Hi, I've just joined. The background is that I'm in my early 40s and for various reasons (none of which seem important any more) have been drinking 6 - 8 cans almost every night for about 12-15 years. I've got 2 kids and share equal custody (I should say I don't drink a lot around them - I'd never put them at risk). I knew I was drinking too much, but always felt in control. I stopped 2 weeks ago with no difficulties and don't plan to restart any time soon!
I've experienced digestive type problems over the years, and have had various tests carried out with no resolution. This time I feel really bloated (not visibly), have a general sicky feeling in the middle of my stomach, wind and mild abdominal pain in various places including guts, left upper and right upper. I also feel like I'm 'aware' of something where the liver should be. I had intensely itchy skin last year for a month or so which I put down to side effect of blood pressure medication.
I had various blood tests last week and the only one that came back negative was increased liver function. The doc is concerned it's liver damage and has ordered an ultrasound, but not sure how long this will take.
I'm separated, so live on my own, and to make it worse I've been shielding since April. I don't want to burden my family with my worries, but need to speak to someone as I'm terrified that I've really damaged my body. I've been crying for about 2 days solid. Can't stop thinking about the worst case scenario i.e. 2 kids who might grow up without a dad. I know that's not helping matters, but difficult not to when you're cooped up on your own.
Not sure what I really want to ask. Sorry for the long post. I just needed to tell someone.