I agreed with Pateo that as patients we need to be proactive in researching other venues to help us with our ailments. I have had unforgiving experiences with doctors. Once I went to an ER with severe pain on my abdominal area that wouldn't lessen with any posture. The ER doctor readily assumed that it was consequence of an STD and send me home with antibiotics. Knowing my husband I doubted it and thanks God that I had an appointment scheduled for the next day. My husband had been with me and decided to wait for my appointment. It happened that a cyst that I had on one of my ovaries had burst and necrosis had setup on the additional areas. I was operated immediately with success thanks to the fact that I didn't blindly attend to this doctor's advice. Another experience was that I had developed frequent urination of up to 12 times a day. I went and consulted with an Urologist ( who know more about males' system than females) fearing bladder cancer? He didn't found anything like it but failed to look for the cause and it was up to me to seek the answer and find that I developed diabetes type II and there are other experiences that if it wasn't for me to search for answers, I would be in another situation health wise.
The use of milk thistle as an alternat... - British Liver Trust
The use of milk thistle as an alternative medicine to heal the liver when I've been diagnosed with fatty liver and mild cirrhosis.

Sorry you have little faith in the medical world.
I can understand that you want to manage your illness in your own way, but there are dangers involved in seeking alternatives to mainstream medicine.
The prescriptions that we are given by our doctors have to meet standards of safety and effectiveness that many 'alternative' remedies don't have to aspire to.
The British Liver Trust have stated on their website:
"Milk-thistle (also known as Silybum marianum) is an over-the-counter supplement, which some people believe can be beneficial to people with liver disease. Some laboratory studies have shown the herbs active components (silymarin) have a positive effect on liver cells38. However, milk-thistle is not licensed as a medicine and so studies into its effectiveness in the body have been limited, with conflicting results. There is not currently enough evidence to prove or disprove any beneficial effects on the liver. Milk-thistle may lower blood sugar levels and people with diabetes or hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) should use caution40,41. If you are thinking of using milk-thistle, it is a good idea to discuss this with your doctor."
With this in mind, I would be very cautious about treating your own illness and seek advice from your own GP who may know more about you and your situation than anybody in the emergency department of a hospital.
Take care and let us know how you get on.
I have Nash liver disease and was told by Professor O'Grady at Kings never to take milk thistle .He said they have people on their books that have liver damage because of this herb.
That's strange because when I had cirrhosis, one of the consultants at King's said milk thistle is safe. There's no evidence it's going to help but it won't harm you either. These were her words.
I have been taking Milk Thistle but I found it very harsh indeed after a few weeks. Dropped to half dose and then half of that but still scouring me out.
I will try it again once I have finished my Hepatitis treatment But I’ll not recommend it till I see if it still has the same effect

As werzal above says, consultants don't recommend the use of milk thistle at all as in some cases it can actually prove damaging to the liver. It can certainly alter LFT results leading to issues with conventional medical care, diagnosis etc.
Further to all of the above.
Because of the lack of regulation of the alternative health market, how do you even know it is milk thistle you are taking ? It could be anything and there are a lot of fakes out there. They even manage to produce pretty real looking prescription medications for sale on the internet.
ive been living with hep c for about 20 years i dont drink at all now and ive been on milk thistle for about four years and my consultant agrees that it has helped to keep my blood results low i only take one a day but it it definitely helping x