I had a reading of 6:7 on a cdt test last year. I am trying to get my license back but I can not find anyone who will do this. DVLA are totally unhelpful. Where do I go? I have lost my house, wife and now my job and I am about to be made bankrupt.
CDT blood test DVLA revoked license - British Liver Trust
CDT blood test DVLA revoked license

Do you mean your are trying to reapply for your license and need to get the test redone in order to prove you have reduced or ceased your alcohol consumption?
Is this following a drink drive ban?
For information about Drink Driving Bans and reapplication for license - drinkdriving.org/drink_driv...
You can get the CDT test done via online services such as:- medichecks.com/alcohol-test...
Hi Katie. Yes I reapplied for my license but DVLA said I need supporting information from my doctor. I have spoken with my doctors but they say they need a form from DVLA so they can proceed. DVLA have not mentioned this and I have pleaded with them to give me some guidance just today.
Oh also I had my license revoked. I have never been prosecuted for drink/drug driving
From .gov website gov.uk/reapply-licence-revoked
Disqualification for drink or drug driving
You can reapply for your licence before your disqualification period ends.
DVLA will send you a D27 renewal form:
56 days before your disqualification ends
90 days before your disqualification ends if you’re a high risk offender
Fill in the form and send it to DVLA with the fee. You’ll be told if you need to send a new passport-style photo in the D27 renewal form.
If you don’t get your renewal form in the post, order an application form or get one from the Post Office.
To renew your licence for:
a car or motorcycle use form D1
a lorry or bus use form D2
You can’t drive until your disqualification period is over.
Hi Gary
As several have said it depends why you no lonnger have a licence. I had to surrender my licence due to HE.
Having had a TP I found out I could reapply because HE should be a thing of the past. Go on the DVLA website and request the forms as per Katie’s message. Beware though they don’t initially send you all of the forms you need despite it being called a “pack”. Not knowing that cost me weeks! Ring them and tell them exactly what your situation is. I foud DVLA EXTREMELY helpful and friendly! A pleasant surprise these days.
Initially if you don’t have a licence for medical reasons filling in the forms is easy PROVIDED that you have been told by your doctor that you can drive again. BEWARE - if you couldn’t drive say because of say HE and the Hospital consultant says you are free of HE that is not enough! You have to get your GP to confirm your readiness to drive (verbally was OK for me because the DVLA follow up later) because they know of all your health issues. This is very important otherwise again, if you just go on Consultant say so DVLA won’t accept this.
Fill in you FORMS - you must have at least two - the D1 form and at least one other relevant form that the DVLA will tell you about. Send it off as soon as your GP has said you are fit to drive. The doctor at this point signs nothing. But you of course are liable if you proceed without GP say so!
The DVLA say to send your forms by trackable recorded delivery. They say once you have confirmation that they have received your form then you are allowed to drive under Section 88 of the Road Traffic Act.
That isn’t the end becessarily though. I have been driving since just before Christmas based on the confirmed receipt that DVLA. Had Then they sent me a letter saying I could drive under Section 88 but that they were going to send additional forms to my GP about certain other non Liver related Medical issues, diabetes with insulin being one - in my case - you may have others?. Omg I hope you don’t have to have insulin otherwise at any time you’re driving it cannot be more than two hours since you last checked your blood sugar level! This is obviously to check that you’re not going to have a hypo.
So I am still here awaiting my physical licence despite the doctors having returning the two completed forms relevant to me to the DVLA on 6 Feb.
DISCLAIMER- This is just my experience - I am not a doctor, lawyer or anything that would make me qualified to give you advice. The above is SOLELY based on my own experiences.
Good luck

Hi Miles
I have spent a probably 3 hours on the phone with DVLA My license was revoked due to a high CDT count. I have LGV entitlement as well although I have not driven LGVs for 2 years which I have told DVLA. I have have pleaded with DVLA to give me guidance as to where to go to get a private blood test done. My own doctor does not do private. I am totally lost.
Well that was a waste of time me writing all that then 😁

They aren’t recognised by DVLA because a doctor does not sign the results or send a accompanying letter with it.
Good place to start though!
If your NHS GP wont do it Google for a private GP in your area, they usually charge about £100 a time so that's 2 visits, cost of the letter/form filing, plus the cost of the test.
Well done if you beat a drink problem, many dont get a second chance.
I am so sorry you find yourself in this very difficult situation. I don't know if they can help in any way with regard to some of your issues but it might be worth speaking to your local citizens advice bureau.
Citizens advice as good as they are always seem to be more interested in solving your financial situation but I will consider them. Thank you
How long should a man stop drinking before a cdt test ?
Usually, consumption of 50–60 g of alcohol per day chronically (for at least 2 or 3 weeks) increases CDT.
The half-life of CDT is usually 14–17 days; values return to normal 3 or 4 weeks after abstinence.