Can I no my results that day - British Liver Trust

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Can I no my results that day

Faithfull profile image
34 Replies

Fibro scan 22nd so hospital can get out of there shit with neglect then discharge me then says for once and for all the diagnosis .

So waiting I'm frightened I'm holding on living in fear of leaving me as they did me hip never be walking right .

So who tells me results as I'm gonna go off my nut if they say in post or refer you to whaterver,

I no what I done to me but no one knows why no one but me and I'm sorry I'm just can't explain this yes no yes no and I end up in nut house emitioaly unstable no one deserve this as I need to sort things out as do what it takes to slow it as yr ago diagnosed early cirrhosis different hospital but I gave them reports please have I right to no that day I been ill sorry long post

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Faithfull profile image
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34 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

It's absolutely no wonder you have felt all over the place of late, the way you have been treated with all the different yes, no, yes, no answers would drive even the most sane of people absolutely nuts. Put that on top of your pre-existing physical and mental health issues I can totally understand your craving for a definite answer. It is my understanding that with a fibroscan you are given the result there and then as there is no interpretation involved - ask for the kPa score at the end of your scan - take a note pad and write down the score. Having the score should allow you to know for sure if you have or haven't got cirrhosis.

Let us know how you get on, big hugs from Katie - I so wish you had someone by your side to fight your corner as I do with my hubby.

Lots of love coming your way. xx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to AyrshireK

The last diagnosis yr ago said sonogram liver shows fatty infiltration and nodule in keeping with cirrhosis

At bottom it says Findings

Hepatic Stenosis

Early cirrhosis

There's more blood blood ect I was in another country they wanted me to have a bowel colposcopy but having radical hysterectomy b4 stop drinking then hip replaced and 16hours in recovery the hospital has negected all cell path reports ect neuroligist who then put micronodular cirrhosis as he read the full reports on all the letters and then to be discharged.

And letter was more of a threat one more test I never asked for it they covering own arses sorry true but I'm in hell waiting still hoping I'm miricle I'm so I'll with all me other things to much as well face to face pip can't do it can't to ill got to a suicidle state filling it I complex PTSD that's all to much more the man illness I lose the money at min I'm lost

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to AyrshireK

Your an angle tell that hubby he very lucky !im sure he knows .thanks

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Faithfull

Hi Faithfull, having just read that you are in Havering, Essex further down in the thread. Have you been in touch with the various agencies in your area who offer advocacy services to help you deal with NHS, DWP etc. I just did a web search and there seem to be a number of agencies local to you who offer just such assistance. I totally understand that it might be difficult for your to reach out to even more strangers to involve them in your situation but with your list of complex needs I would really urge you to try and get someone on side as support with all this stuff which is going on.

If you hit that link it should bring you up a page of agencies in your area.

I really feel for you not having someone to help you through all this sh*te (and it is really is sh*te) the way you've been treated.

Big Hugs again, Katie xxx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to AyrshireK

Can u adopt me .x

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to AyrshireK

She would not say give me nothing as I called beforehand and they had been told I'm going be told 2weeks by GP and I no only two weeks but yr ago diagnosed then miricle I do think worste I no me own body they never asked once about my bleeding I bleed bad still I never new it was bad on me liver so yes I'm educating meself but drained

Millie09 profile image

Hi faithful, you will be ok , i was and always am on my own at appts. I live alone so this is my only place to find support. I was told my fibroscan read but not my kPA . All.i know is that it was 27 and in the red zone! I does not hurt at all . Big (( hugs)) Linda xx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

I so happy when u on here as its like we connect and I am in that state as I'm so I'll sent the dread life story to gov and I'm to ill to leave house let alone face to face on wed miles away I'm going to have to get on it Monday .therse no hope in hell I could go

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Faithfull

Big big cuddle thanks for being there for me

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Faithfull

Ill always be here if you need. Just private message me whenever you need 🤗

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Faithfull

Yes I go on me own it's horrible having test results alone any thing alone is hard enough

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Faithfull

Bless you, im only happy any way i can 😊. Times are tough these days even.for.people issues. Fingers crossed ok for you !!! Thanks faithful and back at ya xxx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

Thanks one day I be able to put me name up but not just yet I'm scared as talking in pain and tell u truth I'm just worrying times running out as got so many illness and belive me me and daughter both ill watching her going down hill me life a mess and I want to do what I can now not when oh it's little time.anyway my lovely sound like an old girl I am 35 the other way round. So lonely the asda man just got me at door hair like bam bam it's snowing he said I lost me voice I said that's what me daughters hoping I will good as gold the drivers they think this is mad house.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Faithfull

