Good news for once!: Hi Friends, So to... - British Liver Trust

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Good news for once!

canadaliz profile image
24 Replies

Hi Friends, So to recap I was diagnosed August 9, 2018 with stage 4 cirrhosis as a result of breast cancer treatment + NAFLD. Since that day I have followed the doctor's orders to the letter--literally to the point of OCD. Meticulous about no fat/1000mg salt etc. U have lost considerable weight, exercise daily (walk mostly).Now fast forward to today. Had a fibroscan and ultrasound and I am a stage 2/3!!!! Much of the fatty liver has resolved. Portal hypertension has reduced and spleen is normal size. When I was diagnosed I understood that there was no going back from stage 4. Apparently that isn't true and I am living proof. My gastro and hepatologist both want to know what I am doing as my improvement is 'unique.' I am so pleased and for sure motivated to keep up the good work!

Wishing you all dramatic improvement--it can and does happen!!!

Cheers, Canadaliz

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canadaliz profile image
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24 Replies
Supportinghubby profile image

Wow, that's amazing. You're obviously doing something right - keep up the good work! 👍

grace111 profile image

this is great news very well done on your achievement as you have brought this about by your good works. its a great ecncouragemnt to others. im very glad for you and you must be over the moon. love grace xoxoxo

alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Canadaliz. That's brilliant news. It just shows what commitment and healthy living can do. So very pleased for you. Well done! Alf

Shashwoo profile image

Amazing news!!! Well done to you xx

justdontgoogle profile image

That’s wonderful! Very positive to hear, thank you for sharing. Xx

Congratulations!!!! That’s awesome 👏👏👏. I am praying my fibrosis stage 2 can reverse. So happy for you 💕

NathalieR profile image

Hi. Thats wonderful news! When you say 1000mg salt do you mean that's how much salt you consume in a day?

canadaliz profile image
canadaliz in reply to NathalieR

Yes, so I count how much is in a slice of toast usually 160mg for the brand I generally go to. Then watch the balance of my diet I have outlined in a later post. It is a challenge but not impossible. In the summer when it is hot I up it to 1500 on the advice of my doctor.

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to canadaliz

So what is the reasoning behing increasing salt..i thought ot was actually corrosive to the body? Thanks for explaining

canadaliz profile image
canadaliz in reply to NathalieR

When you sweat you lose salt and you need it to some degree for normal body function. I ran into heart rhythm issues on the ultra low sodium pattern of diet. 1500 is better for me. Some doctors suggest 2000mg/day. I had ascites and it is controlled for now with Spironolactone but as I don't want a higher dose as it is hard on the kidneys I stick to my 1000mg/day. Cheers, Liz

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to canadaliz

Yes i was also thinking about the kidneys

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to canadaliz

Can ascites be seen on a ct scan?

canadaliz profile image
canadaliz in reply to NathalieR

Yes. And an ultrasound by virtue of displacement. You can also usually see it yourself from your profile. You know what is normal for you. If you have liver disease you should weigh yourself every day to monitor changes.

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to canadaliz

Ok i had a ct scan and evrything is normal. My weight is low...

Grank profile image

Congratulations. You must have worked very, very hard for that reversal. It’s difficult, but not impossible.

Was it chemotherapy that caused the liver damage? My wife is in a similar position with regards to liver damage after docetaxel chemotherapy for breast cancer. It’s extremely toxic to the liver, although very good at mopping up stray cancer cells. A healthy lifestyle really can’t hurt!

Best regards.

canadaliz profile image
canadaliz in reply to Grank

Yup, good old chemo. It was the Tamoxifen after chemo and rads that finished me off. But hey, no cancer! Most chemo is hepatotoxic it's just how bad you get hit that matters. Your wife and I are the 2.9% of women that end up with cirrhosis. Tamoxifen is one to stay away from if your wife already has some damage. If she is post-menopausal then Letrozole would be her liver friendly go to for ER+ PR+ Her2 neg BA.

Grank profile image
Grank in reply to canadaliz

Hi there. Grank’s wife here (he’s in surgery having a resection at QEHB as we speak). It’s the docetaxel did for my liver. I’m on letrozole. Just had a call from my hospital and recalled after my bone scan. Having an ultrasound next week then a CT scan. You couldn’t make it up. I think we become resilient after a while.

canadaliz profile image
canadaliz in reply to Grank

Christ the pair of you don't do anything by halves!!!!! I've had 2 recalls on bone scans that were nothing so don't panic. And even with mets you're still talking more than a decade of good life. My best girlfriend has bone mets now for 13 years and you would never know. She gets radiation to control them and she is well. Travels etc. A resection!!!! Kev (husband) and I will be thinking of you both and sending up prayers. You must be beside yourself but remember to take time for self care. It might just mean sitting and having a cup of tea quietly without the phone ringing. And be sure to schedule time for adequate rest and eat well. And when friends offer to help--accept it! It might be a lift or invite for dinner or perhaps picking you up a few bits at the shop. People like to help even if it is just a pint of milk and you will know you are treasured (and who your real friends are). Again, Kev and I wish you both the best. PM me anytime. We are on a similar journey and the waiting for results is Hell--we know; many tears and tantrums later, we know. Yours, Liz.

