Last Tuesday, I had a wonderful day out at my old stomping ground of Wrexham.
Some of you may know that the British Liver Trust's, "Love Your Liver" roadshow shall be visiting the town on the 20th November. I went over there to promote the event, and to raise awareness. 12-years ago, having been thrown out of America, I found myself homeless and on the streets or Wrexham. This was a really hard time for me, but I was determined not to be beaten. After three months I had won through, I managed to get myself a flat, and landed a job.
When I went back last Tuesday, all dressed up, suited and booted. I was able to talk to some of the homeless people on the streets and offer encouragement, if I could do it so could they. I also spoke of liver disease, both alcohol-related and the dangers of contaminated blood through needles, and street tattoos.
As an ice breaker, I used to introduce myself, Hi my names Richard and 12-years ago, I was living on the streets here in Wrexham, and go on to explain about my need for a liver Transplant two years ago. I'd then explain that I never go anywhere without my spare liver. I'd then reach into my bag and pullout my squeezy liver. Much to a lot of amusement and questions, "Is that what a liver looks like?" or "It's never that size is it?". I would then talk about "Love Your Liver" and of the mobile fibroscan I'd say that all these questions and more will be answered on the 20th November.
It all made for a great day for me, and looking back over those twelve years, what a road I've been down. Here's hoping that the 20th November is a great success.