cdt levels: how to lower cdt levels - British Liver Trust

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cdt levels

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3 Replies

how to lower cdt levels

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3 Replies

Stop drinking

AyrshireK profile image

Total abstinence.

The CDT (Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin) test is used to detect problematic alcohol use and obviously forms part of the DVLA assessment for high risk drink drive offenders.

What is carbohydrate deficient transferrin?

Transferrin is a glycoprotein found in the blood that transports iron. Amino acids bind the iron to the transferrin, once this amino acid process has completed, the transferrin undergoes further modification by the addition of carbohydrate side-chains.

It is normal for the transferrin in the blood to have 3-5 carbohydrate side-chains, however people who misuse alcohol have a higher proportion of transferrin in their blood which only have 0-2 carbohydrate side-chains. Hence the term carbohydrate deficient transferrin.

This is because alcohol affects the enzymes that regulate transferrin side-chains. Alcohol hinders the enzymes which add the carbohydrate side-chains while at the same time encourages the enzymes that remove the side-chains.

A person who consumes little to no alcohol will have less than 1.6% of their blood transferrin in the carbohydrate deficient form while people who misuse alcohol and drink to excess will typically have a higher proportion of their blood transferrin in the carbohydrate deficient form e.g. 3-10%.

The only way to lower CDT is to take no alcohol, if you have a problematic level of alcohol usage you will need medical supervision to ensure you 'detox' safely as sudden withdrawal of alcohol from problematic levels can in itself cause medical issues. Cold turkey is not advised for those with high levels of alcohol use.


Porphyriamaniac profile image
Porphyriamaniac in reply to AyrshireK

Learn something new everyday, that's my something 🙂 xxx

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