Christmas drinking : An interesting... - British Liver Trust

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Christmas drinking

19 Replies

An interesting piece

19 Replies
LAJ123 profile image

Thanks for that.

I'll be sharing it on Facebook.


When i was 14... 42 years ago now😱 I had a weekend job clearing tables and washing glasses in a pub. My plan was to save up and go to Canada for a holiday when I reached 18. Being in a pub in those days was a smokey environment, drink drive laws were non existent so people would drive in, stagger out and drive home. I remember being slurred at, breathed on with stinking breath and really couldn't understand why anyone would want to get into that state. To this day I dont drink, there are many illnesses you can get by trying to keep yourself healthy so why pour something into your body which is highly likely to cause you serious disease and premature death?

I went to Canada as planned, had the most amazing time.

I had danced from the age of 3, been in many shows, became a fitness instructor at 19 for 4 years, had more wonderful holidays. Got married, had kids and on the whole, life was great and happy. I would go to the pub with hubby and I would drink fruit juices or tea in the winter, something he told me wasnt appropriate in a pub, I said if they serve it and i want it then it is.

I will never understand how the best times of some peoples lives are when theyve gone out, got stoned out of their heads, thrown it all up, fallen into the gutter and woken up the next day with the hangover from hell and no memory of what happened the night before? Can anyone explain why that is fun?

Will3 profile image
Will3 in reply to

I believe that if alcohol had just been invented it would (and should) be classified as a class A drug on a par with heroin and crack cocaine.

in reply to Will3

Just crack? Regular cocaine ok then? 😉 As much as I firmly believe in the damaging effects of alcohol and other drugs, I don't think anything should be banned. Controlled and regulated, absolutely. Humans have always looked at ways of altering their consciousness and always will. Banning doesn't help anybody, only pushes trade underground just like the failed war on drugs has done. Prohibition era in America anyone? After all only a small percentage of users end up being addicted. Opioids are arguably different as in they can't be consumed recreationally, hence the relative ease for someone to be addicted to heroin.

I know this will not be a popular opinion on here but I really believe in tackling the causes of substance abuse rather than having a nanny state demonising and punishing the user.

Will3 profile image
Will3 in reply to

I agree entirely with this, I was a heavy drug user myself and would much rather it was controlled, as you point out the war on drugs has failed. I was pointing out if alcohol was a brand new drug just invented today it would be a class A drug, walk down any high street on any night and see how people are behaving on it. Alcohol is a good drug - alcohol is a taxed drug, the other are bad drugs - untaxed drugs.

in reply to

Good day Laura just a quick answer from a former heavy drinker it's not the passing out or being sick or the hangover that's fun but it's the way alcohol helped with my social time I've always been somewhat anxious especially in social settings so alcohol help put me more at ease. Not a good reason just an answer to your question. You say you have been a dancer and instructor so I'm sure your quit naturally at ease in a social setting which is great I'm sober now but really do notice a struggle going out I enjoy myself but it's much different.

Take care


in reply to

Hi. So initially it gave you a confidence boost. Isnt it a shame it took over your life. But Im really pleased you managed to get sober and descover that there are better ways of having a good time.

Good on you x

in reply to

It never really took over my life I have a good job and great family I just drank too much never affected my work or family

Take care


in reply to


This is mostly rhetorical, I relate to what you are saying and did need a couple of ‘liveners’ to get things going. Work, always held down well paid jobs but the question in my mind, could I have achieved more?

Relationships, let’s just say my Tibetan Terrier is always pleased to see me.

But, sober I have discovered self belief, not some higher power. I stopped drinking and got through over three and a half years of severe illness. I enjoy myself, another great day today. I saw and thanked the people who looked after me, it was lovely to see the smile on their face.

Life is good.


in reply to

There's no doubt I'm a better husband and dad sober now 15 months on. I quit one day because I knew it was not good for me or my family. My point is not everyone was a fall down getting sick in the gutter type drinker. I drank vodka and beer lots of it and would be lying if I said it was easy now not drinking but it is worth it and am grateful to have found a site like this. Congrats on the better health and enjoy your holidays

Take care


in reply to

Thanks Boone, I agree with your point. Why does problem drinking equate to the scenario you set?

Have a great break yourself, everyday I get up and thank my donor, another day on planet earth.

