Hi all has anyone experienced high potassium levels, a condition they call hyperkamedia. I have cirrhosis and I was waiting for the results of my latest LFT. My consultant phoned and said that, while most of my results were stable, my potassium level was dangerously high at 6. They stopped my spironolactone and it went down to 4.9. I'm waiting for a retest tmrw. I spoke to my gp regarding a different issue on Friday and I asked him whether my potassium level could go up again and whether I would get any warning before getting ill - it can cause a fatal heart arythmia. He told me I probably wouldn't get any symptoms apart from fatigue and numbness which I get anyway and that's why they were keeping a close eye on it and then deciding how we move forward. So he left me with that little nugget to mull over the wkd. I really wish I hadn't asked. Sometimes ignorance is bliss
high potassium levels/hyperkamedia - British Liver Trust
high potassium levels/hyperkamedia

Spironolactone can cause excess retention of potassium, resulting in hyperkalemia. They'll need to keep an eye on your levels going forward. Obviously having cirrhosis can also affect your kidneys too which is another potential cause of high potassium.
Thanks K. Bit of a worrying time - again! Another one I'll have to file under "I didn't even know that was a thing. What next ffs?"
so are your saying this may be an indicator that my kidneys aren't functioning properly?
Medication especially when combined with certain fruits (definitely banana, I'm not sure which others) will raise the potassium level. I think as the level dropped when your meds were stopped, it is something they will monitor and may even suggest a low potassium diet.
I am surprised, I would never have thought watermelon, I think of those as 90% water. I also eat a few honeydew and watermelons each week. I thinkI will cut down... and do a little research.
I have high potassium levels and have been sent to a&e for an urgent ECG before now when it was 6,3.I am taking 500mg of sodium bicarbonate which is helping my last blood test showed 5.4. I am post transplant though so I don't now if that's an option with cirrhosis.
I was surprised what foods do affect your potassium levels I try to avoid certain foods now. But to be told to not eat mashed potatoes or chocolate was harsh.
Wow like you I didn’t know it was a thing, whenever I go into hospital I have low Potassium and they give me that horrible tablet to take and no matter how you dilute it it’s still horrible 🤮. Good luck I hope they get to the bottom of it and can sort it out 👍Stay Safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave