Just called doctor cut it short I had to force him to tell me as he cant be arsed yes you have got cirrhosis he then asked I screamed yes what r u doing to me elation deflation Im not made please I feel I'm losing my mind I'm so mentally ill physically pain I can't take this no more I got
I need please someone to make sence - British Liver Trust
I need please someone to make sence

hi Faithful stay strong and determined. focus on finding a good liver doctor. believe me I had to go through 3 different gastroentologists until finally I couldn't even be sedated for endoscopes or colonoscopies anymore and finally blew up with anger and then I finally got on the liver docter referral list. ive now learnt to demand what you feel you need as we know what our bodies are feeling more than anyone.its a long frustrating overwhelming journey through hoops and loops of every kind and all we can do is stay strong and focused and try to stay ahead of it best we can
Hi faithful
I know you are having a rough time getting people to listen to you. The main thing you need to do is stay strong, keep off the juice, eat sensibly and try to remember you are special and we care about you.
Yes, we all care about you . Please stay strong, I know it's very hard. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

Thanks I'm not well my daughter ill diabetics type2 she is killing herself slowly I can't get help she won't take insulin
Don't no how much more I can take four years radical hysterectomy total hip replacement left to long 16hours in recovery 2bags blood liver was to bad to be done private which I was sent to turned down as I had to have icu unit and complete care package would not touch me bloods to bad .
I'm so sorry your daughter is not good. Could you get the Dr to come out to her. Take care xx

Not a hope in hell in this anti help GP a/e sending patients away as even ambulances told no patients short staff ref ref ref to be back to GP nightmare.im going crazy as its true and I'm laughing as the only emergency is dentist terrified of dentist I've pulled me own tooth out before.
Thought I'd make u laugh with this bit plucked up courage teeth bad he is lovely and bit him really hard by mistake
Then I said its these glasses I'm having to wear I'm feeling weird like I'm at a rave he said stop talking I have given you four injections and you will feel like u have no nose Sit outside 5min then he told me after 3rdvisit when I said I bet u dread it me again he said I was one of his best as I'm always laughing .i burst out crying as I looked at the end for now result and then I asked him give me a injection for this back pain as emergency is emergency with dentist people must have good teeth no waiting sorry I had another shock .
5kids7granchildren no peace. Love to you and all .thanks I no it's a novel
in shock of him calling back 3hours later
How are you feeling today? Xxxx
Same confusing story got cirrhosis and on movicol for bowels and am under no dr at all at hospital .for nothing I got so many things wrong but I on top of it all the dread of even touching that letter explaining yourself from govement think u no what I mean.
How you doingxxxx
gotta get help doing it
Omich the same, thank you. Hope you feel better soon xxxx
Sorry digit to say thanks
Keep brave
Try to do some breathing exercises as concentrating on them might ease the pain and stress levels. If the crisis team haven't taught you any ask them to when you are them.
Try square breathing you get a box or container. Put your finger on the corner of one side and slide it along as you slide to other corner you breath in then slide your finger down the next side and breath out. Do this all around the box sideas long as you feel anxiety. Hugs and much love ❤❤❤