I am both but wasn’t referred for the NALFD until recently after a year on thyroxine although my bloods were showing high ALT when I was first diagnosed as hypothyroid (with antibodies attacking thyroid). I’ve heard there may be a connection but no one medically trained has ever explained it to me or what impact each has on the other. I’m not sure if when one of the illnesses improves both illnesses improve. Or if they’re not connected at all! Thanks for any advice
Are you hypothyroid as well as having ... - British Liver Trust
Are you hypothyroid as well as having fatty liver disease. Does one affect the other?

I was diagnosed with nafld 2 years ago and then Nash November 2016, then about January 2017 I was diagnosed with under active thyroid. I've read that they are connected , it's something I need to ask my Dr. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Hi Lynne. Thanks for replying. That’s interesting you became hypothyroid after nalfd. Mine was about the same time but I forgot to mention mine is the slightly more unusual autoimmune type when antibodies attacked my thyroid also (hashimotos I think). Sorry to hear you have progressed to NASH. Hugs back x
I had graves disease (overactive thyroid or hyperthyroid) in 1992. Strangely both my parents also were hyperthyroid in their late 30's, I was 32 when I developed it. My sister was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid aged 40. It is an autoimmune disease and apparently if you have one autoimmune disease you're more likely to develop another. I am also type 2 diabetic as is my mother and they're now thinking type 2 diabetes is also autoimmune. I had my thyroid surgically removed but a few years later it regrew..who knew😄. I then was given radio iodine which killed off all my thyroid gland and I'm now hypothyroid and very badly controlled. My gastroenterologist and gp are both thinking my cirrhosis may be autoimmune as I am virtually tea total. I also have fibromyalgia which causes a lot of pain and fatigue. Take care. Deb
Hi thanks for your reply. Yes I have the autoimmune type of hypothyroid when antibodies attack it. There is also autoimmune hepatitis but I don’t think I’ve got that as it’s quite rare. I think dr has to do a biopsy to diagnose it. I also have ibs, hiatus hernia, eczema, asthma and allergies (last 3 are autoimmune ..). Take care too
You certainly hit the jackpot with all your medical conditions 😂 I also have a hiatus hernia and gastritis. I had really bad ibs when I was younger but the one consolation of getting older is that it's much less of a problem now. My 3 grown up children also have severe ibs
I just feel guilty that it's something I've passed along to them.