M&S ad: Sorry .. just seen latest Marks... - British Liver Trust

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M&S ad

Isabelle2 profile image
11 Replies

Sorry .. just seen latest Marks & Spencer ad. I know they can have ads for alcohol after 9pm but ‘it’s not just rosé, but M&S rosé’ just seems a bit to much!

I feel better now I’ve mouthed off.

Isabelle xx

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Isabelle2 profile image
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11 Replies

I'm glad you've mouthed off, I'm with you !!!


TT-2018 profile image

Same stuff, just costs more to pay the advertising. It should have a health warning.

If you have a drink issue and are trying to do something about it, then avoiding the products in the first place is always a good start. A few years ago, if you went into your local supermarket, you knew where the alcohol aisle was, so you could avoid it.

Now when l go to my local Tesco's it's there as soon as you walk through the door, cases upon cases of beer. Then as you walk down the first aisle, it's full of different beers and spirits, all on special offers. It's nolonger a case of trying to avoid the alcohol triggers in supermarkets. Children are now accustomed to seeing alcohol right from a very young age.

A lot of people won't know this, but back in the 1960's, pub windows used to be frosted up so you couldn't see in them. Children weren't allowed in a pub, and you could only drink a non alcoholic drink in a pub at the age of sixteen. Children weren't allowed in off licenses unless accompanied by and adult. Children were protected against alcohol.

Fast forward 50 years and no one gives a hoot. Pubs welcome children and 10-year olds can buy white cider from the corner shop. There's no police around to stop anyone. Supermarkets used to have a certain responsibility when it came to selling and advertising. Now it's all about profite, and how much of the stuff they can sell.

This is even worse in Scotland with the basic unit price of alcohol levi (soon to be introduced into Wales this summer). Here, the additional cost of alcohol isn't a tax, it's simply paid back to the vendor. Had this been made a tax, that additional money earned could have been set aside to pay for local alcohol support and detox centre's. What a wasted opportunity.

Sorry for stealing the thread, rant over.

Isabelle2 profile image
Isabelle2 in reply to

No problem. You always talk sense!

in reply to

I remember seeing on some daytime programme last year, ( you know how they have these little debates which go nowhere because they run out of time?) Some woman, probably highly educated but with zero common sense, regularly hosts numerous dinner parties, came under fire because she allows her 13 and 15 year old children to join the adults at the table, where she actually encouraged them to drink a glass of wine with them in the belief that she training them to drink responsibly as they enter adulthood.... which would be 5 years of regular wine drinking by childeren whose internal organs haven't even had chance to fully mature yet.

I fail to see any responsibility taken by this woman, all I could see was a probable addict, actively encouraging her kids to follow in her footsteps. Maybe it would work, but would you take a chance on wrecking your own child's health and future in this way ?

Dispicable !

Yes Richard I remember all those things too plus we had pub opening hours 10.30am - 2.30pm and 6pm till 10.30pm.... someone tried to make us believe the reason for bringing in all day opening would encourage more 'sensible drinking' what utter rubbish ...... well you know my views on it all !! 🤐

TT-2018 profile image
TT-2018 in reply to

They used to be community pubs where the landlord was not allowed to serve people who were visibly drunk. If you were over-refreshed, you were politely told that you would no longer be served.

in reply to TT-2018

Yes thats right. My Mum was a barmaid when my sis and i were kids, the hours fitted round school and she had to less than politely tell them to vacate the premises on many occasion !! No one messed with my Mum I can tell you !

Bulldog97 profile image

I think the subliminal drinking message on TV is getting much worse too. In all the soaps you very rarely (if not ever) see an episode where a bottle of wine is opened or bought in a pub for one person. Even in cookery shows e.g. James Martin is constantly drinking through the programme, back to the days of Keith Floyd.

in reply to Bulldog97

Yep, if the characters in the soaps were really drinking the amounts depicted, theyd all have cirrhosis, HE, and on the transplant list. Corrie has had the opportunity twice to show the real effects of alcohol abuse with Peter and Carla but barely scratched the surface. Carla was depicted as having a kidney transplant, where they could havd gone into far deeper detail, but preferred to show her afterwards back on the red wine!

Soaps have covered many issues which affect many people in todays society and gone into great detail in order to "raise awareness" ( the phrase of the 21st century) but never covered alcohol, the damage it does and the lives it wrecks, to the same degree.... but then, I guess they never will as its a platform to promote it and increase sales. Lives dont seem to matter, money does.

in reply to

Totally agree as usual Laura, pity they can't do a script that shows the true horrors and the impact it has on young children.

It would appear this only happens in real life. nacoaUK, as you know do some really remarkable stuff. I've used (with there permission) one of their videos on my website.

I have just watched, "Understanding Me" a powerful and moving video which was endorsed by NACOA. It certainly brings a lump in the throat: youtube.com/watch?time_cont...

Don't watch this if your easily upset. I shall of course remove if there are objections.

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