughter in law are being like this. It's not right that you don't get to see your grandchildren because you aren't well enough to go round to her house. This makes my blood boil. The one thing that would help you both is seeing your grandchildren.

Please keep this appointment, you are just as important as anyone else, you need this appointment. Please let me know how you get on. Pm me anytime, I will leave my phone on so that if you are awake during the night you can message me, I will be awake!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Brightstar15 profile image
Brightstar15 in reply to

Thank you so so much Lynne I feel like you are all like a family to me. I feel so alone my husband is great. But he needs a break sometimes I don’t see any other female from one day to the next. Having four sons and my friends just don’t want to around me because I can no longer get around much. Your message has given me hope in humanity! Thank you from my heart 💜xx

in reply to Brightstar15

You are very welcome. Those friends weren't proper friends, we are all your friends on here. Love and hugs xxxx

in reply to

Warts and all. 🙄

in reply to


in reply to

All of my best friends are drinkers. Problematic. But I am learning that there is quite a comraderie here. Despite how we or they got here, we're learning from one another and so hoping that some of our experiences might help others. No doubt in my mind that it does. It has me. Thanks a mega bunch.

...Now go to sleep Lynne with an E! We all want that!

in reply to


I did manage a bit of sleep 👍

How are you this morning? Love and hugs Lynne with an E😄 xxxx

ThreeSmiles profile image

Sorry to hear of all of your heartaches Anna, you definitely don’t need that at any time but particularly not now 😕👎.

Hope it goes well on Wednesday - well as well as it can do.

And please stop this talk of “someone more deserving”...you certainly wouldn’t be seeing a a Consultant at QEHB if YOU weren’t deserving of it - and that’s a fact!

Good luck.


in reply to ThreeSmiles

Well said Miles!!!

Dogbot profile image


I’m so sorry that you have family and they are not supporting you I think you sound a bit like me I had a specialist nurse that used to follow the consultant around and explain to me in normal language what he said 🤣.

She was the one that said you can look for the bottom of the vodka bottle or live and see your grandchildren, that really helped me get it in my head and give up the booze from that day in hospital, now 16+ years ago and love every minute with them. So keep the appointment live long and enjoy those times you get with them a hole hart felt of good luck to you 😃💕


Brightstar15 profile image
Brightstar15 in reply to Dogbot

Thank you so much for your reply! I am so happy for you that you had a very good outcome💜 but it’s not because I was drinking my liver became like this, still not sure of the cause. Never drank much when I was young had my first child at 19. Have not had a drop since. My son’s have been my life! My husband of 25 years has been a fantastic dad he took on 3 children who were not his when I met him. My children dad left when my sons were 2 and a 6 week old baby. There biological father has never been in contact since he left, but has 2 other children by someone else. Who he reminds with. Since last summer when my health was getting worse, I was having my granddaughter every day for them to work then daughter-in-law fell pregnant again. Had another granddaughter they have not visited me called my husband a narcissist and he brought my son up, done everything for him sat with him when he went down the wrong path in life. My son was on a life support for taking some illegal drug, my husband and I never left his side. But that was our purpose in life to love our children. Now he has found a wife who does not like us now because we can’t do for them like we used to. So has now said there is nothing wrong with me and does not bring my granddaughters down to see us. Taking in mind should her all my letters results and she is a nurse. Going to QEHB today with a heavy heart crying righting this. Not even a good luck text of my son. My other son lives at home was going to work this morning not even a good luck of him and said see you later was supposed have today off to look after our 18 year old Bichon, but forgot the date even though we told him a million times to book today of. I just give up. Anyway you take care 💕 Anna xx

davianne profile image

Hi Anna,

I'm so sorry for all your family issues, but they are sometimes the worst. My daughter on being told I had F4 end stage cirrhosis, just said OMG!!! so your going to die, when? I told her she wouldn't be getting her inheritance any time soon, and she then laughed. To be frank, I find the only people who understand what we go through, are here, on our forum. My wife was a matron before retirement,so has seen it all before, and is sometimes "matter of fact" about my cirrhosis. This is a great supportive community.

Please don't say "someone more deserving", that person is you, so go to your appointment, and the very best of luck with it. 🙏🙏🙏

Please let us know how you get on.


Good afternoon Anna,

Sorry to hear of your situation.

I am so glad that you feel you can come to the forum for support from this lovely bunch.

You can also call the nurse led helpline on 0800 652 7330 Mon-Fri 10am - 3pm should you wish to chat.

Best wishes,


Huggy7614 profile image

Hi Anna,

Last February was my first visit to a consultant at Birmingham. As we were driving there my partner and I were both saying they’re won’t think I’m ready for transplant, but it will be good to get a feel on where I am’. Within 3 mins of being in the room the consultant said that he would be putting me on to the assessment process!! You could have knocked us down with a feather!!

Went to assessment process in March and April, and met some other candidates there. One said to his wife in don’t look that bad do I??’ Pointing at me!! Subsequently transplanted in May, and now I realise yes I was that bad!!

If you’re going to qehb it’s because people think you’re a suitable candidate for treatment there!! Those people generally know what they’re talking about!!

You sound like you have a huge amount going on in your life. But, NOW is the time to look after yourself. It would be fantastic to think that all members of your family can give you the support that you need. But, if they can’t/won’t, then you need to look after yourself. You can deal with their woes (if you want to....) when you’re better.

Wishing you the very best of luck and keep us updated of how it all goes. Andy.

Brightstar15 profile image

Thank you all so much for warm heart full kindness you have showed me today and last night. Arrived at Birmingham checked into travel lodge. Having an early night has the appointment is early in morning. That’s why we travelled today live in South Wales. Update you all tomorrow got all my fingers and toes crossed. And all my aches and pains Haha trying to make light of it all. Hope your all have been doing ok today and if not my thoughts are with every single one of my friends I have made on here. Bless you all 💜💜 I got this👌 Anna xxx

alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Anna,

Just wanted to wish you all the very best for tomorrow.

Try to relax (difficult I know!) but you will be looked after and everyone there will have your best interests at heart.

Will be thinking about you.


Morning Brightstar

Hope your hospital trip went ok yesterday?

Love Trish x

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