My wife was admitted to hospital as she had a lung infection, she also had a problem with bum muscles which made difficult to stand up.She was given antibiotics to clear her infection. After 1 week she was well once more. She started getting some physio in the ward & are trying to find a rehab bed off site. Last Friday she started to complain that she was constipated, she already on refaximin so starred to administer lactaloze. When I left on Friday she was in good spirits. When I arrived at the hospital on Saturday, unfortunately there was only a skeleton nursing staff of 3. At around 3pm I asked for a doctor to be called as she was I quite a lot of pain. When the junior doctor arrived she prescribed oral morphine after they gave the first shot it not touch the pain. They gave another after 4 hours. She just seemed to go from bad to worst & it seemed to be downhill from then on. I'm not sure whether the oral morphine had anything to do with it especially someone who had cerrhoses of the liver should they have given her this medication? I feel so alone at the moment I did not see this one coming.
I just lost my soulmate: My wife was... - British Liver Trust
I just lost my soulmate

I am so sorry for your loss..... I am afraid I don't really have any input in regards to the Morphine I just wanted to express my condolences and let you know you're not on your own. xx
Oh dear, I'm so so sorry for your sad news. As far as I know oramorph is widely used in hospital for pain relief, but I'm no expert.There is plenty of support on here when you need it.
Take care,
So very, very sorry to hear of your loss.
My hubby received both oramorph and indeed intravenous morphine whilst he was a patient at Edinburgh following his embolization operation and subsequent suffering of a splenic infarction so it certainly is a medication that can be prescribed to those even with cirrhosis.
Sadly, as we know your wife was very poorly to the point of being deemed too weak for transplant and sadly the infections she has had recently on top of everything else have probably been the last straw.
I know there is not brightness just now and it has come as such as shock but she is at rest with no more pain.
Thoughts with you and your family.
Katie x
Sincere condolences for the loss of your wife from us all at the Trust.
We would suggest you discuss any concerns regarding her medical care with her medical team at the hospital who are best placed to advise you.
Warm wishes

Thank you for your support. I have decided that instead of tributes I instructed via my funeral home to collect donations for the British Liver trust. I think it's most important for research.
That is incredibly kind of you to think of the Trust at this difficult time, thank you.
If you email my colleagues will be able to help you.
Warm wishes
My sincerest condolences my friend. I cant imagine the depth of your sorrow. 😥
In regards to your question about the morphine, I've copied this excerpt from a medical journal published onto the Nation Centre of Biotechnology Information website:
"The liver is the major site of biotransformation for most opioids. Thus, the disposition of these drugs may be affected in patients with liver insufficiency. The major metabolic pathway for most opioids is oxidation. The exceptions are morphine and buprenorphine, which primarily undergo glucuronidation, and remifentanil, which is cleared by ester hydrolysis. Oxidation of opioids is reduced in patients with hepatic cirrhosis, resulting in decreased drug clearance [for pethidine (meperidine), dextropropoxyphene, pentazocine, tramadol and alfentanil] and/or increased oral bioavailability caused by a reduced first-pass metabolism (for pethidine, dextropropoxyphene, pentazocine and dihydrocodeine). Although glucuronidation is thought to be less affected in liver cirrhosis, and clearance of morphine was found to be decreased and oral bioavailability increased. The consequence of reduced drug metabolism is the risk of accumulation in the body, especially with repeated administration. Lower doses or longer administration intervals should be used to remedy this risk. Special risks are known for pethidine, with the potential for the accumulation of norpethidine, a metabolite that can cause seizures, and for dextropropoxyphene, for which several cases of hepatotoxicity have been reported. On the other hand, the analgesic activity of codeine and tilidine depends on transformation into the active metabolites, morphine and nortilidine, respectively. If metabolism is decreased in patients with chronic liver disease, the analgesic action of these drugs may be compromised. Finally, the disposition of a few opioids, such as fentanyl, sufentanil and remifentanil, appears to be unaffected in liver disease."
I hope this helps. And again I'm so sorry for your loss my friend.😔

Thanks for your information, much appreciated.