Aww bless! I hope everything works out for both of you very very soon hun , i really do . Oh don't worry about what you look like !! My asda delivery man came too today. I was in my unicorn pyjamas with a unicorn head haha . Try not to over think things if you can .i know it is hard for you but try keep positive. You have a wicked sense of humour lol , you make me laugh so thank you xxx im 65 but other way round 😂😂xxx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

This is normal takes hours to get water upstairs as I live in bedroom asda left half stuff on van and the performance trying say no I want the stuff not money I can't get out and wouldn't mind got me cheap bleach no lucazade got that craving bad so after hour on hold I said a lot !! Give me refund. £5 for trouble it's them things after shit all yr I think plse

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Faithfull

Oh no ! Why are you living in the bedroom and how did asda leave half your delivery on.the van !! Oh i bet you were fuming!! I know i would. Can't you get them to re deliver the items? You cant go out in this weather any way and same here for me. I wished i lived near to you so i could take care of you both xxx

O13B profile image
O13B in reply to Faithfull

Hi ring Pip and tell them you need a home visit, if they ask how you get to go lie and say he/she comes to you! They lie all the time so it doesn’t count if you tell a tiny one. Good luck! Is it the liver team doing the fibre scan? If so just write down all your questions (drs actually like that) and I’m sure they’ll try to answer everything! Good luck I know it’s very worrying but I believe it’s always best to know. Where are you having your scan? Take care and best wishes

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to O13B

In Queen's Romford look at reviews omg !!!

I'm to emionaly unstable and can't leave bed as of endless co morbidities so I can't go to PHYICALLY mentally unstable

The thing is it's true and ADHD c PTSD gotta go barking not where I'm put in a unsafe area do me but it's impossible thanks for listening and reply

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

I just read your reply did make me laugh as it was sort thing I'd say but still clue less even the numbers colours shapes ADHD makes it more confusing

Porphyriamaniac profile image

Good luck faithfull, I hope you get some peace of mind from it either way. Xxx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Porphyriamaniac


I really hope you get some answers and also to put your mind at rest. I wish there was someone to support you, I feel so lucky having support. It's about time the medical people listened to you. Sending lots of hugs and love your way xxxx

Hi Faithful, where do you live if you don't mind me asking,? You deserve some good news. Take care. Lots if love Lynne xxxx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to

Havering Romford Essex the worste area for help I'm trying get move will the scan be the actual answer ?

The scan should tell you what's going on but the will have to see consultant as to what to do next xxxx

Roy1955 profile image

The person doing the test will be able to tell you your result score, the lower it is the better.

If it's single figure it's probably good

Your Dr will look at it alongside other test results and give a diagnosis.

Mine was 23 and has reduced to 15 six months after giving up drinking but that still indicates cirrhosis.

Queens is my local as well, I refuse to go there! I would not trust them to treat my dog!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Roy1955

Hi Roy ; well done on stopping the drink! i have cirrhosis 10 yrs this June; had my first fibroscan in Feb last year, it was 27 !! 😑 stage f4 fibrosis and nov last yr i was told i had fatty liver on top of the cirrhosis.

My question is i stooped drinking a long time ago yet my fibro is so high !! Did you do anything else that helped to bring it down ?

Roy1955 profile image
Roy1955 in reply to Millie09

Fatty liver is the stage before cirrhosis not after (I am no expert so check) I was told I had that 10 years ago but continued drinking.

I had the "it won't happen to me" attitude, but it did!

My fibroscan count came down within 6 to 8 months of quitting, GGT bloods went from 300+ down to 90 and other bloods returned to normal range.

I don't know how accurate fibroscan is because when they did the first it was 23, at the 2nd the initial result was 10.6 and the Dr said it's not possible to be that low so they repeated the test and got a result of 15! I am going to pay for a private scan to check it.

How long ago did you stop drinking (totaly stop), There's other things that cause cirrhosis so I hope they have ruled them out for you.

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Roy1955

I give up 3yrs ago not touched it but I have in depth done more damage on other things but clean 3yrs

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

How comes u had to wait 10yrs how u doing.

Wish I could understand does it tell u how bad it is as in diagnosis and how if anything I can do to live longer I keep thinking they left me seeing wrong liver dr b4 hip and its worste .

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Roy1955

The one that is in Romford I have a phobia of going there as its shit

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Faithfull

Just see me own reply and its true

mncold profile image


Thinking of you and wishing you a better result with treatment after the 22nd.


Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to mncold

Love your heart Thankyou so much .

Hope u are going alright but it's hard day to day .

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