Tashadog profile image

I was told i had fibrosis stage 3 and nalfd ,i have lost 10% of body weight and now told to carry on and exercise and i could improve everything,so if you can do it so can i.i feel much more positive now i have read your story so thankyou and the help on this forum brilliant.

carefull1 profile image

Hi canadaliz. Could you please give more details about how you did. If possible breakdown of food you are eating please.

canadaliz profile image
canadaliz in reply to carefull1

HI, I responded and expected to see it here. Did it come through as a private message. If so could you copy and paste it as a public response so others can see it. Thanks. Liz

canadaliz profile image

Found it!!

Sure! Well, I'm 55, 5'11" and 185lbs. (was 260lbs when diagnosed with breast cancer Jan 2018. Lost lots of weight during treatment. Was 210 when diagnosed with cirrhosis August 2018. So a typical day for me is out of bed 7am. A vat of tea with skim milk (2 cups) breakfast is either steel cut oats I make in the slow cooker overnight with a blob of 0% fat plain Greek yoghurt and a drizzle of skim milk or a cup of 0% Greek yoghurt and a 1/2 cup high fibre cereal, 1/2 cup berries (black, raspberries, blueberries organic and frozen--it being Canada and winter fresh is too expensive), or a pair of whole grain toast with no-salt peanut butter. Then I walk the dog 30 mins.

Then 3 hours later a handful of raw veggies and hummus or roasted red pepper dip I make myself (no salt!!) and I have as much as I like. The roasted red pepper dip is just a jar of roasted red peppers drained and patted dry in the food processor with plain greek yogurt and a pinch of crushed pepper for zing. Check your sodium content of the peppers as jarred varieties vary greatly. I always have a container of raw veggies in the fridge so I can just grab a handful like peppers, celery, radishes, cherry toms, etc.

Then 3 hours later I generally eat a salad of some sort. I make a vat of a bean salad and cut up anything and everything in that. A tin of no salt beans is the base (chickpeas or kidney are my faves) no salt variety, then any raw veg I want and any protein (chicken, tofu, tuna) with an oil/vinegar dressing, sometimes add lemon/mustard. No store bought...sodium! I sprinkle fun stuff for the crunch factor like pumpkin seeds. I might have the bean salad on a bed of salad greens or just plain.

Then 3 hours later it might be toast and a poached egg (or boiled if I am out with bread if I am out) and an apple with 1/4 cup nuts (no salt--I love walnuts or almonds)

3 hours later (dinner) chicken or fish baked or broiled and all the steamed veg I want or stir fry veg.

3-4 hours later bedtime toast and peanut butter and a glass of milk and a kiwi or cup of berries or melon.

Throughout the day I drink tea, percolated coffee, maybe 8oz water (prefer tea :) )

My diet doesn't vary much from that. I am militant about no sweets, no red meat, very very little cheese. If I do have cheese it is pressed cottage cheese crumbled in a salad (no sodium) or a little grated on a salad.

I do have an oz of dark chocolate most nights after dinner.

Defo no alcohol.

I walk the dog after dinner for 30 mins and in the day we spend an hour at the dog park where I walk maybe 20 mins.

I stretch in the morning (sort of yoga) but I just stretch as with cirrhosis we have to be mindful of muscle wasting. Plus I take cancer meds that cause bone and muscle pain.

I make sure I get 75g protein / day and always go to bed on about 25-35 g carbs before bed. That really helps with the muscle wasting.

Every second day I have a protein shake. Unsweetened and no stevia. 22g protein and BCAA which are critical to cirrhosis patients. My gastro cautioned against whey protein. I use Garden of Life Raw Organic protein. That will also give me my vitamins and minerals. Malnutrition is a danger for cirrhosis patients. It was on the recommendation of my liver specialist at the transplant clinic.

Hope this helps. Happy Grazing, Liz

canadaliz profile image

I also have a Bio-K daily. It is a clinical strength probiotic and well documented in its effect in preventing HE. The plain is, acquired taste. I have the strawberry or vanilla fermented milk. My doctor recommends a Bio-K daily or alternate days with the other day being plain kefir. Due to the cost of the Bio-K I am now doing the alternate days option.

mncold profile image


Congratulations on the good news.


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