Scarpenia very poor, Hb levels drop regularly to as low as 42 so transfusion every 8-10 days. Ascites draining between 5 litres and 8 of every 3 weeks. Perhiphial Odema from belly button to toes makes getting about very hard.l
End Stage Liver Disease: Scarpenia very... - British Liver Trust
End Stage Liver Disease

Way above my league. Love the karma, quote of the day. Best wishes.
You haven't really provided a lot of information there other than your issues with ascites / oedema. Are you under the care of one of the liver transplant units? Is there any likelihood of you being a potential candidate for transplant?
Mr-Micawber, thank you for bringing Lau Tzu with you. Maybe he'd enjoy a disclosure from a man who said he never learned anything at his fancy school from noble Latin mottoes carved in the oak panelling and depicted in gold paint. But he learned a lot from what a boy scrawled in biro on the lavvie wall - "Eat s**t! A million flies can't be wrong!"
I am sorry that I don't know anything about what is ailing you and I hope you will find relief from it soon.
Very best wishes to you, go gently!

Thanks Filistines thought it would show up. I'm end Stage Liver Disease (Cirrhosis) Currently suspended from waiting list whilst they sort my severe Scarpenia out, I'm being tube fed but it defeats the object as then sick. Hoping we can sort it on high calorie cold milkshakes that seem to work better for me, my early diet was avoid food now they say eat as much as you want! Anyone else not get on with Feed Tube & Scarpenia? Thanks K
Did you have naso-gastric tube feed? I had a PICC line in hospital two weeks after colon surgery when no other way worked. After that, what helped me was home-made by a friend and brought to me in hospital: chicken bone broth. I don't have cirrhosis but an autoimmune condition.
I realise it's very different from your situation but I remember how that clear soup, and I only had it one time, allowed my stomach to start to work again straight away and I started to progress back to much greater health.
Whatever happens, I keep you in my thoughts and hope that you can start to feel better.