English please (lol).
I am so sorry for your loss, Soly. 😢💔 I'm afraid I can't say much about the oral morphine, except that my mom received it in hospice, and for her, too, it didn't seem to do all that much for her pain.
Sorry for your loss mate, at least she wont suffer anymore.
I'm so sorry you have lost your lovely wife. My heart goes out to you x
Hello solybananas,
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I can't really add much to what the others have said except maybe to say that I too have cirrhosis, amongst other complaints, and I take both Oramorph and Zoomorph Sustained Release Capsules as part of my palliative care. The Oramorph I take to help with my breathing and the associated anxiety but mainly for abdominal and pancreatic pain and it works to an extent for that so, as Katie says, it is prescribed for patients with liver disease. I am very sorry that I can't be of more help. Take care
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope that you can find a little comfort in the fact that your wife and soulmate is now at peace. My heart goes out to you. Look after yourself. Alf
I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine your pain and shock. Do you have any family or friends to support you? Please let people help you, take care. Deb
So very sorry to hear your desperately sad news, we are both so sorry to hear that your beloved wife has lost her fight. My husband was first diagnosed with cirrhosis five years ago and he takes both Oramorph as and when and 15mg Morphine sulphate daily. I pray that you can stay strong throughout the dark days ahead but always remember the support and your friends here. Hugs and love, Anne x
I know and deeply feel your loss. my soul is without its other half. 11 months now and i'm learning to
my julie was on 200 tramadol , "its synthetic morphine" and sill today opioids are the safest form of pain relief, including cirrhosis
for a while you are still caring for your wife in making the arrangements for her last party as she would want
then there's the legal stuff to update
for me it's the silence of my flat that's hard handel
look after yourself and start to live your own life
I'm happy for you to message me !
So sad to hear , really sorry for your loss.
At least your partner is out of pain and at peace although understandably you you are still in a lot of pain.
She is watching over and looking after you even now.
We are so very sorry for your sad loss. To have been together so long is wonderful, but it is a painful situation for you now.
Please take care to eat properly, take fresh air and be kind to yourself. You have been through such a lot and must be mindful of your own recovery.
My heart goes out to you, so sorry you have lost this beautiful woman.
So very sorry to hear this my heart goes out to you. Jaycee

Thanks for your condolences.
So so sorry.
So very sorry for the loss of your wife . She only looks young as well. Had she had a transplant? . I am awaiting a liver assessment next week at jimmys. I didn't realise how many issues such as fatigue loss of appetite and sickly feeling along with the bruising and jaundice you get. This liver group has been a god send to me. Take care .
Sorry for your loss .this beautiful lady is not gone just waiting for you in another room . remember the happy times she is not in pain now or suffering .bless you and may you find the strength to carry on .🌹
My deepest condolences on your loss..One cannot seem to predict anything with this terrible disease.. I wish you strength and courage to throughout this unexpected grief..Matteo
Oh soly
So so sad to hear ☹️. Really feel for you. Hope you can eventually come to terms with your loss.
I too feel so sorry for your sad loss of your loving soul mate! In time your happy memories and times together will give you lots of comfort !!!! Take care my friend, but remember you will always have everyone on this forum to talk with
Love Trish xxxx

Thanks for your comments which much appreciated.
I'm so very sorry to hear you have lost soul mate. It must be a very difficult time for you. Please remember there will be huge love and support here for you anytime you may need it. My thoughts are with you. Take care.
Hi solybananas,
Deepest sympathy on the loss of your wife.
I don't know about morphine, the only thing I tend to keep in mind with my husband is that his liver doctor told us if he runs a fever to get him seen quickly, so I'm guessing [and will have to ask the doctor] that any infection is very hard on a damaged liver.
This year will be our 46 anniversary and I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. It is good that you have your garden.
Condolences to you and your families,

Thank you for your kind thoughts, we also had been together for 46 years. The only kind thing was she didn't suffer for very long.
So sorry for the very sad news. I was given morphine intravenously.
I look back on reflection that she seemed to losing her strength little by little. She was always tired, lying down on the settee with a blanket over her. Unfortunately she couldn't make the grade at her assessment because she wasn't strong enough. All I hope that she has found peace. I have a bit of a wait before her funeral, which takes place on April 5th.