I’ve been dealing with pain under my right rib that radiates to my middle right side of my back. It has a been going on almost constant with a few good days in between. I’ve had 2 ultrasounds, 2 CT’s and even a liver/gallbladder function test. All show everything is normal except for some lesions on my liver. My GP pretty much is out of suggestions on what could be causing my pain. Has anyone else dealt with this? Suggestions? Next steps? It is this constant dull ache that is very painful.
right rib & right back pain- no diagno... - British Liver Trust
right rib & right back pain- no diagnosis or answers- what to do- is it my liver?

Please try and see a proffesional, unless you live in Cornwall. Good Luck
i have seen several doctors and had several tests. No answers
do you sleep on your right side? I do and have found it’s inter coastal pain
I have this too. Also unexplained. And very annoying and painful-could be the large spleen pushing things around?
Yes I have this. My hepatologist actually said people with liver issues do experience pain in their liver area. It can be inflammation or congestion of the vascular system. I have Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia by the way. It does not show on any scans whatsoever and is only diagnosed through biopsy.
hmmm… I’ll have to ask about the possibility of that. At this point I’m still seeing my GP. I’m doing my own research since she doesn’t know what it is. I don’t even know what doctor I. should be asking to see .