Fibroscan Results: My fibroscan result... - British Liver Trust

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Fibroscan Results

8 Replies

My fibroscan result has gone from Median 27 kpa 3 years ago, to today at 48 kpa.

No one knows the cause of my liver problems, but we think it was congestion from my heart problems. (heart problems have long gone) I have been on diuretics for 5 years and i managed to stop all tablets 3 weeks ago by doing a very strict diet.

I am hoping now i am off the tablets, i may get some improvements, but the doctor said that my cirrhosis is progressive and that's it.

Has anyone else experienced any fibroscan improvements? and over what time frame? I am hoping off the meds, i may see an improvement in 3-6 months.

My LFT's are good, no ascites, no other problems to report, so i am doing ok. Just some stomach acid issues, but i am trying to sort that.

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8 Replies
moonbeam4 profile image

AHhhhhhh !. wrote you a long reply on an unfamiliar phone with tiny letters and my fat fingers have deleated it!. So, as i was saying my first fibro scan came back at 75 plus, off the scale due to Hep C. I stopped the assault on my liver as much as possible , as you are doing via diet ( exercise is important also ) and in my case i got the hep treated and gave up alcohol. One year later and my fibro score was 49 kpa, and i fully expect it to reduce further though i know that it will never be normal, and i will always have cirhosis. I have found it tobe a very long, slow old journey but hang in there and i am sure your fibro score will improve. I,m posting now quick as i,ve just had another close call with this wretched phone😂

in reply to moonbeam4

Thanks for your reply, i will check again in 6 months, there is some hope then

Dogschance profile image

When I was diagnosed I was told that livers can regenerate to some extent if you remove the source of the damage. In my case booze and long term use of anti inflammatory meds. I think my liver did recover a bit, but sadly not enough so am now exploring if I’m eligible for a transplant - though I am not sure I want or can cope with that. Be interest to know what diet you’re following.

in reply to Dogschance

Mostly paleo diet, but very low sodium, i didnt want carbs incase it caused water retention, so i dropped sugar, carbs and sodium. Basically most my meals are now fish and vegetable. Next week I will go onto raw vegetables which will be savage, but i am looking for a miracle.

JimmyJackson profile image

Your problems seem to be a mirror image of mine.

I have never done anything eg alcohol / overweight/ always been above average fit, to cause my cirrhosis. Yet 4 years ago after a successful bowel cancer op, I was told I was a sufferer.

I was told it was contained, which I took to mean not progressive.

At that time I had a fibroscan which was 22, last Sep another showed 44. My endoscopy 4 years ago / 2months ago where ok.

My consultant heptologist & GP seems at a loss as to what caused/ causing my cirrhosis, now suggest a biopsy, which I am not keen on.

The only possible (?) culprits are the small amount of anti depressant drug.

I took 10 mg of amiltryptaline for many years, more recently 15 mg mirtazapine, both of which I am told by the experts, shouldnt cause the problem.

Like yours something of a mystery.

in reply to JimmyJackson

My doctor just says that my liver has improved over the years and my LFT's are fine, so ignore the fibroscan, but I said I am concerned something is still bothering it, but i suspect its all the medicine (he said its not), so i have stopped all the meds i was taking, which isnt easy! I will reply here in 3 months to see if my results have improved after not being on the meds, i am determined to fix it. lol

JimmyJackson profile image

Many thanks, much appreciate your input, but what are LFTs ?

Very interested that your Dr ( or was it a consultant) told you to ignore the fibroscan result, initially that is the impression I got from my consultant, but after discussion with other consultants, he changed to my having a bi- opsy, then confused me again by mentioning that he didn’t expect it to expose the cause of my cirrhosis!!

Like you, I am trying to come off or at least reduce some of my medications , but it isn’t easy.

Hope your improvement continues

Jenny13 profile image

Hi Jimmy

LFT's are liver function tests. They include a number of different tests, such as bilirubin and albumin. It's like all of the tests they run to get your MELD score. Not sure if they are exactly the same, but it's the same concept.


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