After x-ray, they said all good and I've had crutches, and braces etc. Since my GP put me on Statins, both legs and my knee have swollen beyond belief. I took myself off Statins and they went down but my knee is excruciating at times. I've had one steroid injection, which didn't seem to do much. Sometimes, something will click in my knee and it is like magic. No pain. Then, click, and away we go again.I want to insist on an MRI but don't want to get the 'Gods' annoyed. BTW, I also have PBC and COPD. Don't you love these acronyms
I had a bad fall on my right knee, ove... - British Liver Trust
I had a bad fall on my right knee, over a year ago. Had it x-rayed but they said it's fine.

Hi Ash. I had a problem years ago with my knee and know what you mean about that click sensation. I had actually chipped a small piece of bone off my knee cap and it had worked it's way down to where the thigh muscles anchor below the knee and there it worked it's mischief but felt like it was in my lower knee cap. I had some ultrasound treatment and was given some physio exercises to do and eventually the problem righted itself without surgery. The swelling you mention re statins, I had a similar problem once when my blood pressure tablets were increased, I could barely walk for the swollen ankles but it went away very quickly when I stopped taking the extra dose.. It can be difficult to pinpoint these problems when you are taking a few tablets for different reasons but if it suddenly happens when you are taking a new tablet then that one is chief suspect until proved otherwise. Hope you get to the bottom of your knee problem soon, Best wishes. Alf
Thank-you so much for your reply. It gives me hope. Did they find the bone chip with an MRI or was it visible on x-ray?
They could see it on an Xray. It was creating havoc with a tendon and that's what was causing the pain.
They said they could see nothing on X-ray, with mine and wouldn't give me an MRI. I figure it's out of sight behind the knee cap. I just went on a trip and ended up buying a knee brace and a cane. I was hobbling so much and in pain. On driving home last night, both my hands and feet were pins and needles. It lasted all night and I still have it. What now? Exhausted...
Keep on at your GP and insist that you know there is something wrong and tell him of your latest symptoms. Tell him what you suspect is the cause. They can't just leave it there because nothing showed up on Xray