About a week ago I visited family. When the plane landed I decided to have a few drinks at a local bar. I had about 5 drinks and woke up the next day with the right side of my abdomen aching. This remained for about 3-4 days with it sometimes moving towards my side or back. I usually have about 2-3 drinks a week, and a only really binge once in a few months so I don't consider myself a heavy drinker. Over the week I had a few drinks of beer and wine with my relatives. It started to get better over the next few days and it went away by about the 4th day. I was wondering should I still get it checked out it could it just be coincidence.
Pain on right side of stomach possibly... - British Liver Trust
Pain on right side of stomach possibly liver or alcohol related.

Hi Gixx.
I would definately get checked out. Then decide how badly you really want or need to drink. Different amounts of alcohol affect different people at different times and in different ways. You're basically throwing poison into your body every time you drink and sooner or later it will have a detrimental effect on your liver, life and health in general.
I really wouldnt leave these symtoms to chance. It's likely your body is starting to say " I'm not liking this"
Please listen to your body.
Take care of yourself
I agree with Laura. Please get checked out , this is your body talking to you. Please take care Lynne
I've had the same feeling for 9 months.. so far I've had an ultrasound (clear) blood test (normal) I'm being sent for a chest x-ray this week and I've had more bloods taken as I asked for further tests to be done. If the last 2 cone back with nothing I've absolutely no idea what it is. I have a feeling my liver by some miracle hasn't damaged so badly that it's showing obvious signs (apart from pain) so with that im thinking some lifestyle adjustments might just save my bacon. I'd ask for an ultrasound and bloods to start with and go from there. They'll prod your stomach a bit first but I think that method is rubbish!

Thanks for replying. May I ask, when you say you had it for 9 months do you mean you had pain consistently for 9 months or was it on and off again
Pretty much consistently but the pain differs, most of the time it feels like a stitch under my rib...other times it's just kind of there, bothersome but not very painful.
Also consider your kidneys. I've had kidney pain go to the side and front before. If you have stones alcohol will sure cause pain in that area. Don't worry to much (She says) I've been a human guinea pig for the past 2 weeks and they still can't find what's wrong.
sounds like plurecy to me google it, i get it quite often and had chest x rays and bloods to confirm it, but i am not a doctor so please get it checked.
I had a very similar pain/ location last month and went to the Er after 3 days because the pain was pretty intense at times but in very short bursts. I was afraid it was my liver (newly sober after a few years of pretty heavy drinking). According to the doc, CT scan said my liver was ok (fingers crossed he is right!) but pancreas was inflamed on one side. Said it was an attack of acute pancreatitis. Pain lasted about 5 days and I’m feeling ok now, but it certainly can’t hurt to have it checked out. Good luck!
Hi Gixx
Yes I agree with others, see your GP asap. It could be that a good healthy eating plan might rectify your pain with less or no alcohol! There are numerous things that can cause pain in your side like your gallbladder , kidneys and liver etc ! Try no to get to stressed to much as you GP will probably start with routine blood tests first!
Take care
Hi Gixx_6
Based on what you have posted, we would suggest that you consider seeing your GP for a medical assessment and examination. Keep us posted.
Best wishes