Take care,


in reply to

I think cigarettes, alcohol etc should be illegal. It would help many people who are law abiding. There will always be the moonshiners and criminal underground. Having these substances so readily available isn’t a good thing. I know many will debate this. I just know many who would stop smoking and drinking if it were illegal and not easily gotten.

in reply to

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. For myself, as the saying goes, I’ll tolerate everything except incest and Morris dancing.

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to

Hi snoutie,

I laughed when I saw the Morris dancing, they do that at our local Renaissance Fair.

Thank you for the smile.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Radnor profile image

I just went off drink after contracting EBV. I wretched at even the smell of red wine.15 years ago it was difficult to find non alcoholic drinks in pubs. Those that were available were vastly over priced. Fortunately now many places have had to become eateries to survive. Great coffee and choice of teas. I simply said I have gone off it. Sometimes I will say I dont need a drink to make me daft, my Mum was a psychic naming me Hazel lol. My last partner said I was his dream woman, designated driver so he could get ratted . One of my friends drank more than was good for her however realised how much more expensive our regular lunch meets was costing her, and on holidays abroad. Coffee !.5 Euros, Pina Colada 7.5 euros! she first of all went to low alcohol wine, It was on summer promotion, so when the supermarket didn't stock it after summer she has virtually stopped drinking. At Christmas pubs should be promoting free no alcohol drinks for designated drivers. I would legalise drugs . No more dealers, so more crime of addicts having to steal or go on the game to support their habit. Drugs on prescription would be pure and addicts would have easier access then to agencies to help them.Te reason so many famous peoplle did not die from drug use, especially heroin is due to the purity. Street drugs are often laced with so many othher things, cement and gravy browning to name just 2. I am full of admiration for everyone who gets dry. in a lot of cases it takes great courage, because they will see and feel life for real. Those who do beat this disease should be proud. Kids are users and drinkers because its a teen revolt. Lots of parents are allowing their teens to have supervised one drink. This seems to work as the mystery is removed. Some parents just want their teens from under their feet , they will supply a lot of ale and leave them to it. Dropping them off in the local park.These parents should be hit hard by the law. Some kids are self medicating, because Mental Health services are at an all time low.

in reply to Radnor

Get up, sort out meds and make a coffee. Switch on the news and there we are, drunk buses. Party goers or seasonal revellers, never people endangering themselves. Then shot goes to the facilities, clean, tidy and good to go. Why don’t they come back at midnight?

Radnor profile image
Radnor in reply to

Some one said lets open the pubs for as long as you like? Ban smoking so those of us who smoke decided not worth going to Pubs. Supermarkets open 24 hours too. Lots of pubs closed because without customers they could no longer afford live bands or compete with supermarket prices We decided on a trip to the highlands, no driving , coach was easy to access. Waiting at 8.30am at a town centre bus stop. My first thought was what if I need the loo? Pretty chilly December .My ex partner instantly solved this for me, The pub at the bus stop was open. ! I spent a penny he spent £4.00, ' well I am on holiday'. Its only those who are brave enough and strong enough to stop who stand a chance. He was safe as he didnt touch spirits or wine! I am still battling my smoking addiction, but I do want to conquer it. He didnt want to stop drinking full stop.

mncold profile image

Hi to All,

Wish there was a way to post this to all, but if there is I haven't found it.

I have been the sober one in our marriage.

This is part of my perspective.

We had friends that cut back on their drinking, but kept handing my husband a new drink or filled up his glass and didn't bother to try to help him, or others they knew, to cut back or cut it out - as you can tell there remains some bitterness.

I also don't know why so many have a problem with non-drinkers and have no problem voicing their opinions.

My big irritation has always been and still is - rarely does a place that is mostly for drinking offer anything other than soda or water to those who don't or choose not to drink. I am talking about the US as we live here. This has been true both before and after the drinking and driving laws got more strict.

I don't have a problem with people drinking, smoking, or doing other legal activities, even if I don't or even if I don't approve of them. I'm more of a "let them go to hell in their own handbasket" type of person as long as they go on their own.

Ah well,

Merry Christmas - I have to go wrap some more.


manxonia profile image

I had a blood test in January as the teal had lowered my dose of anti rejection med,surely that would of showed if something was wrong,I hav'nt heard from them about results.

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