Brain and drinking: Hello everyone, hope... - British Liver Trust

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Brain and drinking

jules45 profile image
12 Replies

Hello everyone, hope your all ok. Just something that's been bugging me. Whilst in hospital before Xmas I Had a ct scan of my head due to a fall I'd had. The results stated significant bi lateral front atrophy. When I asked what it meant it is shrinkage of the brain and was told it could have been years of drining. I felt quite worried as i googled it anď earlly dementia was mentioned. Am I right to be worried as the doctor's aren't even though I get bells palsy and impulsive thoughts as this part of the brain regulates all sorts, thanks for readinģ this


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jules45 profile image
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12 Replies
Millie09 profile image

Hi Jules, sorry to hear of your fall . Have you been referred to see anyone regarding the ct results?

A friend of a friend used to be a heavy drinker and gave up 11yrs ago. She is 62 now. She has no cirrhosis at all ; or never had ascites etc.. yet she could stay awake just as i do untill 5 am , yes i do nod off and that can be at any time of the day as i dont even know about it untill i wake up after 30 mins.

Well she started getting confused at times; short tempered etc.. they found out she had early vascular dementia. Shes on medication and doing ok apart from short term memory. I would not even look any symptoms etc .. not untill confirmation.. try not to worry .. im in a lot of liver pain today 😕. No idea why . Take care xx

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to Millie09

Hi Millie, thanks for reply. I looked mine up and found out how much this shrinkage affects daily living and personality. Gave up 4 years ago after being heavy drinker. Your liver sounds a bit grumpy and you might need to see your doctor. I used to get cramp in my liver lasting minutes where i was in agony and couldn't move. I was potassium deficient I found out. is the whole liver affected or just part with your pain, any other symptoms xx julie

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to jules45

I should have made it clear I haven't had a drink for 4 years

charleeeeeeeeeeeee profile image
charleeeeeeeeeeeee in reply to jules45

Can anyone tell me about this potassium deficiency - I have one and my GP can't figure it out. My gastroenterology specialist says it has nothing to do with my liver...

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to jules45

Hi Julie; thanks for your reply.

So you seem to know all about what they told you then regard to your ct scan .

I may have a fair idea as to what's causing the pain . Since diagnosed with bone sclerosis in my left hip and two prolapsed discs middle to lower back i am.not mobile enough so my healthy eating has gone out the window. Where i live now is no longer suitable for me. Occupational therapist came to asess my home and there's way too many steps outside and inside. Plus no lighting after dark around the back area where anyone can walk through. So i have a viewing for a ground floor flat on Tuesday that can be adapted. They are starting me with physio but i know it wont work .i jave had this a while now .Since june last year and its has only been picked up after all my pushing to get scans done. Its my diet. When at liver unit in nov last yr i was told i now have fatty liver on top of cirrhosis. So difficult to even cook from fresh. So fingers crossed i like the property. Its a good hour from my family but a nice area. X

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to Millie09

Hi,thanks for much thankful advice. I had a scan in that long tunnelmthat picked up a faulty disc and the back problem. I've had the physios here and OT but I'm lucky live in a bungalow. I use crutches for walking round tesco and a stick for going from the car to a shop. I've lost loads of weight since leaving hospital, omg of fluid and 6kg of weight you sound like you need ground floor so good luck with that xx.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to jules45

Thanks Jules , well im glad to hear im not the only one with bone trouble. I have a walking stick and perching stool but nothing else due to hopefully moving.

Awww bless you 🤗. I really hope you pick up soon xx as if we dont have to fight with one thing its always another. Take care will let you know what happens Tuesday xx

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to jules45

Hi, I've got a perching stool and a bath board from OT , so they organised that before they would let me home. i also have osteoporosis which cant be helped. Having a nerve conduction test in Feb as I get bells palsy, tilt to the left and have ca numb hand so it's all still going on nice liver failure in's nice that you might get a flat, fingers crossed xxx

kitkatkaz profile image

Hi Jules, sending you big hugs. try not to worry too much, people without a liver problem have these things also, sorry to hear you fell and what a bad time to be in Hosp over Xmas. I am sure if you push for answers they will come, does the GP have access to your records and the CT scan? We are all scared of dementia and encephalogy, but if we do get it we're not going to know anyway, so not worth worrying yourself!

Things are no better with me, in fact probably slowly sliding downwards, my GP is my main wonder, but fed up with fighting everyone for sick benefit, which I have never claimed before, and pip, and the unfair dismissal tribunal ongoing and nasty.

Best wishes to you


jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to kitkatkaz

Hi kits, lovely to hear from you again and big hugs back. The reason I think this seems unimportant is because my liver failed again and they discovered degenerative spine disease so the brain issue is just one of those things but how do I know if its brain atrophy or HE.

Sorry about the time your having. I struggled terribly with pip and it caused me a near breakdown. I compared myself with my next door neighbour who lied on his form and got pip and I had 4 consultànts and ģot 2 points. Cab and mental health advocate got it after appeal. You fight until you.want to give up. You'll get there in the end. Be a fighter xxx

Jans1953 profile image

Sorry to hear you're not well at the moment Jules. They can tell from the scan whether its HE or Atrophy. I had to have a brain MRI scan and my consultant says I just have normal age-related changes. Alcohol can cause brain atrophy I know but I think can be caused by age too. Keep positive xx

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to Jans1953

Hi, thanks for such a positive reply. It's the worry that's ďont know sometimes what I'm doing. I have parcels that arrive and I don't remember ordering them, by the way my grammar is awful on this tablet. I guess no one will know the answer. I did have a lot of side head injuries in my early twenties and thirties can't have done my head much good.

Thanks for positive reply,Julie x

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